Orleanna walked back to the place she left Bracia but couldn't find her. She immediately dialed her number.

'' Don't tell me you left because I didn't hurry up.'' she said in a shocked tone.

Bracia, on the other hand, was busy glaring at her sister, who was sitting beside her. She moved closer to the door.

'' My nanny just called me. She was not feeling well. So I had to leave. I'm sorry Anna.'' She rushed her words when she saw Finley coming.

'' I will call you back.''

Orleanna sighed and walked to her bike. She put on her helmet switched on her engine, and drove home.

On the way home, she kept thinking about Bracia. She has never visited her home, not even once. So she had no idea where she lived

When she asked about her parents or her family, she'd always give excuses and never answer.

Sometimes, she'd even change the topic and Orleanna would have no choice but to forget about it

She always thought that Bracia was hiding something or maybe she was finding it hard to tell her story, so she decided not to force her anymore.

Orleanna unconsciously bit her lower when her mind drifted to Finley. A smile appeared on her face when she remembered his facial expression when he saw her. It was like someone who had never seen a woman before.

When she arrived, she alighted from her bike slowly. When she removed her helmet, her hair became scattered.

When she entered her home, she saw Mrs Hatiis, her PA, and two other people. They bowed their heads in respect and she replied to their greetings with a smile. She headed up the stairs and pushed through the door of her room.

Sighing loudly, she walked to the bathroom and ran a bath for herself. She filled her jacuzzi with water before removing her clothes and slipping into it. She let out a contented sigh.

"That's the stuff." She said with a smile.


Meanwhile, Finley sat beside the driver at the front. From his sister's faces, he concluded that something was wrong.

He turned to look at them again and noticed a red mark on Bracia's cheek. There were a few lines. He instantly glared at Bianca.

'' Don't tell me you did this to her. You didn't dare right?'' Bianca swallowed hard at his tone. She didn't think he'd notice.

'' She insulted me.'' She defended. Finely just chuckled darkly.

He didn't say a word again and that alone scared Bianca. Whenever he was mad, he'd go dead silent, his eyes and aura expressing his emotions.

And right now she was dead sure that he was boiling in anger. 

No one touched his sister without regretting it. But since it was Bianca who dared to hit Bracia, she felt like he'd punish her more.

The car finally came to a halt in their compound and Bianca rushed down, trying to run inside the house before Finley could lay his hands on her.

But Finley was fast, very fast. He instantly grabbed her arm before she could go any further.

He dragged her inside the living room, while Bracia trailed behind them. He finally let go of her arm and she stood in front of him like a child who was waiting to be scolded.

'' Now tell me why the hell did you beat her?'' he seethed

'' I didn't beat her. I just slapped her out of anger.'' Her hands were clasped in front of her and her head was bowed.

''What is the difference?'' He moved his finger to her chin and raised her head to look at him

'' I just slapped her.'' she said almost in a whisper

'' AND WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THAT RIGHT.!' His voice thundered and both Bracia and Bianca couldn't help but flinch. He grabbed her arm roughly.

'' Answer me now. Why did you raise your hand on her?'' His tightening grip on her arm was like that of a claw.

'' What's going on here.'' their mother asks while climbing down the stairs.

She looked at her frightened daughters and knew that they had done something that made their brother angry.

'' Will you answer me or not,'' he asked while ignoring his mother's question

'' She said that I was a slut who fucked and gets fucked by everyone,'' she whispered, tears threatening to fall and Finley rolled his eyes

'' Is that why you slapped her? It's not like she's lying." Bianca's eyes went wide.

'' Aren't you a slut?" His voice was as cold as Antarctica.

The tears she was holding back soaked her cheeks. She sniffled a bit.

'' She doesn't have any right to insult me that way. It's my choice of life and you all should accept it,'' she said angrily tears rolling down her cheeks

'' Being a slut who is your choice?'' he grabbed her chin roughly, making her look him straight in the eyes

'' So you want to be a stùpid whore? Is that what you are saying?'' He tightens his vice-like grip. Bianca dared not to remove his hand or defend herself. Finely was capable of doing the worst.

'' Finley...'' his mother called calmly

She is a mother, after all, and couldn't bear to see her child in pain. She knew that right now Finley was trying his best to remain calm.

And Bianca was trying to hold her emotions in; if n,o,t she would have broken down.

Bracia stood looking at them. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest. She knew that Finley wouldn't spare he, r to, o for calling her big sister a slut. When he finishes with Bian, he will surely come for her.

'' KARL!!'' Finley called, his voice booming off the walls.

Karl came running to him. He went into a deep now when he got in front of his master.

'' Yes, Master?''

'' Take them both to my room.'' He ordered before walking away. He completely ignored his mother.

