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A Bold Proposal (2)

Yu Jung-ak was more inclined after hearing the explanation. He liked that he could have the design he wanted most of all. However, he was concerned that the body was used. It seemed like it might not be safe.

But Kim Je-hyun drove the point home here.

"And as I mentioned, we do separate reinforcement work on the body, right? As you can see here, these are the durability test results. We have a worldwide patent on this. We reinforce the existing body like this. It's a very delicate process. And this is the test report. We've had it tested at more than ten places, not just domestic companies but also overseas ones. What do you think? Isn't it significantly higher?"

Kim Je-hyun's words were true. Recovery Plus had developed technology to separately reinforce the body, and its durability was significantly higher than that of existing new vehicles.

"If it's this good, why don't more people buy it?"