Orleanna walks to her adopted parents room. She finds Mrs HOPPER sitting on her bed while Owen sits on the floor between her legs and Mrs HOPPER applying oil on her hair and giving her a scalp massage at the same time.

Riley and his father are playing chess in the same room. They are chatting and playing at the same time.

She sighs looking at them. It has always been like that. They act like she doesn't exist. No one cares about what she is going through. No one ever asks how she is feeling.

'' Mama!" she calls and Mrs HOPPER looks up at her and gets back to what she was doing

'' hmm.'' she hummes and Orleanna gulps

'' I want to... urm... I want...'' she stutters

'' Say what you have to say Orleanna. I don't know why you are stuttering.'' she raises an eyebrow and stares at her for some seconds before resuming to what she was doing

'' I'm... I...'' she stutters again and Owen scoffs

'' You are what Anna?'' she asks rudely

'' Don't tell me you want to say that you are pregnant.'' she gasps dramatically and Mr HOPPER and Riley raise their head and look at them

'' You are pregnant?" Mrs HOPPER asks standing up

'' It's obvious mother. Can't you see how pale she looks.'' Riley sys moving close to them

'' She has been this way since days now.''

Orleanna looks at them and bites her lips. She feels like crying but won't do that in front of them.

'' Why do you all h@te me?'' she asks close to tears

'' You always behave like I'm not a member of this family.''

'' That's not the topic here Anna.'' Owen answers harshly

'' Are you pregnant? Yes or no?''

'' I'm not like you Owen. I don't open my legs around, just for some cash.'' Orleanna replies in anger and Owen gasps

'' I do respect my body!''

'' How dare you Orleanna.'' Mrs HOPPER glares at her but she just scoffs

'' When she insults me, it's normal right? But when I reply back I instantly become a mannerless girl.'' she chuckles sadly

'' Get out of her now, you mannerless girl.'' Owen says through gritted teeth

'' Don't stress yourself Owen. I was about leaving too. It is useless trying to have a peaceful conversation with you.'' she states and exit the room

Mr HOPPER walks to the door and locks it.

'' Why do you all behave that way with her?'' he asks

'' You wouldn't like it if she reports you to Mrs HARRIS, because she won't spare us.''

'' She did, Father, and Mrs HARRIS scold us.'' Owen rolls her eyes

'' She did not. Her guards did.'' he scoffs

'' Mind you Owen, if Orleanna tells Mrs HARRIS what you have been making her go through, I promise you won't have your head on your neck the next minutes. Think wisely, because she is the reason why we all are living comfortable today.'' he pauses and looks each of them in the eyes

'' We had nothing. Mrs HARRIS proposed that we should be Orleanna's adoptive parents and we won't have money issues again. She is the root... our money machine, so you all should change a bit towards her. Don't let your stùpidity ruin things for us.'' he says and they all nod.

Orleanna enters her room and slams the door shut.

'' I must be used to this... but I don't know why it still hurt.'' she mutters and wipes the tears that betray her

She takes her phone and dials Ashlyn's number. The latter picks seconds later.

°°° '' I told you not to call me when I'm at work.'' she says 

'' Sorry Sisi, I just want to see you.'' she states with a shaky voice and Ashlyn instantly knows something is wrong

°°°" I'm still at work Orle. Will you wait till I go home or you will come here at the hospital?''

'' I will come.''

°°°" Okay I will be expecting you then.'' she smiles 

Orleanna grabs her car key and walks out. She climbs the stairs to the living and sees no one there.

She shrugs and drops her car key on the table and picks her bike's key instead.

'' This will be fun, like Finley said.'' she forces a smile and walks out

She walks to her bike and wears her helmet before sitting. She ignites it and rides out of the compound. 

°°° THE CLAN °°°

Bracia climbs the stairs to Finley's room. She meets two guards guarding the entering and she gulps before moving close to them.

'' Good day, guys.'' she greets and smiles warmly

'' Good day, Miss.'' they bow sightly

'' Actually...'' she fiddles with her fingers nervously

'' I want to see my brother.''