He walked into Archer's quarters. He stood in front of his room, and Stones and the other guard bowed.

'' Good da,y Master.'' They chorus. Finely just nodded

He wasn't in the mood, but he just had to see Archer, who had been calling his number since.

'' Is Archer in his room,'' he asked looking at Stone who quickly nodded

'' Yes Master.'' he bow again

'' But he is...''

Finley walked into the room before Stones could finish his words. The scene in front of him made him scoff. Archer was busy fucking a maid. When Archer realized Finely was here, he pushed the girl away. Seemed like he was finished.

"Get out of here." His voice sounded. The raven-haired girl stumbled out of the room without looking at Finely. Archer walked over to his bed naked. He glanced at Finely.

'' What's wrong, Finley? You don't look good.'' He asked. Finley just sighed and walked further into the room. He had his seat beside him and ruffled his hair.

'' My sisters are giving me a splitting headache. That spoiled brat kept fighting with each other. I feel like beating the shit out of them. But I can't because of my mother. Those two are always the reason for my headache.''

'' I wish my sister would give me a headache t, oo.'' Archer couldn't help but think as his mind drifted to Tania.

'' Did you say something?'' Finley asked and Archer shook his head negatively

'' So you called me.''

'' Yeah…y I have to... you know... get married.'' He breathed out and Finley burst out laughing

'' Come on Finley.'' he scratched the back of his head 

''I didn't know you pulled jokes too." He wiped invisible tears from his eyes before bursting out into laughter again

'' I'm serious.'' He said with a cold stare and Finley frowned.

'' Wait what?'' he raised his brow

'' It's Lucy's plan.'' He puts on a black shirt and pants.

'' She has no right to make decisions about your life. Yeah, she is your sister, but she doesn't have that right.''

Archer then narrated everything to Finley who listened to him like his life depended on it. He got onto his feet and walked over to the window. 

'' She said that it's our last hope to find Tania,'' he said and sighed

'' Like you will get married to that bitch.'' he scoffed.

'' Isn't there no other way?''

''There is no other way, Finley. And you know how important she is to the clan. Not only the clan but the mafia's world too. If we don't find her before they do then you know the consequences will not be good.'' He tightened his fist

'' I know she is very important and we must find her before they do. But are you sure that marrying that girl will solve this damn problem?'' he asked

'' What if she was telling the truth and doesn't know where this girl Tania is?''

Archer ran his hand through his hair frustrated. He let out a sigh. He has never told Finley who Tania is.

In the mafia's world, Tania was just a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who every Mafia boss was looking for. Because when Tania was born, her fath, er who was also a mafia bo,ss had a destructive weapon in his possession.

He was the only man that had the weapon and with that weapon in his hands he was feared by every Mafia. Every other mafia bow to his clan's feet because the weapon can destroy anyone in a blink of an eye even at a very far distance. 

It sounded weird, right? A weapon so destructive. But it was true. And he was in possession of it.

But the Mafias planned behind his back. Many of them wanted to get hold of the weapon, but it was impossible, so they decided to know his weakness.

And that's how Tania came about. She was the youngest in the family. Lucas and Lucy were twins who were trained at an early age and the same was done with Archer.

But Tania was an unexpected child. The couple wasn't expecting a child at that time but they loved and took care of her. And then since she was the only baby in the family all mafia's eyes were on her.

They were all looking for a way to weaken her father but her mother, Donna was quite fierce and feared too.

When their father saw the danger roaming around the head of his little girl he made a big decision that shocked all his enemies to their core.

He tattooed the weapon's hideout on her back. So anybody who wanted to find the hideout, would need to get to her. But he didn't stop there, he also made sure that the only way anyone could get access to the place was through her hand print and a retinal scan of her eyes. So she was the key in getting the weapon.

But one day, on a cold night her parents went missing with her twin siblings. She and Archer were sent to their aunt's and uncle's place, but they were killed in cold blood and the little girl was dropped at the orphanage gate.

Since then she has been missing and no one knew where she was

'' But Archer how did this girl go missing.'' Finley asked, causing Archer to sigh once again.

Finley didn't know that Tania was his sister, he just knew that they had to find a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who was the only key to the destructive arm.

He didn't even know about the tattoo. He knew absolutely nothing.

Not like he wanted to hide it from Finley, but his siblings didn't want him to tell Finley and of course he had to respect their choice.

'' Her grandfather thought that her aunt would exchange her when they were looking for her. But the truth was that the woman who she used to call Mama, sacrificed her baby while trying to protect Tania with her life, but unfortunately she lost it. Her grandfather didn't know that it was actually Tania in her arms. He thought that she was deceiving him and had already handed Tania to the enemies so he killed her husband and later killled her too, taking the girl to an orphanage.''

