Chapter 6: Training Ground

Chapter 6: Training Ground

"young master Sevi Bladesworth, isn't it?" An old knight called out, walking over to him. "What brings you here today?"

"Ohh sir... Garef." Sevi met his gaze confidently. "I would like train here."

Garef sized up Sevi and found his body very unfit for the strict training of the knights. His eyes narrowed slightly at Sevi's noticeable obesity, and a hint of concern flickered across his face.

"Train here, you say?" Garef's tone was skeptical but not unkind. "What makes you think you can handle our regimen?"

Sevi straightened his back, meeting Garef's gaze without flinching. "I may not look the part, but I have determination and a willingness to learn."

Garef sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Determination alone won't get you far, lad. Our training is hard, and it requires both physical and mental endurance. Are you sure you're up for it?"

Sevi nodded firmly. "I am."

Garef studied him for a moment longer before nodding. "Alright, I'll give you a chance. Follow me."

As they walked towards the training grounds, the other knights continued to watch, some with curiosity and others with skepticism. Garef stopped at a rack of wooden practice swords and handed one to Sevi.

"Show me what you've got," Garef said, stepping back to observe.

Sevi took the sword, feeling its weight and balance.

'This is my first time holding a sword, yet it feels light. Almost as if it belongs in my hand.' 

He glanced at the knights watching him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and doubt.

Taking a deep breath, Sevi assumed a fighting stance.

Garef watched him for a moment, then stepped forward. "Alright, young master Sevi," he said, his tone firm.

"I want you to attack me. I'll only defend for five minutes. Show me what you've got."

Sevi's heart pounded even harder.

'Five minutes? I can do this.'

He tightened his grip on the sword and nodded.

"Ready?" Garef asked, raising his own sword into a defensive position.

Sevi took another deep breath and charged forward, swinging his sword with all his might. Garef parried effortlessly, his movements fluid and controlled.

'He's not even breaking a sweat,' Sevi thought, frustration and determination mixing in his chest.

He continued his assault, each swing met with a calm block or a subtle deflection. Garef's eyes never left Sevi, watching his every move. The knights around them murmured, some impressed by Sevi's persistence, others skeptical of his chances.

Sevi's arms began to ache, but he pushed through the pain.

"Good," Garef said, his voice steady. "Keep your focus. Don't let up."

Sevi nodded, gritting his teeth as he launched another series of attacks. Each one was met with the same calm, unwavering defense.

The five minutes felt like an eternity, but Sevi didn't give up. 

Finally, Garef called out, "Time." He stepped back, lowering his sword and studying Sevi with a thoughtful expression.

Sevi stood panting, sweat dripping down his face, his arms trembling from the effort. He looked at Garef, waiting for his verdict.

Garef approached Sevi, nodding slowly. "You've got potential, Sevi. But potential alone isn't enough."

Sevi's heart sank a little, but he kept his gaze steady on Garef.

"You need to polish your skills and, more importantly, build up your stamina and strength,"

Garef continued. "The training here is intense, and to keep up, you'll need to burn off those extra pounds and get into fighting shape."

Sevi nodded, " I'll do whatever it takes."

Garef's expression softened slightly. "Good. We'll start with conditioning drills. Once you're in better shape, we'll focus more on your swordsmanship and combat skills."

Sevi felt a surge of hope. "Thank you for giving me a chance, sir Garef."

"Alright then," Garef said, stepping back. "We'll begin your training tomorrow at dawn. Rest up and prepare yourself."

2 Months passed and each day, Sevi pushed himself to his limits, waking up at dawn for the grueling drills Garef had laid out for him. He ran laps and lifted weights all under Garef's watchful eye.

The knights who had once looked at him with doubt now saw his determination and began to respect his efforts.

During those months, the system didn't issue a mission, not even once.


Sevi Bladesworth (Human...?)

● Strength: F-  -->   D-

● Intellect: A-  -->   A-

● Charm: F       -->   E+

● Conversation S.: D+  -->   C

● Flirting A.: F-  -->   F-

● Bgn Swordsmanship: C+ -->   B+

● Bgn Magic: F-  -->   F-

