Chapter 26: Prime Suspects

Chapter 26: Prime Suspects

After saying goodbye to Noemi and finishing his classes for the day, Sevi returned to his dorm.

As he entered his room, he noticed the crystal ball glowing softly on his desk.

Curious, Sevi approached the ball and placed his hand over it. The glow intensified, and an image of Knight Cedric appeared within the swirling mist of the crystal ball.

"Hello, young master. It's Cedric. I've got some updates on your friend's situation."

Sevi's eyes sharpened with interest. 

"What did you find out?"

Cedric's expression was serious.

"I've identified two prime suspects who might have been involved in switching Noemi's bottle."

Sevi leaned in, eager to hear more. "Who are they?"

Cedric continued, "The first suspect is a nurse named Evelyn. She's been seen around Noemi's area frequently. The second suspect is Kane, a classmate who's been known to cause trouble and has a history with Noemi."

Sevi's frown deepened. "Evelyn and Kane."

'Seeing how harsh Kane is to Noemi, he might indeed be a suspect. But I don't know much about this Evelyn girl.' 

"Evelyn, huh? What's her deal?" Sevi asked, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Cedric's image flickered slightly within the crystal ball. "Evelyn is relatively new to the academy. She was transferred here a few months ago and has been working in the infirmary."

"Evelyn seemed to be the closest person to your friend since she always go to the clinic after class." Cedric continued.

"Evelyn is new but close to Noemi, huh?" Sevi murmured.

"If Noemi frequently visits the clinic, Evelyn would have enough opportunity to interact with her."

Cedric nodded within the crystal ball's glow. "Yes, Evelyn is quite involved with Noemi's care, which does raise some concerns. Her proximity and recent arrival make her an intriguing suspect."

Sevi furrowed his brow. "And Kane... well, considering his hostility towards Noemi, he's a likely suspect too. But Evelyn's close association with Noemi complicates things. I don't know her well enough to judge her motives."

Cedric's image nodded solemnly. "Indeed young master. I'll continue to monitor both Evelyn and Kane for any suspicious activity."

"Understood. I'll keep a close eye on both of them as well. Thanks for the update, sir Cedric."

Cedric's image smiled reassuringly. "No problem young master! Stay alert as always."

As Cedric's image faded, Sevi was left alone with his thoughts. 

'Evelyn and Kane... I need to know more about this Evelyn.' Sevi thought.

'Oh yeah, me and Noemi will train tomorrow after class. Maybe Noemi I can accompany Noemi if she goes to the clinic.'

'That way, I can keep an eye on Evelyn and see if she exhibits any suspicious behavior,' Sevi considered.

"But first, I need to review some sword techniques." he reminded himself.

Sevi spent an hour outside practicing and refining his sword skills. 

'Woohh, I guess I should finish up.' 

Once he felt confident with his techniques, he washed himself off, changed into comfortable clothes, and prepared for bed. With his plans for the next day solidifying in his mind, he finally drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and Sevi's mind was already buzzing with thoughts about the day ahead. He woke up early, determined to get a head start.

After a quick breakfast, he made his way to the academy.

The campus was still quiet as he arrived, giving him a peaceful start to the day. Sevi took this opportunity to review his notes and mentally prepare for the upcoming classes.

He also kept an eye out for any signs of Evelyn or Kane, but the early hour meant that most of the students were still on their way to campus.

Sevi was the first to arrive in class, settling into his seat and using the quiet time to organize his materials. As the minutes ticked by, the door finally opened, and Noemi walked in. She looked up, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of Sevi already there.

"You're here before me?" Noemi asked, a hint of surprise in her voice.

Sevi grinned. 

"Yeah, I wanted to get a head start. Didn't expect you to be shocked by it, though."

 "It's not often that someone beats me to class." Noemi said as she shook her head.

As the conversation continued, Noemi glanced at Sevi and hesitated for a moment before speaking. 

"By the way, after class today, would it be alright if I head to the clinic first?" 

'Chance!' Sevi thought as his interest was piqued and he seized the opportunity.

"The Clinic? Sure, that works for me. Mind if I accompany you?"

Noemi looked at him with a slight frown, but then nodded. "I don't mind. But why?" 

"I don't have anything planned after class except for our training session. Plus, I haven't visited the clinic yet, so it'd be a good chance to see it." Sevi answered as he shrugged casually.

"Alright then." Noemi raised an eyebrow, considering his response. 

 With that settled, Sevi turned his attention back to the front. Other students started to trickle in and the class soon began with Sir Varric leading the discussion..

The class eventually concluded, and Sevi gathered his things with a mix of eagerness and anticipation.

Sevi was the first to finish arranging his bag and stood waiting for Noemi. She soon joined him, and together they made their way out of the classroom.

"Ready to head to the clinic?" Sevi asked, trying to sound casual but unable to hide his enthusiasm.

Noemi nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

As they walked across the campus towards the clinic, Sevi couldn't help but notice how quiet the surroundings were.

'...It's eerily quiet.' Sevi thought, observing the surrounding. 

When they arrived at the clinic, Sevi then spoke up to break the silence.

" It's pretty quiet here and a bit far from the main buildings."

Noemi gave a small nod. "Yeah, it's designed to be a peaceful place for students who need it."

They entered the clinic, and Noemi led the way through the reception area. The interior of the clinic was neat and well-organized, with soft lighting and calming colors designed to create a soothing environment.

Sevi kept an eye out for Evelyn, hoping to spot her and gauge her behavior. 
