Chapter 4


An old woman arrogantly alighted from a private jet with guards trailing behind her.

She walked to a limousine parked with other cars. Four other black cars were parked beside the limousine.

'' Welcome ma'am.'' a lady dressed in black greeted

'' Quit the greetings Lariat. I'm in a hurry to see my baby.'' she said arrogantly before stretching her bag out to the lady.

The lady forced a smile onto her face before collecting the old woman's handbag.

The old woman got into the limousine and the driver drove off, her entourage following closely behind her.

She stared at her vibrating phone, and with a groan, she picked it up. 

'' Tell me something I don't know Sniper.'' Her voice was filled with venom.

'' There is a problem ma'am.'' the man at the other end of the phone said

'' Spit it.'' she answers rudely.

"Master Archer's guards are after your granddaughter. We followed her to Ashlyn's house and we noticed that Master's guards were already there. Now they are about to enter the house.'' he said, fear visible in his voice

The old woman gritted her teeth in anger.

'' Wow. you followed my Orleanna to Ashlyn's house and you noticed Archer's guards there but you still stayed at a distance and let her in.'' she asked sarcastically

'' Forgive us ma'am. You ordered that we should never let anyone know that we are following her. That's why we kdecided to keep our distance."

''You all have to be kidding me.'' she said through gritted teeth

''What do we do ma'am. Should we act or...''

''Are you stupid, or are you just pretending to be?' she asked in disbelief.

'' Get her out of there right now! Don't even let them see her. Get both of them out. RIGHT NOW!'' she yelled the last part and was about hanging up when she smirked

''Don't hesitate to kill them all if they act funny. And if I see a scratch on my granddaughter....'' She took a pause to put her phone on the other ear.

''i'll kill your entire family and make you watch me feed their bodies to my dogs.'' she hung up the call and focused on the driver

'' Drive faster.'' she ordered.

Lariat who was sitting beside her, fiiddled with her fingers nervously. She so much wanted to ask a certain question out of curiosity.

'' Ma'am. Some of your guards are stalking your granddaughter?" she asked and the old woman just scoffed

'' That's not stalking Lariat. It's called guarding and protecting. I'm protecting what is mine.'' she said without looking at her.

'' But she doesn't know that she's always being guarded. I mean no one knows that four men are always with her everywhere?'' Lariat ask

'' So what if she doesn't know?" I'm doing it for her own good.'' she rolled her eyes at Lariat's question.

'Her own good my foot.' Lariat scoffed inwardly

Ashlyn's house;

Ashlyn ran down the stairs holding the drugs Orleanna needed to take. She looked at Orleanna who was barely conscious.

Moving to where she laid, Ashlyn quickly put her head on her lap and picked a glass of water.

'' Open your mouth Orle.'' she said but the latter didn't answer, she just kept on gasping for air.

Ashlyn moveed her fingers to the unconscious girl's jaw and pinched on it hard, forcing her to open her mouth. She did and she placed the drugs in.

After giving her the drugs, she couldn't help but sigh in relief. She had Madea huge mistake. She stared at the girl who had her eyes shut.

Meanwhile, Archer's guards walked to the house. But three men came from nowhere and stood in front of them.

The men pointed their guns at each other but since Archer's guards are just two, they decided not to fight.

'' What happened.'' Karl, one of Archer's guards asked while glaring at the men

'' You can't go in.'' Sniper said

'' Says who.'' Karl asked with a frown.

'' My mistress.''

'' It's my Master's order to bring the girls. And I think you would not like to disobey Master Archer's order if you don't want to witness his wrath.''

''Sorry about this but they are not going with you. It is my Mistress's order.''

The fourth guard of the old woman entered through the back door. He looked at Ashlyn who still had Orleanna's head on her laps and scurried to them.

'' What the hell!'' Ashlyn flinched when she saw the guard

'' Sorry Miss. But we have a problem.'' he tried to explain calmly

''You enter my house through the back door and you are telling me we have a problem. Yes you are the problem here. Who the fuck are you.'' she 

'' I'm one of Mrs HARRIS's guards. The mafia's guards are outside your house and they can enter at anytime. We have to get Orleanna home right now. Ma'am is on her way home.'' He said. Ashlyn's eyes widend with horror.

She looked over at Orleanna who was still unconscious. A cold sweat broke onto her forehead. What if Archer's guards get hold of them?

And if she goes home with Orleanna, her grandma will surely not spare her when she sees her granddaughter in this state.

Gosh! What has she gotten herself into?! She should have never called Orleanna to come to her house in the first place.

She should have known that Master would never buy her lies. She should have known that he'll surely stalk her.

''Are you listening Ashlyn?'' the guard said jolting her out of her thoughts.

Beads of sweats was already forming on her forehead and she was staring into space.

