Funerals were held. The melancholy darkness spread over the main castle where the funeral was held. The clouds cried, the waters fell on the Earth, the environment became hazy. Washington's and Gratius' were confirmed dead, and they were buried. Zen was standing amidst, completely quit as he was helpless. After everything in the rain, he stood in front of Washington's grave and said," you had to sacrifice yourself for someone worthless as me". Water dripped from one of his eyes, his mouth slightly opened due to the sadness. Zen Beschimer made an oath. He said," this world will become a better place. I am carrying you will and of all the predecessors who dreamt of the same thing. One day I will bring peace." Zen walked out of the graveyard and returned to his apartment. He jumped straight into the bed as his mind was fatigued. He slept in that silence. On the other side of the city, Sweyn was standing in the footpath. Staring at the sky as the raindrops fell on his face. He started walking in that rain. A letter was delivered to both of their apartments at that moment. Sweyn reached his apartment, and he opened the letter. Zen woke up and opened the door. He saw the letter and opened it. Both of them read the letter. It was an invitation to the oath taking ceremony of the new captain of East division. It will be held on the nearby palace. The convocation included some of the people who were appointed to other posts in the organization. It will be held the next day. Zen threw the letter and Sweyn also did the same. Both of them entered their room. The letter flew and there was a name displayed on it, name of the sender, Ryan Cartier.