Past life I

'' yes war '' Yuan replied. Moreover, Alexa you should listen to your husband and just go to the north '' she adviced .

'' the regions family have been preparing and waiting earnestly for her to regain her memories even if it isn't complete '' queen Lauretta replied.

Back in the room, '' please don't leave me '' he pleaded desperately. He knew what was ahead of them, he couldn't let her give up her life again.

'' but why ? '' she thought. '' I let myself get carried away for the second time in decades ''.

 '' pardon me my Lord, but its urgent ''. An unfamiliar voice sounded behind the door .

'' rest now my love ... We can talk about this when I return '' he said while leaving.

'' how ... This can't be true '' she murmured. '' my Arthur... He can't be a demon, I can't a believe this, I refuse to believe this '' she sobbed. She cried till she feel asleep into a dreadful memory.

 '' I ... I have an enemy love, a very vicious one '' he said. '' they would do anything to see me succumb into darkness, that's why I nevered revealed my identity to you ''. 

She was at lost of words '' I ... Can't .... I don't want to believe this '' she said between her sobs. It was hard for her, the man she married was the demon lord who was the curse of they unending war and the same man she vowed to kill.

'' I must live now '' he said as he struggled within himself. '' remember lov no matter what happens in this war, always remember I love you and remember you must kill me running your magic right through my heart that's the only way to end this war and vanquish the darkness and doom I brought on you land. '' 


'' Arthur ... Don't ''. 

'' no .... I must leave now. I .... I don't want to hurt you '' he said in a growl.

 '' Arthur !!!! '' she screamed as he disappeared from her sight. '' I can help you love, I will save you. Please don't leave '' she yelled with tears flowing down her eyes.

'' your Majesty '' Yuan called.

'' he left '' she said crying.

'' who left ? '' Yuan asked.

'' Arthur ... He left '' she said between her sobs. '' he revealed his identity '' .

Oh ! That's good '' Yuan said . '' still I don't understand why you are weeping? ''.

 '' what good ? '' she asked.

 '' he revealed his identity, that's good '' yuan replied. '' who is he then '' she asked.

'' he ... He ... He is the demon lord, the curse of our endless war '' Lisa screamed shocking yuan.

'' oh heaven ! '' she exclaimed. '' you have been corrupted Lisa by a demon . what have you done ? '' she asked.

 '' he said he has enemies who are trying to take advantage of his darkness '' she replied. '' I don't want to do it, I can't do it '' she said.

 '' do what exactly ? '' Yuan asked.

'' kill him, he wants me to kill him yuan, I can't kill my husband ''. She cried out.

'' you ... '. 


'' excuse me, your Majesty but the dukes and lords are here '' a maid announced interrupting them.

'' wash your face Lisa, I will meet with them first '' yuan said while leaving. '' also remember you are a Queen and Queen's don't cry. you are a light Queen, you must remain strong and brace yourself and face your fears ''. She said.

'' I will save you Arthur, even if it means giving up everything. I will never let you succumb into darkness, never '' Lisa vowed.

'' lady Yuan, where's the queen '' duke Nicolas asked.

'' her Majesty would be down soon '' she replied.

'' you ... Haven't you heard the rumors yet ? '' lord Roland asked.

'' rumors ? What rumors do you speak of , Lord Roland '' she asked .

'' the reigns family of the east vampires, have been saying the man the queen got married to is the demon lord who has been reeking havoc on our land '' duke Roma replied.

'' what !! How dare they ? '' Yuan asked trying to cover the the reality of things.

'' her Majesty can never ..... ''.

'' yes lords and dukes, my husband lord Arthur is the demon lord we all are fighting against ''.

'' what !!! '' they all chorused in their minds.

'' but your Majesty , how is it possible '' a Duke asked .

'' its .... Quite hard for me to believe but its the truth and a painful one at that ''. She replied. 

'' your Majesty, with the final battle at hand and with this doom of a marriage you brought upon us. What do we do ? '' another Lord asked.

'' did you just say doom of a marriage ? '' Lisa asked. '' How dare you call my marriage a doom? Do you know what am willing to give up for this marriage you call a doom? '' she asked a bit aggrieved.

'' uhm ... Your Majesty, you need to relax '' yuan said. '' dukes and Lords, noble men and women, it would be an insult on the light Queen and entire race of fae' s if you address our Queen's marriage as a doom. Its quite understood that we all feel unhappy but have you considered what the queen might be through ? '' Yuan said.

'' but lady yuan... How do we win this war, when our enemy is the queen's husband '' an elite man asked.

'' right now our biggest enemies are among us, acting like friend but foe's. It is quite a pity for you humans who succumbed to slavery by the east vampires '' Lisa said. '' our enemies are the reigns family and weuat vanquish their wickedness total '' she declared.

'' but your Majesty, how do you deal with ....uhm .... The demon '' Lord Steve asked 

'' leave him alone already, listen to me you all no matter what happens you must always remember

that this land belongs to you as well as myself. So we must do our best to maintain it '' she said.