Kiss me

Warning mature content 

'' uhm ... Arthur do you remember our past? '' she asked. She wanted to confirm what Yuan told her, she wanted to know if he remembered all this while.

'' yes love I do , I remember our past '' he replied. He wanted to be sincere to now, the mistake of the past hunted him.

'' you... So yuan was been truthful ''. She whispered. '' you remembered and you never said anything about it ? '' she asked.

'' am sorry love, but ... I got married to you because I remembered you not for some fucking truce '' he replied.

'' I ... I missed you Arthur, am sorry it took this long to remember you '' she said. '' but yuan ... She something about you being a demon lord , who are you Arthur ? What's your true identity ? You never told me back then. And you were never a vampire '' . she asked.

Arthur found himself tongue tied. '' how do I start explaining these to her '' he thought. '' am no demon lord love, and me being a vampire is as a result of being reborn '' he lied. '' am sorry Lisa but I can't lose you for the second time'' he murmured.

 '' excuse me your Highness, but prince Creek seeks your audience '' Louis said behind the door.

'' rest now love I with be back '' Arthur said.


'' oh heavens what am I going to do now ? She remembers me '' Queen Lauretta lamented.

'' relax grandmother, she won't harm you at least not now '' Alexa said

'' that's quite true, she won't harm you for now '' creek agreed.

'' what is the matter ? '' Arthur asked as he materialized before them.

'' its your grandmother, she about to pass out due to excessive panicking '' creek replied.

'' you should go back to the north grandmother, I can't assure your safety if you stay here '' Arthur said.

'' but ... '' 

'' you should listen to him lady lvory '' Yuan's spoke as she approached them. '' it will only take few days before she fully regains her memories and we all know it '' she said.

'' oh yuan, are you announcing your Queen's death to us ? Creek asked in amusement.

'' pfff, you really think she would die just to recover some fucking memories ? '' she laughed. '' she's the light Queen, and it would only take a blink of eyes for all her memories to return but right now she's suppressing them all for this man... a demon lord, you will ruin her again ''. She said.

'' I won't ruin her '' Arthur declay with his eyes blazing gold. '' she saved me once and I will do thesame for her '' he vowed.

'' and how do you plan on doing that? '' She asked.

'' I will ... ''.

'' yuan !!! Enough !! '' Lisa yelled. She heard everything including Arthur admitting to be a demon lord, she could feel her world crumbling slowly but she braced herself up like the queen she was.

'' he is my husband be him a demon lord or not '' she said shocking everyone, '' I will not allow you speak to him that way '' she warned.

'' you ... How long have you been standing there ? '' Arthur asked. He was going through and internal war right now.

'' long enough to hear you admitt to be a demon lord '' she replied. '' am sorry love but I don't believe you '' she said shocking yuan.

'' what !! You aren't been serious right now are you ? '' yuan asked.

'' no more discussion on these yuan '' she said. '' just let me handle things '' said in a voice audible only to yuan.

'' yes your Majesty '' she replied . '' I will go back to my room now if you don't mind '' she said leaving them in Arthur's office.

'' your Majesty ... '' queen Lauretta began.

'' Arthur... Am tired '' Lisa said ignoring the queen.

'' sure love, let's go back upstairs '' he replied.

'' Ahh ...! This is bad ''. Queen Lauretta yelled.

'' just for you '' Creek replied chuckling.

'' am sorry grandmother, but you brought this on yourself '' Alexa said.

 Back in the room, '' am sorry love, I...''

'' I told you right .... I don't believe you '' she said. '' I ... Don't believe you Arthur, you are no demon lord. You are my husband a vampire Prince '' she said

'' I ...''. He started.

'' kiss me ... Kiss me Arthur '' she said cutting him off. This man was her's and she wanted to claim him for herself.

Her words struck him like a lightening boit. He was cut off guard as he stood mute. '' kiss me Arthur '' she repeated.

'' but I ...'' He stammers. '' oh heavens you don't know how hard am holding on right now '' he said.


'' then kiss me '' she repeated shattering his rods.

His lips crashed on her's like a starved beast who finally found his oasis as he held her closer to himself. His kisses screamed desire, lust and love, she would feel her legs give up their strength as she succumbed to his pleasure.

'' Ah ...! '' she moaned as he nibbled her lower lips. She felt that yearning and desire for this man. She slightly parted her lips inviting him inside and he gladly took the opportunity, sliding his tongue in her mouth as he played tag with her's.

She suddenly remembered his words, as he invaded every corner of her mouth licking them in urgency make her breathless and aroused. She was getting hotter by seconds, she wanted more, she wanted to feel him inside her again.


'' uhm.. Ahh ... ! '' she moaned as he sucked on her neck. Arthur was engrossed in his ministration as he crafted different artwork on her.

'' touch ... Touch me ... Arthur '

' she said in gasps. '' take me .... Corrupt me '' she said recalling the exact words he used.