past life  Iv

'' lords and dukes, noblemen and elite men. We have finally gotten to the day where we end this circle of war for ever, I want you all to remember we fight for our land and our people but most importantly we fight for what is right. Today I have like to lay a curse on the west land '' she declared.

'' but your Majesty why ? '' a Duke asked.

'' because my west land has been defiled '' she said . '' now listen entire land of Lirea, the darkness shall cast its glow on the west from where my corruption to place, it will never see the light again, no rain , no green grass until the day I am reborn and my corruptor is reborn. Both I and my corruptor shall be reborn and the west land shall come alive again '' she declared.

'' this curse its a bit confusing '' lord Roland said.

'' thats why its a curse and not a blessing '' she replied '' no matter what happens at the battle ground told remember I am yuan and yuan is I, even if I am no more she will rule in my stead '' she announced.

'' no your Majesty, I refuse to rule in your stead , am not from the royal family of light queen's '' she rejected.

'' but you are a noble lady of Fae's and an elite warrior. You will rule in my stead '' Lisa said.

'' no I won't '' she rejected.

'' yes you will, for once in your life time listen to me yuan '' Lisa snapped at her.

In the northern castle

'' what do you plan on doing Arthur '' a woman's voice.

'' nothing, I will just wait till.. Till she kills me '' he replied.

'' she won't and you know '' the lady replied.

'' then I will let my darkness take over that way, she will have no other choice than to kill me '' he said in a tight voice.

'' lord Arthur '' another lady's voice called out. '' I heard your bride , just placed a curse on the west and you both '' the lady said surprising him.

'' no, it can't be '' he yelled.

'' what can't be '' lady ivory asked.

'' she wants to kill her self '' he replied.

'' wow, I never knew she would take my advice '' lady ivory said .

'' it's not about your advice grandmother, its ... Without the light queen the entire west will be in darkness '' he said.

'' wait ... Is she trying to use her light magic to suppress you ? Can she do that ? '' lady ivory asked again.

'' I won't let her do that '' he vowed with his eyes blazing.

'' so ? '' 

'' I will help the reigns family '' he said.

'' your Majesty, they're overpowering us '' a duke said 

'' we will move closer to the passage of the underworld '' she ordered. '' Azure !!!! '' She screamed. A might dragon with forest green eyes could be seen approaching her. '' come my dragon, take me inside that passage '' she ordered.

Fire, bloodshed and dead bodies were scattered everywhere as the darkness threatened to take over the whole land. The entire warriors of Lirea could be seen fighting as he looked upon they queen riding her dragon and shinning bright.

'' your Majesty '' yuan called out. '' he isn't here '' she said.

'' where are you Arthur '' she asked in her mind. '' yuan take the dragons and head towards the south do as I ordered earlier '' she said.

'' you ... ''.

'' just go yuan we don't have time '' she yelled.

'' azure can you sense him '' she asked through their connection '' where are you Arthur '' she asked in her mind again.

They kept fighting for hours till it finally struck midnight and like a broken dam, beast from the underworld overflows them covering the land in darkness, killing people.

'' your Majesty, duke Roma called out. '' do something '' he yelled. They been out numbered and overpowered, they never excepted a battle with beast and demon .

 Suddenly the dark sky above them shinned brightly as host of light Fae's and forest Fae's fly towards their queen with yuan leading them.

'' i can't leave you all by yourself Lisa, I made a promise to your late mother and I must fulfill it '' she murmured.

'' no Yuan, you should have listened to me, why ? '' she yelled.

'' you must stay alive Lisa, if not for your self but for the entire land '' she said . '' there's no land of Lirea will be nothing without you, so just let us help you. If you die we die together '' she said.

'' okay, proceed towards the north, I will give you a sign when the time is right '' Lisa ordered.

'' yes your Majesty'' she replied.


With the help of the light and forest Fae's , the human, vampires and witch warriors fought with their head high waiting for their queen to signal them. They fought and lost a lot of people but it wasn't anywhere near over, the beast and darkness kept pouring out from the passage endlessly until the darkness got to south.

Suddenly yuan saw a flash of light, she knew it was time. They had been preparing for this day when their land would finally be free from the darkness and doom they found themselves, little did she know that her Queen had a plan of her own.

The unified army march forward forming a human shield around their queen who was on her dragon, they moved forward with their queen as a beacon of light until they got to the passage to the underworld where they halted. Suddenly different beast from the once they have been fighting came out and fierce war began, but Lisa should stood on her dragon as if waiting for a sign and indeed the sign came. A man approached from the passage with a dark energy that pulsated around him unleashing more beast with him.

'' this can't be you Arthur '' Lisa said in her. '' azure do you see him '' she asked her dragon and with a sign nod she knew it was her love, her Arthur who was the man from the passage.

'' you shouldn't have done this '' she lamented. Every body fighting could see the contrast difference as where the queen stood was bright but where the man stood was in utter darkness. Suddenly the man stretched his hands as he darkness permeated the surrounding.

'' oh come my light '' Lisa said . '' oh come my light !!! '' she yelled. '' come !!! ''

Suddenly light burst forth out of her body and the bodies of other fae's and from the sky running towards her stretched hand.

'' come !!!! '' she yelled for the second time. And her light obeyed form a sword.

'' move forward azure '' she ordered. 

Moving forward on her dragon she had only one goal and that ways to vanquish the darkness from her land and save her husband. They both moved forward as both armies stood still watching what would happen. As she moved, she was the mark she was looking for on his chest.

'' faster azure '' she ordered with close eyes. '' am sorry Arthur but if you have to die, we die together '' she whispered. Suddenly they both collied the air with their powers fighting against each other.

'' am sorry Arthur '' she said as her light and forest magic gather into her sword running straight in her heart.

'' no !!!! '' yuan screamed '' no Lisa !!! '' she screamed again as she ran towards her.

'' why Lisa ? Why '' Arthur asked without even noticing that his darkness was no more and the land was now free.

'' am sorry Arthur but I can't let you die '' she said . '' am sorry love, but you must wait for me to return ''.

'' Lisa !!! Why? '' yuan cried '' you... ''

'' don't cry yuan , you must be strong for our land '' she said as she took her last breath.

'' Lisa !!!!! '' Arthur screamed. Even though the battle was won and Arthur's darkness was controlled still nobody felt happy. They had lost they queen .

'' ahhh !! '' Lisa yelled with tears pooling in her eyes. '' am sorry Arthur '' she said .

She was now back to the present but with only one thought in her heart she must save her Arthur for the second time. '' I will save you Arthur even if it means dying for the second time '' she vowed.