'' He doesn't want to be disturb Miss Bracia.'' One of them answer 

'' Tell him, it's urgent.'' she pouts

'' It's a strict order Miss.'' The guard replies again and Bracia bites her lower lip

'' Urm... you can at least pass this message to him. Mother wants to see him. She is not feeling well.'' she lies 

'' Yes Miss.''a guard bow and knocks on the door

He doesn't wait for him to answer, he just enters after knocking.

Finley is seen sitting on a couch that is at the other end of the room, smoking. He is shirtless and his tattoos chest and arms make him look handsome but yet d@ngerous.

'' I told you not to disturb me.'' he seethes glaring at him

'' I'm sorry Master.'' the guard bow

He has never seen him that angry, because Finley is the type of man who smiles even while tugging a kn¡fe in someone's chest or sl¡tting someone's throat.

'' Miss Bracia said that your mother isn't feeling well.''

Finley mutters an ''oh'' and tells the guards to leave. He stands and walks to his drawer and picks a shirt.

He wears it and exit the room only to meet Bracia at the door. She smiles and steps back a bit.

'' What happened to mother?'' he asks staring at her blankly

'' I lied. Nothing happened to her. I want to tell you something.'' she bites her lower lip and Finley scoffs

'' Please brother.'' she pouts

'' Come in.'' he says and walks back inside

He sits on his bed and Bracia sit besides him.

'' Tell me what you have to say.'' he states without looking at her

'' I know Anna, brother...'' she starts

'' The same Anna, I know?'' he asks and she nods

'' Where do you know her?''

'' She is my best friend.''

'' Oh really... then you can apologize on my behalf. She is not picking my calls. I'm sure she will listen to you.'' he ruffles his hair and looking at her 

'' You can't marry her.'' she gulps 

'' What did you say?" he asks to be sure 

'' You can't marry her.'' she whispers and Finley's eyes widen

'' Why?" he asks

'' Because she is my friend.'' she fiddles with her fingers 

'' So what if she is your friend?" he asks confused 

Bracia stands and moves a bit away from him. What she is about to say could anger Finley and she doesn't want to be slap.

'' We both know how you are, brother.''

'' No I don't know. You can tell me.'' he simply says 

'' You are cruel and ruthless. You were trained to be ruthless cold and v¡olent by the Don, Mr HARRIS. Even through you always have a smile on your face I know how cruel you can be...''

'' You know what?" he asks giving her an intimidating look but Bracia doesn't want to be intimidated. They are talking about her best friend and she can't bear see her in pain.

'' I saw how you k¡lled a man in cold blòod one night in the torture room...''

'' Who let you in?'' he seethes standing up and Bracia steps back in fear

She was afraid, he might punish her. But she has to do this for the sake of her best friend.

'' That's not the topic here brother.'' she looks away wearing a brave facade

'' Okay ,continue about the topic here.'' he smirks €villy and Bracia gulps

' I have to do this.' she says to herself

'' I saw how you pulled his eyes ball out while smiling at him. You tugged a knife in his chest and pulled his heart out. But before that you have already draw everything you wanted with the kn¡fe on the man's body. And after that you ordered your guards to go and burn his house with his wife inside it.'' she bites her lower lip and takes a glance at his now scaring face

'' And after that, you came out smiling like nothing happened in there. You sat at the dinning table and eat with all of us while chatting freely like you just didn't ruin a family.'' she spites disgusted and Finley smiles

'' You know too much little sis. But that's not the problem...'' he smiles and walks back to his couch on the other end of the room and lights his cigarette.

He looks at her, smoke coming out from his nostrils.

'' What did you tell Anna when you found out that she was the girl I was talking about?'' he asks calmly yet d@ngerously

'' You told her about me?"

'' I just told her not to marry you.'' she fiddles with her fingers

'' How dare you Bracia? How dare you fvcking tell her that?'' he grittes his teeth staring at her d@ngerously

'' You have Reine, brother. That French girl is the most cru€l mistress I have ever seen. Marrying Anna means putting her life in d@nger.'' she says 

'' Orleanna is too fragile for this d@rk world of yours.''

