I throw FIST!

"No mercy."

The man behind those words was a monster in every conceivable way.

Even those words of his didn't come from his mouth but hung in the air through some sort of audiovisual illusion, convincing both my eyes and my ears that as he spoke them, he still stood in place, merely throwing threats.

But the reality I sensed through my spirituality revealed him to lunge forth right as his mouth was supposed to open, tossing his knife-wielding hand forward and sending the tip of his blade straight for my eye.

'So strong…' I thought, watching how even the slightest movements of the man stirred the local spirituality of the place, pretty much marking the path every part of his body took in the approach.

Beyond any doubt, this man's cultivation was leagues above mine. There was no denying how all of my power was merely a droplet in comparison to the lake of his power.

But, at the same time…