Ironskin (II)

Arnold started by hitting his chest severally at first. He pulled his blue elastic shirt, leaving half of his body naked. Then, he hit hard.

Mark and Lila, who were focused on their Broad Kick practices, were suddenly drawn by Arnold's action.

"Don't worry, keep practicing!" Arnold shouted from his spot.

Mark and Lila glanced at themselves after that statement, but they did as Arnold said right after, continuing to practice the Broad Kick.

[12% hardness.]

[12% hardness.]

[12% hardness.]

It was certain that having to make progress in the "Ironskin" training was very difficult just like the system had said.

Arnold spent over twenty minutes hitting his chest region, only to get the same result. His skin hardness remained at 12... Even his hurting chest was also having the effect of the blow... Pain.