'' I thought her name is Annabelle.'' he chuckles

'' But then, she has a beautiful name...Orleanna.'' he smiles and Bracia rolls her eyes

'' I was saying that...''

'' You have said enough Bracia.'' he cuts her off

'' Now, get out!''

'' Don't marry her brother. Please...''

Finley stands making her shut her mouth.

'' The nerves of you Bracia. For disobeying me, stalking on me and going against me...'' he pauses and looks at Bracia whose heart is now pounding hard in her chest

'' You are going to stay in your room for one month, without your phone and any physical contact. Like not even mother is going to enter your room. And...'' he moves close to her

He puts a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiles.

'' You will come out on my weeding night, only to meet your sister in law, Orleanna. I will marry her and there is nothing no one can do.'' he smiles

'' You can't do this brother. That's €vil.'' she whispers almost in tears

'' It's call marriage, baby girl. And yours is a punishment. You have to support your brother, in whatever he does.'' he nods smiling

'' I can never support €vil deeds.'' she shakes her head

'' GUARDS!'' he calls and two guards come running to him

'' Master.'' they chorus and bow

'' Take her to her room, and lock the door after her phone and laptop are taken away. She must not step out without my permission. She is not allowed to have any visit not even my parents.''

'' Yes Master.'' they bow and drag her out

'' I h@te you brother. This family is disgusting.'' she sniffs angrily while being dragged away

Finely smiles and walks back to the couch and sits. He takes his cigarette and and puffs out more smoke.

'' You all are going to live and watch me marry my doll.'' he chuckles


Orleanna removes her helmet and walks inside the hospital. She walks straight to Ashlyn's office and knocks.

Well she has to knock because sometimes Ashlyn can be attending to patients in her office.

When no one answers, she concludes that Ashlyn is not inside the office. So she decides to enter and wait for her. She opens the door only to meet a man sitting on the chair backing her while Ashlyn was standing in front of him. He doesn't look like a patient, because he is well dressed and has his legs crossed on the table.

'' Hmm...Sisi you didn't open because you have a visitor.'' she giggles and walks to them

'' So now you have a boyfriend, huh?'' she winks and Ashlyn glares at her

Orleanna walks to them to look the man in the eyes and to her surprised it is Archer. She mutters an ''oh'' and rolls her eyes.

'' How have you been Sisi?'' she asks hugging her 

'' Fine Orlea.'' she parts the hug

'' Now wait for me outside.'' she smiles nervously

'' Why?" she asks and eyeing Archer

'' Because of him.'' she frowns staring at her

'' No Orlea...just wait for me outside.''

'' Me... outside... because of him.'' she frowns and crosses her arms under her br€asts.

Archer sits looking at each of their reactions. Orleanna looks unhappy while Ashlyn looks worried and scared.

He clears his throat and both of them look at him.

'' You should greet everyone in the room you enter, dear Anna. You only greet your sister. That's not not a good attitude. I'm not invisible. Have some manners.'' he states calmly and Ashlyn's eyes widen

Like how the fvck does Archer always manage to talk calmly to Orleanna? 

'' You mean I'm mannerless?'' she asks glaring hard at him

'' Hey Orlea...'' Ashlyn made to touch her shoulder

'' Don't try to calm her down Lyn.'' Archer smirks and Ashlyn went stiff. He faces Orleanna back

'' Yes Anna... you are mannerless '' he smirks again

Ashlyn shakes her head staring at the angry Orleanna. She gives her a pleading look to calm her but it is all in vain.

'' How dare you say I'm mannerless when you nearly strip a girl you met for the first time n@ked?'' she spites angrily

'' You are the one who don't have manners. You must be ashamed of yourself.''

'' I'm not ashamed, Anna.'' he says standing up. He moves close to her

'' And if you need a prove...then I can continue what I didn't finish.'' 