'' Carry Orle. She just had an allergic reaction, that's why she is weak.'' Ashlyn said, while turning her attention back to Orleanna

The guard gave a nod and immediately carried her in his arms like she weighed nothing.

'' Follow me and don't make a sound.'' the guard instructed and Ashlyn nodded nervously

They exited the house and walked to the cars. Two cars were parked at a distance from their house.

Ashlyn swiftly enterd the car and the guard placed Orleanna beside her. She gently adjusted her head on her shoulder.

The guard slipped into the driver's seat and ignited the car. 

They drove to the front of the house, The guards who served as a distraction dashed away and hurried Into each vehicle and soon, they all drove off, leaving Archer's men in a state of shock. Karl blinked his eyes several times before he could make sense of what happened. It was actually a distraction. 

'' Fuck!'' Karl cursed and hurried to his car with the other guard. He began to ignite the car, but he stopped. They were to late, those me were long gone.

''Damn it!.'' He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. '' Master won't like this.''


Sniper carried Orleanna in his arms and entered the house with the guards and Ashlyn trailing behind him.

He dropped her gently onto the couch and moved to Mrs Harris who was seated, staring at them without uttering a word.

She looked angry.

'' Welcome back ma'am.'' Sniper bowed and Mrs Hareis slapped him hard across the face.

'' How dare you all let my granddaughter go through that damn trauma.'' She seethed

'' Sorry ma'am. But she wasn't conscious when all these happened.'' Sniper said and Mrs Harris looked a bit surprised

'' What do you mean.'' she asked with a hard glare.

Sniper turned to Ashlyn giving her a 'go on' look.

Ashlyn gulped nervously before walking up to to Mrs Harris. She gave a small bow

'' was an allergic reaction...s-she...mistakenly... drank coffee made with...with... coconut milk.'' she stuttered. She was literally trembling.

Mrs Harris glowered at the girl form top to bottom. She felt like hitting the girl across the face but she restrained herself.

''I'm highly disappointed in you Ash. How could you have let her make such a stupid mistake?" You were there and you let her drink it.'' 

'' No granny. I was in the kitchen for her lunch.''

'' LUNCH MY FOOT.'' Her voice boomed, causing Ashlyn to flinch.

'' Because of some godforsaken lunch, she is like that because of a damn lunch!'' she asked in disbelief.

She turned dramatically and stared at Orleanna. She placed her palm against her forehead and sighed in relief. She didn't have a fever thankfully 

She then glanced at Mr and Mrs Hopper, who kept their heads bowed since she came in. Owen and Riley stood behind their parents avoiding the old woman's gaze.

'' And these useless beings.'' she stared at them coldly

''I heard that you have been making her work. What a family.'' she said sarcastically

'' Should I remind you that you all are nothing but her slaves.'' she spat. Mrs Hopper trembled with fear.

'' So you all have the guts to trouble you're Mistress.'' she chuckled darkly

Mr Hopper went on lto his knees dragging his wife and children with him.

'' Forgive us ma'am. We made a mistake.'' he said bowing

'' I think that's the last mistake you all will make in your lifetime. YOU USELESS ANIMALS!'' she exclaimed, while gritting her teeth

'' Gosh grandma. Stop yelling.'' Orleanna said feebly. Mrs Harris just shot daggers at the Hopper family.

They got onto their feet, a smile spread across their faces.

'' Oh dear you are awake.'' Mrs Harris walked towards her with a smile.

'' Welcome home grandma.'' Orleanna said while sitting up

''Thank you Orlea baby.'' The old woman gave a smile and pulled her into a hug.

They all just stared at the two. All they could do was heave a sigh of relief. At least everyone was out of danger.

They all knew Mrs Harris would never behave arrogantly or show her ruthlessness in front of Orleanna.

She was grandma's favourite. She wasn't aware of the person her grandmother was. She just knew that Mrs Harris was a busy woman who was always on business trips.

And whenever she came back, she broight all sort of expensive things for her. The latest phone, the most expensive bag and shoes. And expensive cars.

'' I heard you went to Ashlyn's place on a bicycle.'' Mrs Harris asked and Orleanna pulled away from the bug with a grin.

'' Yes grandma. And it was fun.'' she giggled

'' No Orlea baby. That's not caledl 'fun'. You could have taken one of your cars. Or take the bike you insisted I bought for you. Any of them, but not a bicycle.'' She said while caressing her hair gently.

'' Okay grandma. I promise I won't do it again.'' she raised her pinky finger.

'' That's my baby.'' Mrs Harris smiled and kissesher forehead.

Orleanna the environment confused. She was supposed to be in Ashlyn's house.

'' But I was at Sisi's house, right.'' she asks

What would she even say? She couldn't tell Orlea what really happened.

