Zen is going to depart for a whole new continent. Derozio is in a deadlock. Sweyn said that he was going to seal him if he didn't respond. Derozio said that Zen was planning to go to the Zephorian continent to find something. Sweyn disappeared at that instant and Derozio's legs were fine now. He was able to misguide him. Derozio looked into every file. However, there was no information about it. Derozio also contacted the HQ with his bonding one time. However, no one replied. Derozio was unable to do anything. He contacted Zen and talked about this. Zen said that he got the location of the HQ, and he is heading towards it. Zen reached the border of Hervolevia and he was going to enter Mervia. The country of Mervia is the smallest. It's a very long route. Zen sensed that someone was chasing him. He looked back and he was able to tell that it was someone new. It was a giant Storen, a mechanical body which has similar in structure to humans. It can increase the total output of a man's Heal to 10 times. One group of Storen was coming from one side and the other was coming from his left side. There were at least five of them ready to kill him. Zen stopped there and waited for them. In an instant of time, they reached him and stood around him. The leader of the two groups came out from their machines and proclaimed, that they were bounty groups who were pursuing him. Both of them group wanted Zen dead. They started to come for Zen in the large machines. They were attacking from all sides. Zen disappeared that instant. And appeared above all of them. He said that you can't kill me with those toys. Zen activated his Thor mode. The people in the Storens were terrified by his presence. He headed for all of them.