Max and his slaves

'What a cruel bitch!' Max thought to himself.

The old man clearly was unable to keep up, but the bitch kept pulling him forward as if her life depended on it. And the guy could even barely hold on to the leash! Of course, being an obedient slave he didn't allow himself to show any signs of discontent or express any remarks, but Max, sitting on a tree branch above, could clearly smell how sweaty and exhausted he was.

The poor guy followed the bitch and after she was done, picked her shit up while giving praises for the job well done. Meanwhile she looked around happily, probably searching for someone who witnessed her incredible feat and would praise her as well.

'Sigh … no empathy whatsoever! Stupid lower class citizens ...' Max snorted to himself.

Indeed, lower class citizens were not only primitive in their behavior, but incredibly stupid as well. Some might say that one was the reason for the other, but why would that matter? Stupid is stupid and primitive is primitive!

How could any self-respecting person pull their slaves out every day just to pee or take a shit on a lawn? Or even worse – on a walkway? And the males were even more disgusting! For whatever reason they thought it was necessary to pee on bushes, corners of buildings and even trees! Which normal person would do that? Every time he wanted to climb a tree, Max had to hold breath until he got high up to not smell the disgusting stench the lower class citizens left behind!

He, of course, was nothing like that. Back when he was little, his slaves arranged a nice box filled with sand in a special room where he could answer the nature's call whenever he wanted. Unfortunately it was in the same room the slaves were relieving themselves, but he was not petty and was willing to forgive few minor liberties. They did clean it regularly and change the sand in Max's box, well, usually Annie did, and the main thing – they never allowed themselves to go in Max's box, but used the inconvenient white chair with the hole in the middle.

"Butch! Butch!" A female slave's shout woke Max up from daydreaming.

An ugly, gray lower class citizen ran towards the bitch while his slave ran behind him calling for the master in distress. The master, of course, didn't give a f*ck about her and went to sniff the bitch from head to toe. He didn't even care she was twice his size … probably some kind of a pervert. Well … clearly some kind of a pervert since he was sniffing her intimate parts over and over again.

Fortunately his slave ran over and began to apologize to the bitch's slave, interrupting the disgusting behavior. She grabbed the leash to not get separated again and began to complain that 'Butch did this and Butch did that …'.

'What a stupid name!' Max thought.

It was possible though that the guy had a normal name and the stupid slave was not capable of remembering or pronouncing it. Ye, that was probably the case.

His dumb slaves also could not remember his full name ... 'Maximilian'. Such heroic and elegant name! On the other hand, even the short version, 'Max', was incomparably superior to something stupid like 'Butch'. Actually he had long observed that the lower class citizens tend to have stupid names, but that was only proper.

He had to admit though, albeit unwillingly, while most of them were simply loud and annoying, some were incredibly fast and strong. Of course, every single one was stupid and clumsy … especially stupid. All he had to do was climb a tree or a building and grin at them from above while the idiots were helplessly barking below. Stupid lower class citizens …

The Butch guy also noticed him and barked few times along with the bitch, whatever her name was, but after their slaves begged a bit, they parted and went different ways. Strangely enough they seemed the be happy although Max couldn't get how someone could behave so embarrassingly and still not want to die of shame ...

He watched passersby for a while, but soon got bored and jumped over to the roof of the nearby building and then down on the green lawn on the other side. There were things Max wanted to do and had no time to fool around.

Truth to be said, he was not sure what exactly he needed to do, but there was something or someone calling him and he only knew the direction. Be as it may, he was certain he will recognize it the moment he saw what it was.

After quenching thirst from a bucket that was left behind in the yard, probably, by a badly trained slave, he proceeded to the yard next doors by jumping over the fence and then the next one, and then the next.

He remained vigilant since these properties might belong to some retarded lower class citizen, but, of course, one couldn't tell that from his determined step. No matter where he went an onlooker would think Max owned the place and that's almost how it was. Almost, because, firstly, he would if he wanted to and, secondly, he didn't care much for worldly possessions. He knew he was born for much bigger things, but there was no need to rush destiny … as one of his slaves, the old dude, liked to say – 'haste makes waste'.

