Someone was standing amidst the river, facing the waterfall. They ordered." don't move. Don't act careful." Although Zen was vigilant, this was invincible. The man looked back and said," Both of you look similar to each other. You are indeed his brother." Zen asked," Do you know my brother." He was quiet and suddenly he said that your partner had gone after him and he was there on the verge of death. Zen didn't know that the man on the other route was his brother. Derozio said," If you are his brother, then I will test you." Derzoio came towards Zen at an insane speed. He came to punch him. The moment he took his arm. Zen blocked it effortlessly. Derozio was surprised. He said that he knew hand-to-hand combat well. He began the fight with a punch and it was blocked. Derozio over-wrote it with his block and turned Zen's block in his favour. He made Zen's hand block a punch and tried to hit him with his own hands. Zen dodged it kicked his face and punched it in his abdomen with his other hand. Derozio also tried to kick him with his dominant leg and did a counterblock just in case. Zen overwrote the counterblock and made it ineffective. He punched Derozio on his ribs and broke a pair of it. Derozio said," Your fighting style is like him, Cartier." Zen kept quiet, he kept on landing the blows and blocking his punches again and again. " If you are going by this fighting style. then I have no choice rather than to manifest, manifestation 20%, Zephor fight with me," said Derozio. Derozio landed a blow on Zen and this time there was a serious difference in the physical abilities. Zen used his Hael, the art of thunder.