Orleanna took a sip out of her drink as she stared at the various dishes spread on front of her. She looked up to take a glance at Finely before removing her gaze. She took a quick look at her phone and what she saw made her eyes go wide.

'' What is wrong?'' Finley asked.

''I have many missed calls from my grandma." She replied softly like she was whispering a secret.

'' Then call her back,''

'' Yes...'' she said with a nod, agreeing with Finely. Mrs HARRIS picked up instantly, like she was waiting for the call.

' WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ORLE.'' she yelled over the phone, causing Orleanna to flinch slightly.

'' Why are you yelling grandma?'' she asked with her hand on her chest. She then continued,

''You scared me.'' she had a pout on her face and Finely couldn't help but gulp as he stared mouth agape at her full, pink lips

I asked you a question Orleanna.'' The woman simply said

'' I'm having lunch with...urm... a friend,''

I want to see you home right now. I have already sent Owen. She just left. Don't let her meet you there.''

'' You don't know where I am grandma." she said with a grin.

You think so?'' Orleanna had a confused look on her face.

'' How do you know where I'm having lunch grandma?''

"That doesn't matter. Just come home right now.'' She said sternly and Orleanna nodded like she could see her.

'' Okay I will be on my way now,'' she said

 "Better. And leave that restaurant right now!''

''Yes granny.'' she nodded, still perplexed before hanging up.

Mrs Harris had never talked to her that way, and that bothered her a lot. The only person who showed love towards her in the family spoke coldly to her, it made her a bit sad and confused. 

'' Urmm... I have to go.'' she smiled nervously

'' Yes I know. I already heard you talking to your grandmother.'' Finley had a forced smile on her face.

'' I will drop you.'' he added. Orleanna gave him a grateful nod.

She and Finely walked out of the restaurant, but as she approached the stairs, she missed her footong and fell down!

'' Ah...'' she yelled. She slowly pulled herself into a sitting position. 

But before he could get to her, another man was already there, lowering himself to the girl's height, looking her straight in the eyes.

'' Are you okay little girl?'' Archer asked looking her straight in the eyes

'' I'm I that small.'' Orleanna bites her lips and looks at him

'' Anna are you okay.'' Finley immediately carried her into his arms

'' I think I broke my ankle, my shoulders also hurt.'' she said feebly while holding Finley's collar for support

They waltk back inside the restaurant and Finley placed her gently into a chair. Archer's guards brought a first Aid box from his car and Finley immediately started tending to Orleanna's bleeding forehead.

'' Thank you.'' she smiles

Archer's eye was fixated on the girl, while Ashlyn, who stood beside him fiddles with her fingers in anxiety and fear.

Just a word from Orleanna and her world will shatter right in front of her. She stared nervously at Orleanna.

'' I thought grandma said Owen would be the one coming to get me, I didn't know you were the one coming, Sisi.'' She raised her head to look at Ashlyn who stopped breathing for some seconds

Orleanna looked at Archer who was staring at her since he laid his eyes on her. Finley cleared his throat before looking at Orleanna.

'' Anna... meet my friend Archer.'' he said,and Orleanna gave a smile.

'' Archer, meet Anna my babe.''Archer temporarily fixed his gaze on Finely, but they landed back on Orleanna again.

'' Stop staring at her that way. You will scare her.'' Finley whispered but Archer paid no attention.

'' I know she is a beauty but she is already my babe. Now stop staring.'' he whispered again before punching him sightly to gain his attention

'' Sorry Finley. It's just that she looks like...''

'' A dol,l right? Yeah I know.'' he smiled proudly

'' No Finley. She looks like...'' he didn't finish what he was saying as he walks to her to lift her up

Finley and Orleanna looked at him confused but only Ashlyn knew what was going on in his mind.

He started to unbutton her uniform shirt while Orleanna's eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed embarrassed.

'' What the fuck is the meaning of this?!" Finley seethed, glaring hard at Archer before pulling Orleanna to himself.

'' Gosh! This is so embarrassing.'' Orleanna muttered close to tears. Her average boobs were in view in her blue bra.

'' Unclad her.'' he ordered his guards without looking at Finley and the guards rush to Orleanna who stared at them in fear.

She dodged them before running to Ashlyn, whose legs were shaking due to how scared she was.

'' Let's go home Sisi. J don't want to be here anymore.''

''Tell me this is a joke Archer.'' Finley raised his hands to stop the guards who were close to Orleanna. He was boiling with anger and Archer could swear he had never seen him so pissed at him.

Archer turned to look at Ashlyn and Orleanna. Ashlyn was patting her back to calm her down.

'' You know each other?'' he asked coldly causing Ashlyn to gulp

'' She is my sister. I told you that I have an adoptive family.'' she tried all her best not to stutter. 

'' She is the one right.'' he stated coldly.

'' You lied to me?'' he asked in disbelief

'' She is not the one Master.'' she lied again

Archer looked at them and scoffed. He turned back to Finley who was still boiling with anger. He turned around and glaresmd hard at his guards.