Usually Max didn't like to travel, in fact, on his own he had come this far only once. He didn't count the time when his slaves took him to the place of the endless field of water they called 'the ocean' since back then Annie's father was operating the magic box and the whole slave family went together with him. Annie, worried he would be scared or uncomfortable, held him on her lap the whole way, but, truth to be said, he didn't remember much since he dozed off right after they departed.

Of course, it would've been proper if he stayed awake to take care of his slaves in case anything unexpected happened, for example, a barking lower class citizen peed on the magic box, but he kind of didn't think of it at the time. Not that he couldn't, obviously.

'Sigh … there it is!' Max noticed another barking moron and nimbly jumped over the fence leaving the stupid guy on the other side.

The idiot probably didn't even notice there was a fence between them and kept madly barking, but Max didn't expect much from a lower class citizen to start with, thus ignored him. What drew his attention was a moving water street not far away – it was several times wider in comparison to a regular street and from what he could tell, slaves were not operating magic boxes on it.

This was a problem. Max knew that he had to get to the other side of the water street, but he was not very keen about swimming. In fact, besides drinking it, he wasn't really found of water at all, especially the one that occasionally fell from the sky. It made him wet and cold, and he probably didn't look as handsome as well.

'Oh? Maybe I should tell the guy to bring me to the other side?' Max though noticing a lone slave sitting at the side of the water street with a long, straight branch in his hands.

He was not surprised to see the man there – slaves often did the stupidest shit and Max had long lost hope to ever meet a really intelligent one. Take this guy as an example – instead of doing something useful, like offering help to him, he casually sat in the grass and stared at the water. He didn't even try catch flies that passed by or entertain himself in any other way! What a waste of time …

Fortunately when the dude noticed Max, he smiled and politely greeted him. And then asked to wait. At least that was what Max understood, although the slave dialect was difficult and he was too busy to learn it. He was probably also too smart to speak such stupid language, but it was fine if slaves did.

After saying some words, the slave fell silent and focused on the water street again and Max sat besides him. He was busy, but since the slave was about to bring him to the other side he could spare a moment and wait a bit.

The slave was also not in a rush. Max couldn't get why would someone stare at the water for so long and soon dozed off, but suddenly the guy woke him up by loudly laughing and catching a fish that flew out the moving water street right in his hand.

'So that's why!' Max realized slave's intentions.

He was sitting here the whole day and waiting for the flying fish to jump out from the water street! What a well trained slave! And a polite one! The guy knew his place and immediately offered the fish to him, but even though it was fun to watch the fish jump up and down in the grass for a bit, it was raw, you know?

Max's slaves were much more advanced and got his fish and the other food from the magic box in the room called 'the kitchen' where Annie's mom made it even tastier in a process she called 'cooking'. And this poor guy probably had never heard of it!

Sighing in regret, Max nodded towards the polite slave and departed. Remaining in the presence of such person would only make him sad. He was a good person, but sadly … so primitive and stupid. And because of that it would be simply too much to ask to bring him to the other side of the moving water street.

Luckily Max already found a solution. This time it was not thanks to his intellect, but the exceptional eyesight. Not that far in the distance he noticed a regular street crossing the moving water street and magic boxes going from one side to another. Someone had thought of a convenient way to let slaves do their daily tasks on both sides without getting wet! Unfortunately this time the simple solution was found before him and he could not get the deserved credit, but it was also fine. Max knew his day would come and others also deserved their moments in the sun.

The other side of the water street was completely different from what Max was used to. He kind of saw it from the distance, but hoped the picture would change when he got across. Unfortunately his eyesight was impeccable and the wast green fields of nothingness got Max bored even before he stepped off the street, but there was no way around it. He knew he had to go this way, although not where and why exactly. Luckily there were a bunch of white and puffy citizens in the distance and he intended to ask the way them. Currently they were rather far away, but it was also fine – he was not that much in a hurry.

Traversing the grassland was inconvenient and Max much more preferred the street. Of course, the latter was incredibly dangerous and he had witnessed one of the neighbors tragically dying under their slave's magic box, but that was the price one had to pay for not paying attention to their surroundings, right?

