


 The lost sheep is here! My older brother Nathan said before I even got into the living room

Hello brother, I wasn't expecting to see this early. isn't Lilly giving you enough love?

Oh shut up, Dad insisted I show up on time at least once in my life, but why are you early?

His in love, Dante walked in with my other younger brother. The earlier this family gathering ends the earlier he will return to little Sponge.

Her name is Sponge? Jonathan asked blocking my path.

Wait you are in love? Nathan asked both now caging me from both sides

Yes, he is in love he had people stalk her for weeks, Dante added not helping my situation but he seems to enjoy it.

You stalked a girl you like? Both my brother chorused at once. You don't stalk a girl you are in love with.

He even spent a night outside her house because she didn't call him back.

Now that's just low even for me. Nathan added in disbelief.

Firstly, I am not in love, her name is not sponge and I, but I don't finish my sentence because I hear my father's foot step approaching and we all just moved from our awkward position and sat obediently purely on instinct. Our father was strict unlike my mother who would sneak us out to the park. He is A definition of perfection. 

I see you are all here on time this is impressive. He says walking around his table with his secretary diligently walking besides him, his different from the last one I met a last month his eyes seemed familiar but I can't remember where I saw those eyes. I shift my attention back to my father who is now seated.

Since we are all here, I won't worst too much time. You know why we always meet on the nineteen of every month, it hasn't been easy without your mother but she would have loved it if we continued to live for her. He said his usual guilt trapping speech. Because he knew we would do anything for our mother.

This years Auction will be held at the main branch here in Italy and I expect all of you to be present he continued. Uh Ethan did you think about the offer.

 Yes, and the answer is still the same as always, I say in the laziest voice.

 I need you to return and help run things here.

 Come on Dad, I am not returning and Nathan is doing a good job.

His getting married, my Father half screamed as if containing his anger.

You are getting married? I smiled at my older brother

Yes, we were going to announce the date later, but Dad found out.

That explains the mood, Jonathan commented.

Congratulations man. I was genuinely happy. Mother always worried about Nathan marry last because he was always shy Infront of girls but he proved her wrong even went against my fathers' disapproval, I bet she's dancing where ever she is. But what does him marrying have things to do with me working for you? I returned my attention back to my father.

 He will be focused on his wedding; honeymoon and he plan to travel for a while which will leave my company vulnerable. He spoke.

And he let you travel? We asked In unison.

Under the condition that he gets to name my first child. Nathan explained and we can all saw how that went.

 Which is why you just have work with your brothers for a year. My father added

Well, I can help only until he has had his fun but returning permanently is oy of the question. I said not leaving room for arguments.

I expect you to be here for a year.

No, you can't hold me here for a whole year, I protested. I have a business that requires my attention. And a little SpongeBob awaiting my return of course the name is catchy but they don't have to know that.

 You can have Dante take charge until then.

 No, thank you uncle I appreciate the thought but I would rather waste my life doing anything but work.

Kid nowadays just wants to have fun; this is why my brother dishonored you.

Making you the best uncle, Dante always sweet talking his way out. But I will help where I can.

Good. we will be having a pre party tonight I expect you to attend get acquitted with our business partners. My father said and left the office.

So, SpongeBob? Nathan said he moment we couldn't hear our father.

You are getting married? I threw back the question.

Yes, Lilly thought its now or never, Lilly was his fiancée, my father was against it when they started dating but when he found out she was a daughter of an Italian mafia in charge of supplying paint they instantly become a family. My father is all about connections which is why he shouldn't find out about SpongeBob.

Good for you. I said excusing myself before he realized I just avoided his topic.

Did he just distract me? I heard Nathan asked behind my back. You jerk! He yelled .