Chapter 4, the three armies are talking about you

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Early in the morning, Robin woke up in Yuri's arms.

Robin had grown accustomed to sleeping in Yuri's arms. There was only one bed in their home, and Yuri slept with her upright. At first, Robin resisted, but after a day of intense training, she was exhausted. Several times, after taking a shower and falling asleep, Yuri had to carry her out of the bathroom. Robin blushed at the thought.

Gradually, Robin got used to being held by Yuri while sleeping. It made her feel safe and at ease. Without Yuri by her side, she felt insecure. Robin even wondered if the training was part of Yuri's plan. Fortunately, Yuri did nothing inappropriate besides hugging her to sleep, and Robin no longer felt conflicted.

After getting up, Robin began to make breakfast. She was originally a grandmaster in all housework and would do it without Yuri needing to ask. While cooking, she noticed Yuri awake with a serious look on his face. He usually woke up after she had prepared breakfast, so his early rise and serious demeanor were unusual.

"It seems today's breakfast won't be enjoyable," Yuri said.

"Is the Marine coming?" Robin asked, her expression changing.

This was something she had been worried about.

"Haha, and there are many of them. It seems the Marine is really serious this time. It's not just a branch that can mobilize so many Marines. You continue with breakfast, I'll meet them, and then we can have breakfast," Yuri said, leaving the room.

As soon as Yuri stepped out, bullets and shells greeted him.

"You don't follow martial ethics, attacking without warning. Do you think these pitiful weapons can harm me? You haven't learned your lesson," Yuri scoffed.

Electric sparks flashed across Yuri's body, and all the bullets and shells stopped mid-air.

"Return to sender," Yuri snorted. All the bullets and shells reflected back, and Marine's screams echoed around.

"He's definitely a Magnetic Fruit user," Rakoval said.

Before arriving, Rakoval had learned from the Marines in Buta Town about their encounters with Yuri and guessed his abilities. This situation was not surprising.

"But don't think a Devil Fruit can let you do whatever you want. Marine is not as weak as you believe," Rakoval said coldly. "Attacking Marines and killing a Marine Captain is a heinous crime. Harboring Nico Robin, an important criminal in the World Government, and threatening to become a pirate, Gabriel Yuri, you are unforgivable. Such criminals should be executed immediately."

Marine officers stood up one by one.

"A colonel, two lieutenant colonels, ten majors and captains, plus a Marine Rear Admiral. A decent lineup for West Blue, but still inadequate to deal with me. I advise you to retreat to avoid heavy casualties," Yuri said with a smile.

"How arrogant," the Marine officers fumed. They had never seen such an insolent pirate and attacked Yuri simultaneously.

The officers above Captain Marine were already elite, proficient in Marine Six Styles. Shaving was the foundation, and nearly everyone who learned Marine Six Styles could use it to some degree.

More than a dozen Marine officers turned into afterimages, charging at Yuri.

"Iron Sand Hell." Yuri smiled coldly and flipped his hands, causing iron sand spikes to shoot out from the ground.

The sudden spikes changed the Marines' expressions, forcing them to dodge instead of attacking. But the ground was full of spikes, making it impossible to hide. Many Marine officers were impaled by the spikes.

"To do such a thing..." Rakoval's expression changed.

The iron sand spikes everywhere made Rakoval realize Yuri's extraordinary strength.

"Damned, I won't spare you," Rakoval shouted.

Several officers above Colonel Marine escaped the spikes with Moonwalk. Seeing their comrades impaled, they angrily charged at Yuri from the air.

Yuri smiled faintly, grabbed a strand of iron sand, and formed a long, trembling knife.

"No, retreat now!" Rakoval shouted, seeing the iron sand knife.

But it was too late. Yuri swung the knife, which extended like a whip, striking the vice admirals. The knife, despite looking like a whip, was extremely sharp. Marines were either blown away or cut in half, spilling blood.

"Damn you! I won't forgive you," Rakoval shouted again.

"I told you, you can't deal with me. There are some people you shouldn't provoke. Now the deaths and injuries are your responsibility. If you're incompetent, stop barking," Yuri said with a faint smile.

"Marine's glory cannot tolerate your tarnishing," Rakoval yelled, flying up and charging at Yuri with a long knife.

"Seems I overestimated you. If Marine's generals are like you, Marine is finished," Yuri said lightly.

Yuri held the iron sand sword in his right hand and a coin in his left, aiming at Rakoval.

"A coin, like Larkin's death? But you think this can defeat me?" Rakoval sneered.

He had heard about Yuri's super-electromagnetic gun from Buta Marines and had seen its horrors. Larkin's body was pierced, but Rakoval didn't think the attack could defeat him.

At that moment, Yuri's super-electromagnetic gun fired, the coin turning into an orange-red light that shot towards Rakoval.

"So fast," Rakoval gasped, cutting at the light with his sword.

The blade clashed with the orange light, but the super-electromagnetic gun's power exceeded Rakoval's expectations. His sword cracked under the impact and finally shattered. The electromagnetic cannon hit Rakoval, who only had time to use Armament Haki for defense.

"Puff." Even with Armament Haki, Rakoval vomited blood and was sent flying, crashing into a mountain and vomiting blood again.