While the family of slaves next door mourned the demise of their master, to Max this was an important lesson. Learning from Lucky's, that was the name of the neighbor, tragic mistake he decided to never leave the house again. Obviously this time was important and didn't count, but otherwise that was the rule.

While contemplating about deep things, it didn't take too long for Max to get to the white and puffy citizens, but what he saw struck him speechless. These people were beyond poor! They were so hungry they methodically ate grass not paying attention to each other nor to the fancy city boy who just arrived. This was beyond cruel and sad! Max did kind of regret not bringing along the raw fish the slave at the water street offered, but on the other hand – how was he supposed to split it between all the poor people here? There were too many!

Suddenly Max felt his hair stand on end. He was familiar with the sensation and without thinking dashed away while a lower class citizen who was earlier hidden in the grass ran after him, loudly barking. Of course, to expect anything honorable from a lower class citizen was silly and bastards were only capable of sneak-attacking others instead of facing in a fair one on one fight.

The lower class citizen got lucky though. His slave showed up from who knows where – probably the guy got tired and fell asleep in the grass earlier while the master committed crimes left and right. The slave kept loudly begging his master to stop the atrocities and the stupid lower class citizen complied in the end leaving Max alone.

'Hmph! 'Charlie' … what a stupid name for a stupid lower class citizen!' Max thought, trying to catch his breath.

They ran for quite a while and he found himself not far from a group of buildings. While he was angry at the lower class citizen who chased him and sad at the world's cruelty for making poor people gnaw grass, Max's eyes shone in delight. Somehow he knew this was the place he was traveling to! He didn't know what he was looking for though, thus there was a need for some reconnaissance.

The first thing he did was to jump on a windowsill of the closest building. While the building itself was probably the biggest, at least the longest, it was only one storey high and its windows were rather small. For Max, of course, that wasn't an issue. Obviously he was not going to charge in uninvited, but he could observe from the outside, right?

What he saw made him beyond sad though. Earlier he thought that the white puffy guys were poor, but these couch sized people were even poorer! They didn't even have a green grass to eat, but slowly and steadily kept chewing on a dry grass. Max never expected to see such cruelty just across the moving water street, but life was such.

It was not all bad though. He noticed a female slave, who went from one person to another, gently massaging their intimate parts. At first Max thought this was a procedure to lessen their pain and expel any suicidal thoughts, but then realized the female slave didn't give a simple massage – she massaged so hard a substance closely resembling milk began to come out!

'Perverts!' Max turned away revolted as never before. There was no way he would ever let anyone do that to him!

… and he almost felt pity for the locals who turned out to be disgusting degenerates. And if he didn't know the real milk came from a package hidden in the magic box in the kitchen, he would have had nightmares for the years to come … sigh ... what a sad world!

'Alright!' Max pulled himself together, at the same time dispelling any distracting thoughts.

He had to focus! This was a mission after all, although he was not sure what it was about.

He nimbly got to the roof of the house with the local perverts and glanced around. Somewhere in the distance he saw the water street and the regular street crossing it, but everywhere else his eyes looked there was nothing but plains. And that could only mean one thing – what he was looking for was somewhere here, hidden in this batch of buildings!

After the intelligent deduction, Max began to inspect surroundings, but there was nothing noteworthy there. A couple of slaves getting busy around magic boxes of different sizes and two large and black second class citizens lazily observing their work. Then there were few trees with round red things slaves liked to munch on, but he himself much more preferred the things Annie's mom made for him … she was a good slave and he was not sure what he would do if something unexpectedly happened to her.

Annie's father, on the other hand, was not really needed apart from operating the magic box that took them around. Since Max didn't need it very often, already for some time he was weighing Annie's father's usefulness in his household.

The guy was big though. And brutal. Once he even dared to raise his foot against Max, but for that he got nice sprays of pee in each and every shoe he had. And, of course, Max would've thrown him out, but Annie and her mother scolded him hard enough, thus Max allowed him to stay. At least for now.

'What the f*ck!' Max inwardly exclaimed at the sight.