'' HEY EVERYONE. GUESS WHO IS HERE.'' A girl yelled dramatically while entering the living room. Mrs Hareis could only sigh in relief

'' Bracia.'' Orleanna had a huge smile on her face while standing up. She walked towards the girl and pulled her into a hug.

'' Yes Bracia herself.'' she giggles

'' Good day Mrs Harris'' she greeted the old lady warmly.

'' Welcome dear.''

One will think she was smiling at Bracia but the truth is that she was relieved that Bracia came in and she didn't have to answer Orleanna's questions anymore.

Bracia and Orleanna kept talking till they were about walking out but Mrs Harris stop them.

'' You need to rest Orlea.'' she said

'' Come on grandma. I'm fine.'' she said with a grin before dragging Bracia out.

'' Geez Acia I'm so happy to see you.'' she said and Bracia rolled her eyes

'' Not again Anna. Stop calling me Acia. It's not funny.'' she said with a pout.

'' It's your name.''

'' No I'm Bracia. Not Acia.''

'' There is Acia in Bracia. So let it be.''

'' I'm going to strangle you one day Anna. I promise.'' she said which caused both girls to laugh hard.

'' You can still dream about it darling. Because you can't do it. You can't live without me.'' She added with a wink.

'' Arrrrgh. I hate you Anna.'' Bracia rolls her eyes

'' Love you too.''

'' Come here.'' Bracia smiles and pulled her into a hug again.

'' Now tell me what the problem is.'' she asked while breaking the hug

'' What are you talking about?"' Orleanna asked confused

'' I know something is troubling you.'' Bracia said. Orleanna sighed heavily. She decided to tell her.

'' Actually, I think they are hiding things from me. I mean there is something about my life that makes me feel like…..I don't know but it makes me feel like I don't know who I am. Everyone is hiding things from me. I mean....'' she sighed while feeling very confused.

'' Oh.'' Bracia mutters

'' What do you think is going on?'' she asked softly and Bracia just pulled her to sit down on a nervy bench.

'' I don't know Acia. But I feel like there is something I have to know. I mean everyone is acting strangely. My family only acts sweetl with me when grandma is around. I mean...'' She sighed once again.

''Let's leave it for now. We will talk about it later.'' Bracia gave a nod.

'' You know Dan asked about you.'' she giggles

'' Gosh you are such a witch, Acia.'' They both laugh.


Archer stood in the compound, Finley standing next to him. They kept staring at the entrance.

'' What the hell is keeping them for so long?" Asked Archer who was already growing impatient. He wanted to see the girls, most importantly, he wanted to see her.

'' They are here.'' Finley announced, causing Archer to sigh in relieve.

The vehicles drove into the compound to park afew feet away from Archer and Finley. Archer stayed impatiently, waiting for his men to open the door that was supposed to hiding the ladies.

'' Where are they?"' he asked impatiently

'' We didn't get them Master. Something went wrong..''

'' You're bluffing.'' He seethed

They explained what happened to him and he looked surprised.

'' Someone dared to defile me?" he asked in surprise.

''How dare that person. And who the fuck was he?'' Finley asked with anger evident in his voice. 

'' It was a woman Master.'' Karl answers and bow

'' A woman.'' Both masters asked in disbelief

'' Yes Master. Thoze men said that they were following their Mistress's order.''

'' This must be a joke.'' Archer seethed before storming off.

'' You mean a woman. A freaking woman?'' Finely asked. He had a dangerous smirk on his face.

'' Yes Master.'' Karl bowed again.

'' Interesting.'' He said and walked in.

He strolled into the living room and met his mother looking worried.

'' Is everything okay, mother.'' Finely asked while moving close to her.

''I've been calling Bracia since morning but she is not picking up. She told me she was going to her best friend's house.'' She said worriedly

'' You don't need to worry about her. We all know she is never going to cause trouble like your other children. Anyway I will go get her with Bianca. She knows everything about her sister. So she will surely know the house.'' Finely said assuringly with a smile.

'' Thank you son.'' Mrs Scott smiled back

'' BIANCA!!!" he called and the latter came running frantically.

'' I didn't fuck anyone today. I swear on my life bro.'' she said while breathing hard.

Mrs Scott stared at Finley and they both held back their chuckles. She thought she was going to be punished again.

'' Take me to Bracia's best friend's house.''

'' Oh Orleanna.'' A faint blush spread across her face. And Finley's eyes 

She has always had a crush on Orleanna. She always had wet dreams about her.

She couldn't wait to have her underneath her screaming and moaning her name while she fingers her and eats her raw.

'' Did you just blush.'' her mother asked shocked

'' No.'' she lied

''She did blush mother. I saw her too.'' Finley said and turned around to leave. 

'' I did not.'' she retorted.

''Whatever, let's go.'' Finley rolled his eyes.

They enter the car and zoom off.