'' But he could have checked her well.'' Finley scoffed

'' Yeah but he wasn't aware of the tattoo.'' Archer muttered underneath his breath

'' What did you say.'' Finley asks

'' Nothing.'' he ruffled his hair

'' You see Finley, I think that girl knows where she is and she is trying to protect her or maybe she is working for one of our enemies. If not why will four guards came to her rescue when I sent Karl there.'' 

Finley thought it through for a while and suddenly gasped.

'' Archer....'' he called while standing up

'' What if they already have the girl. What if she is already in a mafia's hand.''

'' That's what I'm thinking too Finley. But they can't use her until she turn 19 and that will be in some weeks.'' 

'' But why will Don do something like that?'' Finley questioned, confused and irritated at the same time.

'' He could have just protected the place with something else, not a girl who was just a toddler."

'' There are many things that is unknown to you Finley.'' Archer finally said. He continued;

''There are things that you have no idea of.''

''And you have to tell me.''

'' I made a promise to my siblings who promised me back that they will tell you when the right time came.'' Finely just walked out of the room without saying a word.

He entered the room where his sisters were kept and saw them sleeping peacefully on his bed.

Bracia clung unto her sister, causing Finley to scoff before covering them with his duvet.

'' If you both think that I will let it go just like that then you are wrong. I will surely punish you tomorrow.'' he muttered before walking into his inner room.


Mrs Harris sat on her bed and brought out a cigarette. She lit it and placed it between her lips.

Lariat, her PA who was standing in front of her kept staring at the old woman for an answer.

'' You know nothing, Lariat. There are so much you still have to learn.''

'' But ma'am I was just asking why you so much show care and affection towards Orleanna since she is not your real granddaughter, you just adopted her. And this Hopper family are not even related to you.'' Lariat forced a smile at the old woman

'' That's why I said that you know nothing.'' she chuckled darkly

She stood up and walked to her balcony. Lariat followed quietly. She was curious and wanted to know the reason behind all these drama she always does because of Orleanna.

'' You see my girl, Orlea.'' she took a big whiff before continuing her words.

'' She will be the reason why in one or two months, when she turns 19 all the mafia clans will bow at my feet. They will have no other choice than to obey my orders and will crawl in fear whenever they hear my name.'' she smirked evilly

Lariat stared at her confused.

'' But what is going to happen ma'am? I mean what will change?''

'' Orleanna is the key to my success. She is my granddaughter. Adopting her was just a facade. The destructive weapon every Mafia boss is looking for, even her siblings. Orleanna is the key to that destructive weapon.'' She said and Lariat's eyes once again widened with confusion.

''But I thought that only Tania was the key?"

''Then who do you think Orleanna is?'' She said with a crooked smile and Lariat didn't only gasp in shock but staggered back almost falling

'' What!...she is ... Tania?'' she stammered

'' She is Tania HARRIS. The girl everyone thinks that went missing.'' she said and laugh evilly

'' But...this is evil.'' Lariat shook her head in disbelief

''Her siblings kept looking for her, especially Archer. And your husband Mr HARRIS even killed your daughter in-law's sister with her husband thinking that she handed Tania to the enemies. All these while she is waa you and you kept mute."' she asked still in shock

''You even helped Lucy search for her when she returned from Paris ten years ago. She was convincedS that her brother was not doing his job properly. You directed her to countless of orphanages, But the girl was in this house.'' he stared at the old woman with disbelief and disgust

''What did you want me to do Lariat?'' She smirked and moved close to her

''I didn't want my son to marry that girl, but his father insisted. Both father and son accepted her into the family and every attempt I made to make her leave always led to a punishment from that thing I call husband.'' She seethed smoke coming out of her nostrils

'' So you decided to betray them? You separated the girl from her family just because you despised the mother?'' she asked irritatedly.

''Oh Lariat. You still don't get it.'' she smiled

''Our enemies were after our clan and my son had the one thing that made them crumble at his feet. '' 

"But eventually, other mafia began to investigate further. They were going to find out where the weapon was sooner or later. And that stupid daughter-in-law of mine decided it was the best time to get pregnant. It made everything much worse."

"My son grew desperate. He desperately wanted to hide his secret weapon, so he made his new-born the key to getting the weapon. Even if his enemies found the place, they'd never be able to get in. Let them try to blow up the place, they'd destroy the weapon with it. To him, it was the best solution."

"She gave birth and became weak. A strong woman became powerless and useless. She couldn't even raise a finger. And somehow, our enemies found out what my son had done and started coming after the girl. She was unprotected."

"So what did my daughter-in-law suggest? She suggested sending Tania to her sister's, Kate's place so she could recuperate and be able to protect her daughter. But Kate's stupid husband ratted out Tania's location. The greedy bastard."

