Strength is superior to all

"Sorry to disappoint you, your highness. We don't have any special unit that takes on special tasks,''

Virendra replied. ''Okay, I get it. Then how about preparing a special unit for special tasks?''

Virendra replied, ''Your highness, we can prepare them, but are we going for war?''

Vikash didn't want to say that he was planning to make Akhand Bharat himself, so he replied, ''Uncle, we are not going for war, but we have to prepare for any unnecessary trouble. And after all, we are just preparing a training plan for some soldiers, not recruiting them.''

"That will be fine, but Your Highness, there is still a problem. We are not in a very critical situation, but we are not financially stable or in surplus. For the training plan, it will take time, as we are not sure about how to train these soldiers for these specific tasks. It will also increase the financial burden on the budget. Additionally, we don't know how much money we will spend on training them. We are uncertain whether it will be feasible at that time. Therefore, Your Highness, before making any decisions, please consider these points."

Vikram was also thinking about how he will modify modern training for this era and how he will explain to his uncle about his knowledge of these training methods. Suddenly, Vikram got an idea and said, ''Uncle, I have an idea about training methods for soldiers. I came up with these ideas while traveling and studying ancient literature. As you already know, in our area there are many tribal groups. I got the idea of Guerrilla war techniques from observing them while they were hunting. The other two methods I discovered while reading the ancient texts of Mahabharata and Ramayana.''

Virendra was very pleased to hear this since it not only helped him in training soldiers but also showed that his nephew's reading and observation skills are impressive. ''Your Highness, this will be a great help. If these training plans are successful, we can definitely regain our former glory.'' Virendra did not hide his joy this time; it was clearly visible on his face.

Vikram said "As for finance, I have planned something for increasing state revenue "

Virendra who was in joy until, after hearing these words got very worrisome thoughts. He thought 'Is my nephew is going to increase tax rates it was already very high if we increase taxes now it will directly affect the popularity of the new king.' Virendra said with respect "Your highness taxes are already very high if we increase them now the chances of rebellion against new King will become very high. Please consider these points in mind before making any decisions that can increase dissatisfaction among people."

Vikram already know what will his uncle think after hearing that he was going to increase revenues of state. Vikram replied "Uncle please don't misunderstand, I was only taking about increasing state revenue not increasing tax."

Virendra still was very confused 'how will he increase revenues without annexing land and without increasing tax. Is he planning to plunder somewhere '

Vikram continued, ''I am planning to start exploring minerals present in our state.''

I know that this area was very rich in coal, metal ores, and stones such as marble in my timeline.

''I have read many ancient records which say that there is an abundance of minerals present in this land. But with time, we forgot about them. I have a strong feeling that this will increase our wealth exponentially.''

Virendra, after hearing that, said, ''Your Highness, I also believe in ancient records and have full faith in God and your intuition. But, Your Highness, if we explore our land everywhere, it will take time, and the money we spend on it will be very costly. Please consider these points before making any decisions, my lord.''

''I know it will be very costly; that's why we are going to post a royal edict that we will reward citizens of our state who present different types of ore found in our state and where they found it. By doing this, we can explore a large area of our state without spending too much time and money. This will also allow us to start proper mapping of our state, which was also the wish of my deceased father. Now, what do you think about this plan, uncle? Is there a problem with this plan as well?''

Virendra was listening about this plan. After hearing all, he was thinking about it. After analyzing it, he answered, ''Your Highness, although there are no problems in your plan, but still suppose we found gold or silver mines in our state and our neighbor state got the information about this because we already know it will be quite easy. Citizens are exploring the land, and we don't know if they have explored any precious metal and given the information about it to our neighbor or the Mughals. I am sure they will definitely act against us for this.''

"Yes, there is still a problem, but don't worry, uncle. We are not in a hurry. After analyzing all situations, we can find an appropriate solution for this problem. So, don't worry, uncle. I will discuss these proposals in our next meeting after three months. Until then, try to find solutions for our problem, and I will also try to find an appropriate solution for it."

Vikram said, ''You can now go'' while he was still sitting on his throne, thinking about the problem. He knows everything can be solved if the state has strength. He knows that even in the modern world, strength is superior to all. America can start war for its interest anywhere in the world. He also knows that if he has strength, then no one is going to oppose him. So the first thing to do is improve our strength so that we can protect what we want.

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