11. Jane.



After our kiss, and comfortable silence we sat in during the movie, we have made quite some progress if I must say like how we fit perfectly in each others schedule well more like his schedule since he has to leave for work and always has a pile of files to sign and my schedule revolves around him and the library and the kitchen and the movie room and every inch of his house. don't forget the soul crushing, breath taking kiss of a starved man and he does it every chance he gets anywhere, I can proudly announce that I Mary Jane is officially in an actual relationship, this is probably my delusional self comforting my hopeless heart but whatever it is we are keeping this one. 

My phone ran with a distinctive ringtone I haven't heard in a while bringing my thoughts from wandering to far.


 "A little birdie told me you haven't been in your usual spot". My fathers soft but strict voice came through the phone it's a family thing to not greet each other on phone calls.

 Did the little birdie also tell you I may or may not be dating again

Oh it did and it was not hard for me to find him anyway. He said now, where are you? He asked sounding more serious than before..

 I thought you already know where I am, since you doubled your security team to spy on me Since a month ago.

It wasn't me. my fathers voice came again and I suddenly lost my balance, desperately holding the book shelf next to me grateful for Ethan's absence at the moment. He can never see me in such a state.

Is it him? I hear myself ask in a low voice. the thought of him shouldn't affect me so much, it took so much for me to heal.

No darling, he wouldn't dare even if he tried, my father reassured and I hear myself release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. We have been watching his every move so who wouldn't do anything to you.

Then who has been watching me?

That's what I want to find out from you, my father said, why is Ethan Grayson watching you?

Grayson of the Graysons' gallery? I ask no longer trembling as much but my face was as pale as before, why would the Grayson stalk me.

Yes, the largest art gallery, my father confirmed. What did you do?

Nothing I swear, I rarely ever leave the house to come in contact with anyone from the Graysons. How did you know its them?

It was easy since I have been supplying my security tech to Graysons' second son, my father sharply answered.

Of course it was easy to find out who since my father owns half of the cyber security companies. His teams is known for there well trained perfect professionalism, my father the founder of the company has never reviewed himself to the world in fear of people tracking him and risking my mother exposure, I know they are perfect for each other one is the most famous wanted ghost artist and the other can track down anyone on earth without lifting a finger. And that is how we have managed to live a private normal life.

Have you met anyone new recently ? my father asked worriedly.

No, just the love of my life, I say.

Does this love of your life have a name?

Yes he does, his Ethan Mil…ler. I pause at my own realization, oh my god that is why Martin didn't want me to have any further communication with him. His…

Ethan Miller Grayson, my father finished my sentence before I could.

Am not breaking up with him, I say before my father would suggest it despite my shaky voice and I swear I heard his face palm himself in hopelessness.

Jane, this is not a matter you can impulsively just make, my father calmly explained the Graysons are a threat to us.

But I like this one, I whinnied like a child.

Mary Jane! My father called out and I new there was only one way to win against him.

Talk to mom first if she agrees with you I will end this with Ethan, I say and immediately cut the call before he could respond. My father is very strict and impulsive like me but he always do what my mother says.

 Ethan Miller is a Grayson why did he hide something so big from me? I mean I no why he would hide his last name from the world but he could have at least trusted me but then again I am equally hiding a big fact from him okay two big facts from him but why are the Graysons' after me, did I give off anything that might have made them suspect me or anything? What should I do god I just healed from that night to start thinking about this now.


 Hey! Why are you on the floor? Ethan said poking his head into the library. I have been calling but you didn't respond are you alright?

 yes I am alright. I say gathering my strength to sound stable but his face darkens as soon as his eyes meet mine and I suddenly cant breath again.

What happened? He approached me kneeling down next to me.

No.. nothing, what can honestly happen in these four walls

 You look pale like you have just seen a ghost and you are shaking, did anyone visit?

 No, am fine really, its just the book I was reading was so realistic I thought it was happening to me an um and I received a call from my father, my mother fail on the stairs, the news shook me a bit. I explained my lies in order. when did I start lying like this

oh, am so sorry that happened, is she alright now? Would you like to visit her?

No, it alright. My father said it was nothing serious she has been taken home already, she told him not to tall me because I tend to overact but she's definitely fine now.

If your father said she's fine am sure she's fine but if you feel unsure just say the word and I will take you home alright?

Yes, I nodded in relief.

 Get up, I want to show you something he said pulling me into his arms then lead me to the long passage. I found another piece of the series, he added once we were at the end of the way and my strength finishes again,

 Oh, wow. This is really nice. You are three pieces away from the collection. I say ignoring the guilt building up within me, now that I know who he really is, I feel sad for him for the pain ahead of him.

 Right am so excited to have my mothers collection back in one piece, he said pulling me in his embrace where i belong.

oh this is going to kill him....