A proper way to play the "uncle" card

"They only matter because my uncle approved such an arrangement."

This was one hell of a statement… and I knew it. 

A statement that was extremely political, direct, and honest to the bone. But while it was the truth… It didn't mean those three girls, or anyone else around us in fact, was happy to hear it. 

After a moment of silence, however, the leading bitch of the pack managed to recollect her thought and restore that aggressively bitchy look on her face. 

"Your uncle? Ha!" she cried out before throwing her hands out as if to say 'come at me'. "How telling of you to pull out a fact that no one here can verify!" 

In front of me, there were those three girls. To my side stood Claire, who had a peculiar look of anxiety mixed with curiosity on her face. 

Those two I could deal with.