Monster like physique

Date: 26/05/24 04:30 AM Indian Army Base, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India

A young man in his mid-20s is running on the ground for his early morning workout. This young man's name is Vikram. He is a Captain in the Indian Army. He is one of the excellent soldiers of the Indian army.

Suddenly a voice comes from behind, ''Captain, are you working hard? Would you mind if I join you?'' The man who is speaking with Vikram is Shateesh. He is a lieutenant in the Indian army.

Vikram, without looking back and in his serious tone, said, ''I have never forbidden anyone from joining me in morning workout.''

''Captain, please don't be angry; I was just joking,'' Shateesh said with his usual nonsensical manner.

Vikram thought to himself, 'This guy doesn't take seniors seriously, and now he is making fun of me. Let me see your physical fitness today; I will make sure you will never take seniors casually again.'

Shateesh showed a creepy smile on the face of Captain Vikram. Shateesh suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

Vikram said, ''Now that you have decided to join me, you have to workout with me until the end. Of course, if you don't have the guts, you can return now.'' Vikram tried to provoke his junior so that he wouldn't quit so easily.

How can Shateesh deny this provocation? He confidently said, ''Of course, Captain, how can I miss this opportunity? I will make sure that I won't drag you down.'' Shateesh is also an Indian army soldier; how can he not be provoked by those words from his captain? Shateesh has full confidence in his physique. But he didn't know the person in front of him has a physique like a monster. Due to his inhuman-like workout, no one wants to work out with him.

Shateesh and Vikram start running on the ground, and they keep running and running. 'Why won't the captain stop running? Is he only going to keep running?'

After some time, Vikram stops running. When he turns back, he sees Shateesh crazily inhaling and exhaling. Vikram shows this and smiles with satisfaction.

Vikram is feeling very happy and said, ''Let's start other workouts.''

"Other workouts?, Is this not over yet?" Shateesh said with breathing heavily.

"Shateesh, are you asking me seriously? You are also a soldier of the Indian army. Why would I only run in the morning workout? Are you tired? If so, you can rest. I won't expect that you will give up so easily," Vikram said in a teasing tone.

Shateesh now feels that Captain is making fun of him and teasing him. ''Of course not, Captain. How can I give up so easily? Let's start our other workout.'' How can Shateesh give up so easily? His pride doesn't allow him to give up so early. But Shateesh doesn't know that Vikram is just playing with him.

One and a half hours later. Shateesh, who didn't want to give up due to his pride, no longer has any motivation to compete with his captain, who left him by the tree in a half-death state for the rest. Vikram doesn't stop here and continues his morning workout. Shateesh now understands why his peers suggested that he not approach Captain Vikram during his workout. He is not human; he is a monster who doesn't know when to stop while exercising, and now he is at a different level than his peers. Shateesh didn't get demotivated but is now motivated that as long as he works hard, he can become an extraordinary person and have a physique like his captain Vikram. Vikram and Shateesh both come from a common background; their families are farmers, and they both worked hard to become officers in the Indian Army. Captain Vikram is his ideal.

Vikram and Shateesh are both part of the special forces in the Indian Army. Vikram is one of the finest soldiers in the special forces in the Indian army, and his technical knowledge, strategic thinking, and commanding skills are top-notch and acknowledged by all in the special forces. After one hour, Vikram finishes his workout, and both Shateesh and Vikram head to their respective rooms. After cleaning up, they head to the official building. But before they enter their offices, a soldier comes to both of them and says they have been called urgently by Major Rajesh. Both of them head to Major Rajesh's office and find that not only are they called, but all their team members are as well. Vikram understands the meaning of this; they are being called for an urgent mission.

Somewhere else -

Three hours ago in Srinagar, Lagza village, two young men wearing Pathani kurtas are walking on the road. The road is empty, with very few vehicles passing by. Dogs are barking and birds are chirping, their sounds clearly heard. The sun has not fully risen yet.

These two young men are none other than Rayan and Haidar. Rayan and Haidar are Indian wanted terrorists who are responsible for many civilian deaths and Indian Army officials. They are part of a terrorist group in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, Lashkarey Taiba. This terrorist group is responsible for many attacks on Indian cities and is active in Kashmir valley. The terrorist group is sponsored by the Pakistan army and Pakistani government. Rayan and Haidar are natives of Kashmir. They came early in the morning to meet with their relatives. Unfortunately, they were identified by one of the Indian Army informers, Ikbal, who lives in the neighborhood of Rayan and Haidar's relatives' house. Without any delay, Ikbal shared this information with the Indian Army headquarters through a smartphone.

In the office, Major Rajesh in front of the Special Forces unit soldiers explains their mission: ''About an hour ago, we received intel about two terrorists who are going to meet their relatives. Your mission will be to eliminate them or arrest them if they surrender.''

Major Rajesh showed them their pictures: ''These are their pictures, they both are terrorists of Lashkar-e-Taiba. Both of them joined this terrorist group 2 years ago. Both of them are very dangerous as they both have knowledge of explosives and can be armed with explosives. Evacuation of the surroundings will be completed by local forces by the time you all will get there. Now go.''

Vikram is the leader of this team and has 20 members, including him and Shateesh. All members now changed their combat uniforms. It took only 10 minutes for all of them to fully equip, and it took them 30 minutes to come to the location of the terrorists.

Vikram divided it into two parts, each including 10 members. Both teams will operate from the front and back. Civilians were already evacuated from this area, and local forces had already surrounded the area. Vikram and his team directly entered the area, with one team going from behind and the other team preparing to assault from the back. Vikram, with his team, headed to the target house with the cover of the wall. There was no response from the terrorists until now. Vikram has a bad feeling about this, but suddenly, firing sound is heard. This was coming from the back. It is concluded that the other team is engaged with the targets.

After confirming that both targets are engaged with the second team, Vikram concluded that now is the right time to sneak attack. Vikram and his team headed towards the target house. After reaching the perfect range, Vikram confirmed once again that there are no hostages with the help of a drone. After confirmation, Vikram directly threw a grenade into the first floor of the building.

Suddenly, a loud sound of a grenade explosion can be heard. Vikram and his team once again start taking cover. Since there is no way to confirm whether the sneak attack succeeded or not due to the smoke and dust, there was a very real possibility of the attack being successful. However, it can only be confirmed after a few minutes, either if the terrorists try to attack again, or they are dead or heavily injured, which can only be confirmed through the drone.

After ten minutes, there was no firing, which confused us whether the sneak attack worked or the terrorists just wanted to create confusion and attack us. But unfortunately for them, we have the latest technology drones which can confirm whether they are dead or just trying to pretend.

Vikram gave orders to confirm the status of terrorists. After receiving the order, the technical team launched two drones. Now that some time has passed, smoke and dust have settled. After just five minutes, the technical team confirmed that there are no survivors. Vikram and his team were happy that today's operation went very well, and now the first team led by Vikram entered the building. Vikram and his team also confirmed the deaths of the terrorists. Vijay was somehow feeling uneasy; therefore, he wants to check the building with the bomb squad. Vikram and his team are now retreating, but suddenly they heard a sound coming from the first floor. The team is now on full alert. But it was too late; it was another grenade, this time from a terrorist in the tunnel on the ground floor, which they didn't check properly. Suddenly, a booming sound can be heard; it was from a grenade thrown by one of the terrorists. The information was wrong: there were not two terrorists, but more than two. But now, there is no way to know, and it is already too late for Vikram. This is the end of Captain Vikram from the Indian Army.