A fitting quote for such a historical moment

'Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds…' I thought back to the words Oppenheimer spoke after realizing the weight behind the project he heralded. 

Profound words that struck true at the devastating nature of his creation. 

But now that I slowly turned the knob to first close the circuit and then gradually decrease its resistance to allow more of the current to flow… 

I found myself with my head empty, devoid of any profound quote I could utter at this moment. 

'For now, I have become a transformer, a mutator of energy,' I thought, internally cringing at my poor attempts at coming up with words fitting the situation. 

Words that fit the deep meaning behind what was happening, because if someone were to look at me and Claire right now, we would look like a couple of geeks trying to see whether a simple circuit they hobbystically created would actually work.