Mommy Serena (18+)

"Damn, that booty. I cannot believe she has this perfectly shaped and soft ass but her sex life is so dry. A pity for her husband." Rae looked jealous

"That... did my touch made her pussy wet?" Rae was excited as he spotted a wet spot on her panty.


"No wonder her lust is almost at peak. How is she able to control herself among her guards?" Rae wondered.

Serena was dripping juices from her pussy just from his grope. He was curious how she held back herself from the nasty gazes that the guards gave to her booty.

"I am aging, getting older. These are not firm like before, what's the use of the Earl title"

Serena commented at her appearance. She sighed in regret, she wished she could change her past, she wished to be desired for her beauty.