Debriefing with the Major (part 1)

"Shut up, man, it's about to start!"

Holding back the tears of joy and powerless fury at the same time, Claire wiggled in her chair, trying her best to stay inconspicuous while also escaping the tickling of my fingers.

Coming to this place, we both had a pre-established perception of what we were to expect from this… meeting. And now that we came only to end up waiting for the police officer who requested this meeting to be squeezed right into the middle of our extremely busy schedule…

Playing around while waiting for the man of the hour to arrive was simply the least I could do to milk the most out of every second I had on my hands!

"Sorry for being late, everyone," a man called out right as he made his way past the doors, only to drop a heavy suitcase right atop a small, teaching cathedral before spreading his arms, grabbing the cathedral's edges, and leaning forward as he scanned the conference room-turned-classroom with his squinted eyes.