Chapter 18: Power of the Class Top

Chapter 18: Power of the Class Top

Sevi stepped onto the stage, his heart pounding with anticipation as he will be fighting against the best in their class.

Noemi stood across from him, her posture relaxed but her eyes focused.  

Sir Varric cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to him. 

"Both of you already know the rules, right?" Varric said.

"Yes, Sir," Noemi and Sevi replied in unison, their voices steady.

Just then, an icon popped up on Noemi's head. 

'...A red icon?' Sevi's eyes widened slightly, his heart racing with excitement. 

He had only seen a red icon once before, and that had been on Garef, a fighter whose skills were beyond extraordinary.

The red icon signified an opponent whose abilities were beyond his own.

"Good," Sir Varric said, his gaze shifting between the two. "Begin!" 

The match commenced, and Sevi found himself even more alert, his senses heightened by Noemi's red icon.

They began to circle each other, Sevi maintaining his guard while Noemi's posture remained deceptively relaxed.

The crowd watched in hushed anticipation, the whispers from before now replaced by a focused silence.

Suddenly, Noemi moved, her sword slicing through the air with incredible speed. 


Sevi barely had time to react, his guard coming up just in time to block her strike. The force of her attack sent a jolt through his arm, but he held firm, his eyes never leaving hers.

Noemi didn't let up, her movements a blur as she launched a series of rapid strikes. Sevi parried and dodged, his mind racing to keep up. 

'She's even more skilled than I imagined.' 

Each clash of their blades echoed through the arena.



'I wanted to launch a counterattack but hell, I couldn't find an opening.' Sevi thought since  every time he tried, Noemi's movements were too fast, too precise.

Her flexible body twisted and turned, evading his strikes with ease. He found himself constantly on the defensive, retreating step by step.

Noemi's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of disappointment flickering in their depths.

Sevi's breath came in heavy pants as he parried another rapid strike, the force of the blow nearly driving him to his knees.

 His mind raced, searching for a way to turn the tide of the battle.

But Noemi gave him no time to think. He was forced to keep retreating, his back inching closer and closer to the edge of the stage.

The crowd watched in tense silence, their eyes glued to the duel. They could see the struggle in Sevi's movements, the way he fought to stay on his feet.

"Sevi did fare off much better than Kane though..." One of their classmates whispered, a hint of admiration in their voice.

Kane, who had been watching from the sidelines, overheard the comment. His face flushed with irritation, and he turned sharply towards the source of the whisper. 

"What did you say?" he demanded, his voice tinged with sharpness.

The classmate looked startled, then closed his mouth.

Kane's expression hardened and then he turned his attention back to the stage, his jaw clenched.

He was still hurt from his own earlier defeat, and the comparison did little to soothe his bruised ego.

Back on the stage, Sevi continued to struggle against Noemi's relentless assault. The edge of the stage was now just inches away from his back, and he knew he had to act fast.

'What should I--huh?'

But before Sevi could make a decisive move, Noemi's blade found its mark.

With a swift and expertly executed strike, she knocked Sevi's sword from his hand.

The weapon flew through the air and landed a few feet away. Sevi's eyes widened in shock as he saw his sword sail out of reach.

Sevi stood there, unarmed and panting, as Noemi's blade hovered inches from his chest.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

Then, Noemi lowered her weapon, a look of respect in her eyes.

"You fought well," she said, her voice calm and steady. 

"But you still have much to learn." Noemi then went down the stage, leaving Sevi on a daze.

'What just happened..?' Sevi thought, trying to process the swift conclusion of the duel.

He looked up at Noemi as she walked away from the stage, her steps steady and composed.

Sir Varric stepped forward, his expression thoughtful as he looked between the two fighters. "An impressive display from both of you,"

The crowd, which had been holding its breath throughout the match, began to murmur with excitement and appreciation.

Sevi stood still, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

As Sir Varric continued to speak, Sevi's focus remained on the empty space where Noemi had stood. 

'...Wow, I think I want to spar with her again.' Sevi thought in admiration.