While lost in thoughts he walked towards the far end of the roof. Below it was a yard, few times bigger than his and it was encircled with few other buildings. Near one of them, below a large window, there was a bunch of locals – big and small, gray and black, and some even with stripes.

All of them were staring at the window above where sat the most beautiful pussy Max had ever seen in his life. It was impossible to put in words how gorgeous she looked, at least Max couldn't. He speechlessly stared at her while the beauty leisurely washed herself, meticulously licking her body from top to bottom.

'This is it!' After a while Max woke up from stupor.

He finally knew what was calling him and why he rushed over. He came here for the white pussy in the window!

This was what people called 'destiny'! This was the love at the first sight! He had to cross grassy fields and moving water streets, escape lower class citizens and face many dangers to finally be able to lay an eye on her! His life was more exciting compared to what slaves watched in their magic picture box!

There was one problem though. For some reason local guys dared to come to this place and stare at his pussy while salivating like lower class citizens! This was unacceptable! But he was one against many and in a need of a plan. A good plan.

Max sat on the top of the roof across the yard while the locals below continued to stare at the window even long after pussy left. While local guys were doing who knows what, Max utilized all his intelligence and drew quite a few acceptable ideas. One was what he called 'an accidental meeting', another – 'a song of love' and another – 'a nightly visit'. Unfortunately all of them involved somehow getting rid of the pestering locals.

'Damn it!' Max cursed to himself helplessly, 'I wish there was a way to own a second class citizen!'

Suddenly the locals darted away in panic, each taking a different line of escape. The two big black lower class citizens Max saw earlier rushed in the yard loudly barking while the guys fled looking as miserable as one could.

'Hmph! Suits you well!' Max snorted observing the scene from the top of the roof.

He didn't know how many locals exactly were there, in fact, he was too lazy to count. But there were definitely enough for the stupid lower class citizens to catch one or two.

Unfortunately the two turned out to be big and loud, but as clueless as any other second class citizen. Apparently having too many targets made them dizzy and local guys easily escaped and hid. There were a couple who crawled in smaller places and the second class citizens found them by smell, but apart from loudly barking they couldn't do anything.

'Useless!' Max's evaluation wasn't really groundbreaking, but even then the two big, black, stupid idiots managed to help him to get rid of the locals. Of course, it was only due to his own careful planning, but still …

When the sun was about to set, a slave child, a girl, came out carrying Max's favorite pussy in her hands. There was a thin leash around her neck – apparently the girl was so young she was afraid to get lost even though there were only a couple of buildings around. Normally Max would've said something about her intellectual potential, but now he was too mesmerized by the beauty of the pussy.

After washing herself for half a day, she was so clean and white, and even a little puffy. No matter how many days Max would've spent sitting on a tree in the city, he would've never met another one so beautiful.

'Sigh, this is the power of fresh air in the country!' Max deducted the reason for her beauty.

"Let's go, Princess, before perverts come back!" The slave girl's words traveled to Max's ears.

'Damn right!' Max felt an urge to stomp his foot, 'The perfect name for the perfect pussy! Princess! How beautiful!'

Sadly the slave girl brought Princess inside before Max could go over and introduce himself. For now, besides learning her name, things were not going well.

But Max was certain love would always find a way. Because of this belief, just as it got dark, one of the slaves opened a window on the second floor. Max, of course, realized Princess was openly inviting him over, but didn't rush.

The worst thing you could do in love was to rush!

Max was certain that something that sounded so smart was certainly true, thus followed the advice. While carefully observing surroundings, he jumped over to the tree between his building and the one to the left. Then continued over to the building itself.

The other side of it was slightly elevated and he could jump over to the roof of the Princess's home and from there, while carefully watching his step, land on the windowsill of the window that was opened earlier.

He stepped in stealthily since there was no reason to alarm anyone. Princess's slaves also needed their sleep, but he and her were destined for much more. There was a slight problem – the whole place reeked of second class citizens, but Max was certain that the two big black guys as well as the one who chased after him earlier in the day didn't enter the building.