'' REMOVE HER CLOTHES. NOW!" he yelled angrily ignoring Finley's glare

'' No Sisi... don't let them come close.'' Orleanna was holding onto Ashlyn tightly.

Orleanna wept in fear and embarrassment. She was so embarrassed that she didn't now what to do.

How could a stranger come from nowhere and ask his guards to strip her naked and that too in front of his numerous men.

She has never felt this embarrassed in her entire life. She wished the ground could swallow her up 

'' Please Master...tell them to stop.'' Ashlyn said and hug Orleanna protectively

'' She is not the one you are looking for and she is not in a right state now. She is injured and bleeding.... please Master.'' she pleaded.

Finley walked over to them. He looks stared daggers at Archer who finally stopped his men.

'' You all get out. Leave us alone.'' he ordered and the guards immediately hurried out.

'' Now tell me what the fuck is going on in your head.'' he said while facing Archer.

Archer looked his friend in the eye briefly, before glancing at Orleanna who was still shaking with fear. He felt a pain in his chest while looking at her. He wasn't sure why seeing her this frightened bothered him.

'' Sorry Finley... actually.... I'm just sorry.'' he said more like a whisper and only Finley heard him

'' I'm sorry Anna. This was just a huge misunderstanding.'' he said while moving close to her causing her to move backward.

Finley stared at Archer with his mouth hanging open. He couldn't believe his ears. He has never heard him apologize to anyone.

'' Anna... I'm sorry...okay?'' 

'' I want to go home. Take me home Sisi.'' Orleanna stated, ignoring the both of them

'' I will drop you.'' Finley saif moving close to her

'' No... don't touch me... I will go with Sisi.'' 

'' Sorry Finley. I didn't mean to scare her.'' Archer whispered befor looking at Orleanna

'' You can't go home with Ashlyn. She came with me and will leave with me. So it's either you go with Finley or you stay here till Ashlyn and I finish what we came to do.'' he said calmly causing Finley's eyes to widen

What is wrong with his friend? Why is he suddenly being calm and gentle with Orleanna? 

'' And once again I'm sorry... I didn't want to scare you, I promise...I just wanted to check something...I mean it was a mistake so don't be scared or upset. I'm sorry.'' he said again.

'' Okay Archer, I think you need a check-up and thank God Ashlyn is a doctor.'' Finley said causing Archer to glare hard at him.

'' Come with me Anna. I will drop you home.'' he grabbed her arm gently and they both walked out.

Archer's eyes followed them till they left through the exit. It was like a part of him was leaving with Orleanna.

He felt like following her and tearing her shirt forcefully but restrained himself because of Finley. He didn't want to annoy him again and scare the young girl.

He took a seat and stared at Ashlyn who also had her seat opposite him. He picked up a glass of wine and gulps it down.

'' So Ashlyn...''

'' Master...''

'' Anna is your sister.'' he aske

'' Yes Master. She is the youngest.''

'' That's why she behaves like a baby. Crying and hiccuping over nothing.'' he scoffed and she couldn't help but glare at him.

Did he just say crying and hiccuping over nothing? When he nearly stripped her sister naked in front of everyone? What a psychopath!

'' What are you doing in a hospital like that when your family is rich?'' he asked

'' We are not rich Master. We are from middle class. I have to work.'' she said earning a glare from him

'' Are you kidding me?'' he asks coldly and Ashlyn gulps

'' I'm telling the truth Master. We are not rich.''

'' Your sister was wearing diamond earrings. I didn't know middle class people can wear diamond earrings too.''

Silence reigned and Ashlyn took that time to swallow her drink and eat something. After all she was hungry.

'' So tell me more about your sister.''

'' My sister?" she asked and Archer just nods

Ashlyn sighed frustratedly, thinking of what to say and where to start. She was here having lunch with him and they must talk about themselves not Orleanna.


Orleanna cams down from Finley's car and hurried inside the house. Finley who was seated at the driver's seat watched her silently as she walked inside the big mansion.

He palmed his forehead angrily. He wished she wouldn't run away from him.

Mrs Harris who was at the balcony of her room watched Finley's car drive off.

She climbed down the stairs, meeting Orleanna on her way to her room.

'' Is this a time for a good girl to come back from school?'' Orleanna immediately ran into her grandma's arms.

'' I'm sorry grandma. It will never happen again.'' she said with a sniffle. The elderly woman couldn't help but smirk.

She patted the girl's back before pulling back to look at her red and puffy eyes.

'' Did you cry.'' she asked, while faking concern.

Orleanna bursted into tears again and started to narrate everything to her grandmother.

'' He wanted everyone to see me naked grandma.'' she cries 

'' It's okay Orlea baby. No one can hurt you while I'm still breathing. Now go to your room and get some rest. We will go shopping later.'' she said. Orleanna nodded before leaving.


