Richard's Pov
I sat at the bar nursing my drink wondering what just happened and why am I passing through this path.
My mind replayed all the events of the past few days. The guilt was overwhelming, how things really went out of control I was only trying to put things in other yet Mr. Clifford was only seeing things in another perspective.
I had started with the best intention wanting to honor Clifford's trust and make something of myself. But now everything doesn't work out as planned.
My documents, fiance, opportunity and my life were all a threat to me, it all fell like too much to handle.
I thought about Olivia. She was so strong and supportive standing up for her father, I thought about Emily, my fiance who intends to risk her life for my sake.
"No, I can't marry Olivia!". I screamed, scrubbing my head. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had dragged myself into a nightmare. I finished my drink and motioned for another.
As I sat there with the second drink in front of me, I started thinking about possible solutions.
I couldn't let Clifford win. I had to find a way to turn things around to protect Myself and my fiancee also securing the company.
"Maybe there are ways to use Mr. Clifford tactics against him". I mumbled beneath my breath.
I could gather evidence of his misdeeds and present it to the board, prove that he was the real threat, it wouldn't be easy but it was a plan.
I took a deep breath feeling a glimmer of hope, I had to be strategic and smart; this wasn't about me anymore it was about everyone who had been hurt by Clifford's schemes.
While sipping my drink I was lost in thought, a stranger looked at a seat next to me.
He was a tall man with a rough rugged look. "Mind if I joined you?". He asked. I shrugged. "It's a free country".
He ordered a bear and took a long swig before turning to me.
"You looked like you could use a friend,". He said. I chuckled with a bitter sound.
"More like a miracle". The man nodded, his expression serious. "Sometimes a friend can be a miracle". We sat in silence for a while drinking.
There was something about him that felt familiar though I couldn't place it. Finally he spoke again.
"I've been through some tough times myself, sometimes talking helps".
"What do you mean by talking helps?". I curiously asked but he kept mute.
Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the strangers calm presence, but I found myself opening up, I told Mr. Clifford and her daughter Olivia threaten me, making my life miserable if I refuse to adhere to their plan.
I also told him about the documents involved with a marriage contract. The stranger listened quietly, nodding occasionally when I finished and he took a deep breath.
"Sounds like you're in a real mess,". He said. "But you should also sound like you're willing to fight".
"Willing to fight? No, it's not possible that I can't fight with my boss".
"Then sit down and enjoy his game played on you".
I nodded. "I wish I could but I don't know where to start. I'm just scared".
"Scared of what?". He asked. With his eyes opened.
"I can't really explain but I guess I'm putting my life and my fiance at risk".
The stranger smiled slightly. "Good. Because from what you've told me you've the upper hand to bring him down".
"Is not my choice to bring him down, I just want to be free from his trap".
"You can't be free from being trapped if you're not ready to fight with what you have". He said, patting his hands on my shoulder.
I became scared and fidgeting, he looked at me with a warm smile. "Use that to your advantage".
His words struck a chord. Maybe he was right, maybe I could turn things around.
The stranger leaned in, lowering his voice. "Look, I don't know you, and you don't know me but I can help."
"How do you wish to help, I don't want you to be affected by this as well". I pleaded.
"Don't worry about that, I have some connections, about people who can dig up dirt on Clifford, just find out his weakness".
I looked at him skeptically. "Why would you help me?".
He shrugged. "Let's say I don't like bullies. And Clifford sounds like a real piece of work".
"Have you met him before?".
"Not at all I don't even know the person you're talking about but I can assure when we work as a team we will pull him down".
"Pulling him down doesn't mean nice to me, I don't want him to go through torture".
"Ok no problem we'll definitely look out for another plan". I considered his offer.
It was risky trusting a stranger. But I didn't have any options.
"What do you want in return?". I asked the man, smiled.
"Just the satisfaction of seeing a good man win for once". It was a gamble, but I was out of other ideas.
"Alright,". I said, let's do it.
We spent the next hour laying out a plan, the stranger who finally introduce himself as Jack, had a network of contacts who could help us gather evidence against Mr. Clifford.
It would take time and resources but it was a start. "We would need to be discreet,". Jack said. "I guess Mr. Clifford has eyes everywhere,". I nodded, feeling a new sense of purpose.
"Agreed". We'll have to be careful,". We exchanged contact information and Jack promised to get back to me with any leads.
As he left, I felt a strange sense of hope. Maybe just maybe we could turn the tide. But the path ahead was still uncertain, and I knew we had to be prepared for anything.
Only time will tell what awaits in this dangerous journey I'm about to embark on.