One day, you will have to decide

Looking up the street, I could only see the magnificent temples. Yet, the moment I turned around, I suddenly found the source of all the background noise. 

Right on the very crossroads we were on, the district suddenly changed, turning into your usual shopping street. 

And for some reason, it felt as if the heart of the entire district was right there, with just how many walked around, always busy with their own matters. 

A living and beating heart of a district… filled to the brim with busy people. 

Or, in other words, a marketplace. 

"Why would they…" Instantly, one question pressed to my lips while making me look from one side of the street to the other. 

The difference was so overwhelming, that it only reinforced my feeling of this place being surreal. This dichotomy between elegantly mystical and then energetically ordinary made it so that not even Claire's touch was enough to root me at the moment.