Hours later, Archer's car stop in front of Hopper's Mansion. He insisted on bringing Ashlyn home.

Ashlyn hurriedly came down from the car and wanted to hurry inside but Archer came down too.

'' Not so fast! I didn't tell you to leave Ashlyn.'' he stated, causing her to freeze in her tracks. She didn't say a word. She already had enough with his cold attitude while having lunch with him.

'' I will be at the hospital tomorrow evening...''

'' Are you sick Master? But check-up is in the morning.''

'' Shut up Ashlyn.'' he eyed her

'' We are having dinner together in my house.'' he added, and Ashlyn scoffed inwardly

'It will surely be a boring dinner.' she thought

'' Okay Master.'' she forcefully spat out.

The mansion's gate opened up and a car drove out with Orleanna being the driver and Mrs Harris seated beside her. Archer's eyes widen looking at his grandmother.

When Mrs Harris saw he grandson, she felt fear grip her entire being. Archer moved close to the car and opened the door to be sure it was his grandmother.

'' What the fuck are you doing here old woman.'' he asked coldly Mrs Harris gulped hard while looking at him like she saw a ghost

It was obvious that the both hated each other.

°°°Somewhere in PARIS °°°

Lucy climbed down a plight of stairs in a haste, causing the guards who were a few feet away from her stare at her in confusion.

'' Where the fuck is he?'' she seetheed.

'' Who are you looking for Mistress?'' A guard bgace a small bow, his heart pounding hard in his chest

'' Lucas... where the hell is that motherfucker?''

'' He just went out with his fiancée.'' The guard gave a bow again

'' How dare he?! I'm going to show him who the boss is when he comes back.'' she balled her fists, her face going red from the rage.

A young lady in her early twenties also climbed down the stairs with an evil smirk plastered on her lips.

She had dark hair and brown eyes unlike Lucy who had blonde hair and blue eyes just like Orleanna.

'' J'espère que tout va bien Lucy.'' she asked in French and Lucy couldn't help but chuckle darkly.

{ I hope everything is okay Lucy}

'' Since when did you start asking me questions?''

'' Ta main saigne. C'est pourquoi j'ai demandé.'' she rolled her eyes

{ Your hand is bleeding. That's why I asked.}

''Know your limits Reine. Don't play on my nerves.'' she says 

'' Don't think that because you are Finley's whòre that you can't be dealt with. So behave, or your head will be served to the dogs by tomorrow.'' she threatened, causing the lady named Reine to leave with fear running across her body.

'' We found him Mistress.'' One guard came in.

'' Where is he?''

'' In the torture room, Mistress.''

'' Take me to him.'' she said with an evil smirk. She then turned to the other guards.

'' If Lucas comes back, tell him to take in as much air as he can because when I set my eyes on him, I will cut off his oxygen supply.'' she stated before strutting away with some guards trailing behind her.

They enter a dark room, called, 'The Torture room'

There, a man had his legs tied to a chair with huge chains. But his hands are free. Lucy had a wicked look on her face. She took slow steps towards him.

'' So you are the famous Stallone from Ramirez clan.'' she said with a giggle but everyone knew w that wasn't an innocent giggle. It was one filled with malice and evil.

'' Nice meeting you Stallone.'' she smiled while stretching her hand forward. The man couldn't help but smirk. He brought his hand forward to shake her hand, but in a split second, Lucy brought out a knife and chopped his four fingers!

Stallone yelled in pure pain. 

'' Welcome to my humble home Stallion.'' she giggled again.

'' THE FUCK...FUCK...'' he yelled continuously in pain.

'' Now tell me what I want to hear.''

'' I…don't k-know what you are talking a-about.'' The man named Stallone stuttered, pain evident in his voice. 

'' Oh Stallione... don't play with fire.'' she looked him straight in the eyes before pulling a chair for herself.

'' Now speak''

'' I don't know anything!" he cried out.

''Hmm." She hummed thoughtfully. "Get rid of his left ear." she ordered. Stallone's eyes widened in fear but before he could even say a word, the guard slashed his ear off with a butchers knife! Blood ooz d out from where his ear formerly was. It was so quick, it was like it was already planned.

As soon as the ear fell down, he felt his head go dizzy. He was already losing a lot of blood.

'' So are we settling this amicably or we can just continue with the violence.'' The man didn't answer. She twireld the knife she had used to cut his ear between her fingers.

'' So?" she asked while looking at him

'' I will speak… please.'' he stuttered as blood continued to gush out of his wounds

'' Where is she?'' she looked him straight in the eyes.

'' The last time I saw her was in Dupont Hospital. She is receiving treatment. Please spare my life.'' he pleads

'' Receiving treatment?" she asked confused

'' Yes, she is still fragile and unwell.''

Lucy without saying a word, stoodnup and walked out with her guards, leaving him to bleed to death.

'' Amenez moi là-bas,'' she said to her guards who gave a bow.

{ Take me there}