Another problem was that he didn't know where her bedroom was. And it was possible that she, just like Max, allowed her slave girl stay the night in her bed and that could make things awkward.

It did take some time for Max to find her door, but when he did he knew the beautiful pussy was waiting for him on the other side. He could swear he heard her heart beat and whiskers tremble in expectation. This was the true love …

While the romantic night passed in an iffy, the excruciating hunger returned Max to reality in the morning. He couldn't remember when was the last time he fasted for so long, but all he could think about was one of his slaves, the Annie's mom. Even the two big lower class citizens who tried to chase him away from the Princess's yard were forgotten the moment he realized how hungry he was and then Max knew – it was time to return home.

For a split moment he wondered if his slaves were alright since until now he never left them alone for so long, but most of them were grownups and they could hold out for a day or two, right?

On the way back Max chose a faster pace. To not provoke any unnecessary trouble, he circled the poor grass-eating people in case the lower class citizen was hanging around them again. He also crossed the street over the moving water street in a rush, but to his big disappointment noticed the fish-catching slave was not there anymore. Apparently the guy had fallen in the water and died, and once again Max realized that water of any form, be it falling from the sky or flowing in its own street, could only bring harm.

It did somewhat spoil the mood, but as soon as Max stepped back in the city, everything changed. Almost on every corner and every tree there was a picture of him! He hadn't even returned, but slaves have spread his last night's feat and posted his pictures all around the place for everyone to know!

Obviously Princess was a lady and a pussy of good manners. There was no way she would openly talk about their love and it only meant her slaves had witnessed the deed and tried to suck up. Well, while Max had to agree that romancing with the beautiful pussy was a feat indeed, he might've as well become famous for other things, for example – his intellect, but this was also fine. Max always knew he was born for bigger things and finally everyone could realize how incredible he was!

Incredible or not, he was still hungry, but being famous did put some unwanted pressure on him. Because of that he now had to walk around openly, under the respectful and admiring stares of the lower class citizens and their slaves. Taking shortcuts through yards and jumping over fences didn't fit his new status no matter how annoying it was, thus the breakfast had to be postponed.

When a sudden squeaking sound of a magic box abruptly stopping caught Max's attention, he recognized this particular one and wasn't surprised when Annie rushed out towards him. It did look like the little slave girl had been crying, but it wasn't Max's fault. He had his life and couldn't be held back by his slaves, even though they were lost without him.

"Maaax! Maxxiiii!" Annie ran over and hugged him, "Where were you all this time? I've been looking for you all over!"

'Ha!' Max inwardly grinned, 'I bet you wouldn't believe me even if I told you!'

Of course, if it was a random fan he would never allow them to pick him up or even touch, but since Annie was his own slave, it was fine for her to carry him to the magic box. Apparently the poor little girl was afraid she would get lost thus she even put a thin leash around his neck.

Max didn't particularly enjoy it, but decided to make an exception. This was a great day – the one when his popularity peaked. Of course, conquering the white pussy was one of the countless feats that he was about to perform in his life, paving it with broken hearts … just like the last night.

Sadly, no matter how poetic it sounded, now he was starving. Fortunately the stupid slave, Annie's father, thought of bringing the magic box and they could return home faster so he could finally eat.

Max did feel a slight loss after leaving Princess behind. But the pussy, no matter how incredibly beautiful she was, had to understand he was a free spirit that couldn't be tamed. Yes, their encounter was destined by fate and filled with love, but now he had to do other things. If she couldn't do without him, she was better settling down for a local country bumpkin who gets regularly abused by the second class citizens. Meanwhile he had to live a life!

While Max was daydreaming in her lap, Annie kept happily caressing his back.

"Dad?" She looked up at her father by the wheel, "Why did Max run away?"

"Uhmmm … he probably went to explore a bit." The man said, "We should get him to a vet to castrate though."

"What's a 'castrate'?" Annie asked.

"Well … that's a procedure to make someone like him … more … content." The man explained, trying to find the most appropriate wording, "Then the next spring he won't have an urge to run around."

"Great! Thanks dad, you're the best!" Annie said, happily hugging the cat in her lap.