Chapter 41: Cake and Basketball

Loxus PoV

Loxus was greeted by Dusk's soft meow. The kitten trotted over to him with a curious look. He bent down, scratching behind the cat's ears. "Hey, bud."

"What happened to you?" Wilt's voice cut through the silence. Loxus looked up to find him standing there, a mug of tea in his hands. Natasha was in the kitchen, watching him with a puzzled look on her face.

"I lost," Loxus admitted, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice. It was a simple fact, no matter how much it annoyed him. 

"To who?" Natasha and Wilt asked in unison.

Loxus sighed and picked up Dusk. "To Drew."

Wilt sighed. "That sucks, man. It happens to the best of us though."

Loxus appreciated Wilt's attempt at comfort, but it did little to soothe his wounded pride. He muttered a thanks, making his way to his room. He needed a shower, needed to wash off the sweat and the sting of defeat.

He set Dusk down on his bed and made his way to the bathroom.

As he closed the door behind him, he couldn't help but replay the game in his mind. Every move, every mistake. He had been so sure he would win, so sure he had Drew's moves figured out. And yet, he had lost.

But he wouldn't let this defeat get to him. He was a good player, one of the best in Kallen University. And he would prove it. He would train harder, play smarter, and the next time he faced Drew, he would win.

Loxus stepped into the shower, letting the cold water wash over him. His muscles throbbed. It was a hard fought game. He had Drew on the ropes in the first half, but... Drew had made a comeback in the second half, his relentless drive and skill proving too much for Loxus.

He remembered the feel of the ball slipping from his hands in those crucial seconds, the bitter taste of defeat as Drew scored the winning shot. 

Loxus clenched his fists, the cold water a sharp contrast to the heat of his frustration. He hated this feeling, this aching dissatisfaction that came with every loss. It was a gnawing reminder of his shortcomings, of his failure.

But it was also a driving force. It fueled his determination, stoked his ambition. Failure was not an option. Not for him. 

He'd learned this lesson a long time ago, back when he was just a kid shooting hoops in the rundown basketball court of his neighborhood. Back then, he was the underdog, the kid who everyone thought would amount to nothing. But he'd proved them all wrong. 

And he would do it again.

As he stepped out of the shower, he made a promise to himself. He would not lose to Drew again.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, Loxus stepped out of the bathroom and into his room. Dusk was curled up on his bed, his green eyes watching him with a curious gaze. Loxus gave the cat a small smile, reaching out to scratch behind his ears.

"Looks like we've got some work to do, bud," he said, his tone soft. Dusk simply meowed in response, his tail flicking back and forth. 

Loxus knew that the road ahead was not going to be easy. But he was ready to give it his all. Wilt didn't quit when he lost to him the other day.

He picked up his kitten and walked out.

Natasha and Wilt were eating cake.

"Want some? Natasha made it," Wilt said, looking over his shoulder. 

Loxus looked at the cake, his heart giving a small flutter. Natasha had made it. For him. The thought brought a warmth to his cheeks that had nothing to do with his recent shower.

"Sure," he replied, setting Dusk down and moving to join them. He took a seat across from Natasha, his gaze lingering on her.

Loxus quickly looked away, focusing on the cake instead. It was a simple chocolate cake, but it looked delicious. The fact that Natasha had made it just for him made it even more special.

He took a bite, the rich chocolate flavor exploding in his mouth. It was amazing. He glanced at Natasha, wanting to compliment her on the cake, but the words got stuck in his throat.

Before he could say anything, Wilt cut in, a smug grin on his face. "Don't get too excited, Loxus," he teased. "Natasha didn't make the cake just for you. She made it for all of us."

Of course. Why would Natasha make a cake especially for him? He was just being foolish.

"Yeah, I know," he muttered, focusing on his cake. Wilt's grin widened, clearly amused by his reaction.

Despite his embarrassment, Loxus couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. He had been foolish to think that the cake was a special gesture. But that was okay. He would get over it.

Just like he would get over his loss to Drew.

With that thought in mind, he continued eating his cake.

Dusk meowed.

"Sorry, bud. Chocolate isn't good for kitties," Natasha said. She took out a bag of cat snacks. "Here, have these instead."

Dusk perked up at the sight of the snacks, trotting over to Natasha. She extended her hand, letting Dusk sniff the treat before he gobbled it up.

The sight brought a small smile to Loxus's face. Dusk seemed fond of Natasha.

"Thank you, Natasha," Loxus said, his tone sincere. He might have felt a pang of disappointment earlier, but he was genuinely grateful. Not just for the cake and the snacks for Dusk, but also for the concern she and Wilt had shown when he returned home defeated.

"No problem, Loxus," Natasha replied, flashing him a warm smile. "We're all here for each other, right?"

"Yup!" Wilt said, standing up. 

Loxus rolled his eyes at him. How could he be so chipper all the time? Honestly, it was downright annoying.

Still, part of him did want to thank Wilt for his encouragement. Even though he broke his leg and blackmailed him, Wilt still offered him an olive branch.

He wondered if Wilt was genuinely nice, fake, or just plain insane.