'' You are disgusting.'' she frowns 

He stares at her blue eyes for some seconds before walking back to sit. 

'' Tell me something Lyn...''

'' What do you want to know, Master?'' Ashlyn bow sightly

'' Does she see clearly?''

'' I don't understand your question, Master.'' Ashlyn answers looking at him confused

'' If you don't understand then don't answer him, Sisi. And why are you referring to him as Master?'' Orleanna asks but got ignored

'' What I meant is that... your sister's eyes color are weird....''

'' They are ocean blue, Master.'' She replies and glances at Orleanna

'' I know they are blue, but not the normal blue.'' he says and stands up

He leans on the table his face some inches from Ashlyn's own.

'' Does she see clearly like everyone? Or she has problems with her eyes.'' he questions calmly and Ashlyn bites her lower lip

'' Don't do that again if you don't want me to bend you over the table and damage your legs.''

Ashlyn flinches and looks at Orleanna who doesn't even understand what he was saying. She sighs in relief and faces Archer back.

'' Now answer me!''

'' Actually Master... Orleanna is color blind and...''

'' SISI!'' Orleanna gasps

'' That's my health condition and you can't tell a stranger. It is very personal'' she frowns staring at them

'' Shut up Anna!'' Archer scoffs

'' Continue what you were saying Lyn.'' he urges 

'' She is sensitive to sun and can't see properly when the temperature is too high. She...''

She is interrupted by the opening door. Finley clicks his boots arrogantly on the floor and walks to them.

'' You guys are chilling without me.'' he says faking a sad face

'' Anyway, I'm here now.'' he smiles

'' Anna... my blue eyed baby. Why aren't you picking my calls since last week?'' he asks kissing her cheeks

'' Because I don't want to have anything to do with you again.'' she replies harshly and wipes the place he just kissed

She is already angry about Archer and Ashlyn talking about her in her presence acting like she isn't even there, and now Finley wants to add to her anger.

'' Come on babe, I remember I didn't do anything to you. And I even apologize when Archer behaved naughtily with you.'' he smiles and raises a brow

'' I just don't want to be anywhere around you, and please stop calling me your babe. I'm no one's babe.'' she rolls her eyes

'' If I say that you are my babe... then you are... And you...'' he smiles looking her straight in the eyes

'' I am not your stùpid babe.'' she interrupts harshly

'' DON'T YOU DARE INTERRUPT ME WHEN I'M SPEAKING.'' he yells and both Ashlyn and Orleanna flinch

'' And from today... just know that you belong to no one but Finley SCOTT. You are coming to my house next week as my wife wether you like it or not.'' he smirks €villy

'' In your dreams Finley. You can kept dreaming about it.'' she spites 

'' Oh... blue eyed baby, I can see that you are becoming fierce and brave. That is the quality of a Mafia Queen. His little wife...'' he smiles

'' Mafia?'' she asks confused

'' Don't tell me you don't know that your future husband is a Mafia even your future brother in-law...''

'' Finley...'' Archer calls

'' We already talked about this. You can do whatever you want with her after the test results.''

'' Do I look like someone who will listen to you Archer? No, right?'' he asks

'' I don't care and I'm getting married to her with or without you all consent. Even without her consent.''

'' I will rather d¡e than marry you.'' Orleanna spat h@tefully

'' You will d¡e only and only after being Mrs SCOTT not before that. And mind you...'' he pauses and brushes her lower lip with his thumb

'' Even d€ath can't take you away without my permission. You belong to no one but me.'' he smiles and walks out

Archer moves close to Orleanna and takes his right hand to her hair.

'' Don't worry Anna. I will take to him.'' he pulls her hair

'' Hey.... that hurt.'' she says and slaps his hand off

'' Oh sorry.''

he states and walks out smiling

'' If this test is positive, then you will marry her over our d€ad bodies Finley.'' Archer mutters with a strand of hair in his hand and walks to his car

His guards open the door for him and he steps in.

'' Call the doctor for me and tell him to be home before me.'' he orders Stone who bow and takes his phone out.
