Chapter 15, Sakazuki bleeding

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"It's a super-electromagnetic gun!"

After pursuing Yuri for so long, and engaging in several battles, the Marines had become familiar with Yuri's electromagnetic guns.

As soon as I saw the orange light, I immediately recognized it as Yuri's super-electromagnetic gun.

"It came from over there. Where's Gabriel Yuri?"

"I saw it was shot from the tower over there."

"How is that possible? The distance from here is at least a few hundred meters, and the range of the super-electromagnetic gun should be only about tens of meters."

"That's not necessarily true.

The reason why the range of the super-electromagnetic gun is so short is that Gabriel Yuri uses coins.

At a distance of more than 50 meters, the coins fuse at a speed exceeding three times the speed of sound.

If Gabriel Yuri used other metals with greater mass, or larger objects, it's not impossible for the super-electromagnetic gun to shoot several hundred meters."

"Be careful, his super-electromagnetic gun might still fire."

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki was hit! Are you okay?"

"He should be fine. That's Vice Admiral Sakazuki, a monster-like existence in the Marines."

At this time, the orange light disappeared, and the smoke gradually dissipated. Finally, the Marines saw Sakazuki.

He was bleeding.

Everyone was horrified.

Their Vice Admiral Sakazuki had blood on his forehead, and his head was injured.

Akainu's face was extremely gloomy. If his eyes could kill, they would have done so several times over.

The super-electromagnetic gun just now was too unexpected and too fast.

Considering Akainu's understanding of Yuri's abilities,

The range of his super-electromagnetic gun is generally about 50 meters.

Beyond this distance, the coin dissolves because it is moving too fast.

The super-electromagnetic gun ejects an object out of an electromagnetic orbit to attack.

When the object is gone, the super-electromagnetic gun disappears.

However, the shot just now came from a tower a few hundred meters away, far beyond Akainu's expectations.

Moreover, the electromagnetic gun did not decelerate after being fired; it kept accelerating.

Three times the speed of sound is just the basic speed of the super-electromagnetic gun.

Unexpectedly, with such terrifying speed, even Akainu reacted a little late and was hit by the super-electromagnetic gun in an instant.

At the moment of crisis, he could have used his body's elemental transformation to avoid the attack, but this time it was useless, and the coin literally hit his body.

During the crisis, Armament Haki protected him, but he still ended up with a broken forehead and bleeding.

"It's Armament Haki. Armament Haki is hidden on the coin. That's why he can shoot such a long distance and hit me. Gabriel Yuri seems to have been practicing Armament Haki in secret, and now he has succeeded." Akainu said coldly.

"Armament Haki, so that's it. With Armament Haki's defense, even a small coin can withstand speeds over three times the speed of sound," the Marines said, suddenly understanding.

At this moment, Akainu raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Don't think the same move will work again."

While speaking, Akainu punched out,

This fist collided with an orange light.

It turned out that just as the Marines were talking, another orange-red light flew from the distant tower.

This time, Akainu was prepared, and the powerful Armament Haki hit the super-electromagnetic gun.

"Boom!" Immediately, two powerful forces collided and roared.

Eventually, the super-electromagnetic gun disappeared.

"Sure enough, my Armament Haki is far superior."

The super-electromagnetic gun was not destroyed by Akainu,

But Yuri's Armament Haki is not strong. Armament Haki gradually disappeared during the shot.

In the end, there was no way to protect the coin, and it melted away under the speed of the super-electromagnetic gun and Akainu's attack.

"We can only win by quantity," Yuri said lightly.

While talking, both his hands held coins, and the super-electromagnetic guns shot at Akainu one by one.

Akainu yelled when he saw this and punched out, but his fists still couldn't keep up with the speed of the super-electromagnetic gun.

After knocking down a few super-electromagnetic guns, Akainu was hit by another super-electromagnetic gun, too late to punch.

His body was shot back involuntarily.

Then several super-electromagnetic guns chased and shot at the retreating Akainu.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The roaring explosions sounded.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki!" The Marines exclaimed.

Even though they knew Akainu was terrifying, they still worried about him being attacked like this.

"Meteor Volcano." At this moment, there was a cold voice from the explosion.

In the next moment, lava fists flew out from the explosion, shooting straight toward the distant tower.

In the original work, Akainu's Meteor Volcano shoots toward the sky first, and then shoots down from the sky like a meteor.

But this does not mean that Meteor Volcano has only one usage,

It can also be used for direct shots,

And the speed of direct fire is extremely fast.

"Are you trying to destroy Date City?" Yuri raised his eyebrows, and at the same time, lightning crackled all over his body. A large amount of iron sand flew from behind him.

"Sand Shower!" The iron sand turned into a rain of sand and shot out, hitting the fists of the Meteor Volcano that had been fired.

Naturally, this small rain of sand couldn't withstand the Meteor Volcano.

But the Meteor Volcano, struck by the Sand Shower, suddenly stopped in the air.

The lava in the Logia world contains more or less metal elements.

Magma is originally formed by molten material from the earth's core, which naturally includes mineral metals.

As long as the metal is controlled by magnetism.

But Akainu's magma is purely energy.

Yuri found it difficult to control with his magnetic powers,

But after being hit by the Sand Shower, the iron sand shot into the magma.

With these iron sands, Yuri could control the magma fists.

"Give it back to you," Yuri said lightly.

The magma fists immediately reflected back and collided with another batch of Meteor Volcano.

Immediately, fierce lava exploded in the sky!