"But Kate turned out to be smart, she gave up her new-born to the enemies when they arrived and escaped with Tania. My husband found out about this and killed the greedy man. He ruthlessly hunted down Kate and didn't even falter to kill her too. He didn't even let her explain that Tania was with her and that she hadn't betrayed anyone. The stupid man never knew that it was his granddaughter he sent to the orphanage."

Lariat took in all of the information slowly. She knew a bit of the story, but this was the first time she was hearing the full story. It was so complex

 "She made a sacrifice. A huge one indeed. She didn't deserve death.'' Said Lariat.

'' Yes, but a sacrifice only me, Archer and Kate knew. I found out about it and immediately went to adopt the girl. I knew this was going to be my chance."

"No one knows where she is. Orleanis the key in making me invincible. They will all lick my boots."

'' That's cruel ma'am.'' Lariat bit her lower lip nervously as the words dropped out of her mouth.

'' Do you think that I care? And besides, that's how it works in the mafia's world. He married me and made me suffer. I was just an innocent girl who had to pay for her father's debt. He raped me every night He never cared. I b When I gave birth I thought that the suffering would end, but I was wrong. The torture continued. I was shattered, left empty. And that bitch came from nowhere and started a happy marriage. My son loved and took care of her. He was the perfect husband to her. How could I sit back and watch?"' She said bitterly

'' What are you going to do to the girl ma'am?'' Lariat asked, a bit scared. '' Since her parents are dead.''

She knew Mrs Harris could be cruel sometimes but this was the worst of it all. How could she plot evil against her family?

'' Who told you they were dead,'' she said with a chuckle, causing Lariat's eyes to widen.

''I will get her married to a mafia after I get hold of the weapons. It will be too late when they find her. She will be traumatized and completely damaged. She will live a poor and miserable life. Far worse than what I went through." She said before bursting out into a psychotic laugh.

''She is a weakling and there is no place for a weakling in the mafia world.''

Lariat looked at her with pure horror. All she could do was nod her head slowly.


She came out of the shower to run over to her ringing phone on her queen-sized bed.

'' Hey, beautiful.'' A cheery male voice sounded.

'' Hi who is speaking.?'' she asked confused

'' Your future husband, cutie.'' He said with a chuckle. She plopped onto her king-size bed, a small smile tugging at the edge of her lips.

'' It's you? Why are you calling, Finley?'' she said

'' Yeah, your future husband. Tell me can we meet tomorrow?" He asked, his voice quite hopeful.

'' I'm going to school.''

He muttered an ''oh'' over the phone and Orleanna bit her lips. People always see her as a 22-year-old girl or more than that because she grew fast. She doesn't look 18.

'' Then I will come to get you at your school so we will have lunch together.'' he smiles

'' Okay. Till tomorrow then.'' she smiles

'' Good night.''

'' Sleep tight, let me be your dream.'' he flirted, and Orleanna blushed and hung up.


Finley dresses up and walks to the cars. He stood when he sight Archer who was dressed in a black pants and a black shirt.

'' Are you going somewhere Archer.'' he smirks looking at him

'' Not again Finley. Don't start here.'' he whispers and walks to another car

'' So you are going on a date dress like you going to a funeral.'' Finley laugh

'' She will be too scared to accept you.'' he mocks

Archer glares hard at him and looks at Stone who open the car door for him. He enters and looks at the driver.

'' Where are we going Master.'' the driver asks

''Maryland's hospital.'' he states coldly and the driver bow and ignite the engine.

'' Are we going somewhere Master.'' Karl asks Finley who was busy looking at the cars that drive behind Archer.

He was out with with his guards going to the hospital Ashlyn is working.

'' Gosh Archer is just impossible.'' he chuckles and turns to Karl

'' Yes Karl, I'm going to school.'' he smirks

'' School...'' Karl asks to be sure

'' Yes and you all should do as usual. Follow but keep your distance. I'm not going to scare my cutie.'' he smiles and Karl nods

He enters his car and was about driving out when Bianca and Bracia came running to him.

'' Are you going somewhere brother,'' Bracia asks

'' hmmm.'' he hummed looking at them

'' But bro you left us there. Can we go out too.'' Bianca pouts

'' Nah... you both slept on my bed. I'm going to double your punishment. Now go back. No one is going out today not even Edison.'' he said sternly

'' But bro where are you going. Can I come along?'' Bracia asks

'' I'm going to pick up my new girlfriend from school.'' he smiles

'' Now you both get out of the way before I crush your tiny legs,'' he said mockingly

The girls get out of his way and walk back in.

'' Looks like someone is in love.'' Bracia giggles

'' I think so.'' Bianca giggles too.
