"So dinner in Pary?" I ask Isabelle screwing up the word Paris to make it sound posh while opening a portal to the Eiffel tower.
Izzy's eyes glitter in the lights of the club, a smile at her lips.
"Isn't Paris more of a honeymoon destination?" Izzy teases and I roll my eyes at her while keeping a tight hold on her waist and carry us through the portal moving at my enhanced speed. I take us up to the restaurant and compel the hostess to get us a table.
Sitting at a more private table with a beautiful view of Paris, I admire Izzy who is positively glowing as she watches the city.
"I can tell you how many times I've been to Paris…five dozen…all to hunt demons, I've never had a chance to just enjoy the city like this." Izzy murmurs as she turns to face me and rests her chin on her fist and looks at me inspectingly.
"What is it like being immortal, and watching the world age around you…watching the people around you age?"
"Old buildings rot away…crumble, get torn down or destroyed either during battles or for progress…faces change but the types of people are always the same, I could go into detail…on that one but, I'd rather not…I've noticed the common respect and love, most people had for one another over the centuries and especially in my time…has all but vanished…in this time…people are more cut off from and rude to one another."
"Mmm." Izzy hums as our food arrives but I can tell that my answer didn't satisfy her question.
"In my time the average person's life span was a lot shorter for the most part making it to twenty years old…would make most consider you an elder…an extremely skilled warrior and hunter, most of the people I grew up with as a child were either felled by sickness, disease, hunger and or battle…after becoming a vampire…
Human lives mean little for the first few hundred years they are just delicious meal pouches…or toys to use for your own pleasure…for, for the most part…it's after the high of your new power wears off that you realize you fed on your friends with their children even wiped out their bloodlines in some cases…maybe you become depressed or maybe you don't it's a different experience for most…But the real question is why you're asking…Izzy?"
Izzy looks at me, something dancing in her eyes.
"I've been thinking…if we're going to have a life together…then I'll have to become…like you…" Izzy murmurs and looks down at her plate of food and I begin eating my steak.
"You can eat regular food! Wait, I knew that…" Izzy expresses loudly then blushes with an embarrassed look on her face.
"Yes I can eat and enjoy regular food…though…it has no nutritional value…I can eat pretty much whatever I want without restriction and never gain a pound of extra weight…blood is the only thing that sustains me…well that's not entirely true I can survive solely off of magic if need be but…when magic wanes…blood becomes a necessity."
Izzy plays with her plump bottom lip with her shiny white teeth, and I can tell that the "eat pretty much anything I want without putting on pounds"…was definitely enticing to her.
Reaching over I grab Izzy's hand, "I tried eternity…with one woman that I loved…it didn't work out…I'd much rather just live in the now with you Izzy, let's leave the future for the future." I say softly Izzy's expression becomes complicated before she flutters her eyes and shoots a teasing smirk my way.
"Feed me." Izzy suddenly says while opening her mouth and making a cute ahh sound, making me chuckle using my supernatural speed I move, and have Izzy sit on my lap while I switch our plates and start feeding her, Izzy takes advantage of her position to grind herself in my lap.
Izzy's food is gone and she slides my plate in front of herself as her grinding becomes more insistent and my balls send me warning signals that I'm close to erupting.
"More?" Izzy asks me to keep feeding her in a way that's not really a question, electing a groan from me.
I crack the plate while trying to cut a piece of steak, and Izzy's weight/warmth disappears from my lap, cool air hits my throbbing hard cock at the same time as the soft warm sensation of Izzy's hand on my cock and then the hot wet confines of her mouth enclose my cock making me release a primal growl as I slip over the edge.
I grab Izzy's head with both hands and force her head all the way down as I pump thick ropes down her gullet, her nose pressing against my groin.
Releasing my hold on Izzy's head, she looks up at me opens her mouth shows me some of my pearly white cum and then swallows.
"Best part of the meal..." Izzy breaths out and activates her glamour run turning invisible to the mundanes, slides her panties off and sits on my cock my cock sliding into her hot, tight wet core.
Both of us releasing a curse and an expression of deep rooted pleasure...and something deeper, Izzy wastes no time and starts bouncing herself up and down, my left hand returns to her head, fists in her hair...and I pull back making her large beautiful breasts push out towards my face, through the v of her top I start lavishing the tops of her breasts with kisses and love bites.
"Ahh, ohh mmm, Vi-Vidar, by the angel this feels amazing!" Isabelle expresses loudly a Fae couple a man and wife both of high beauty enter the restaurant, the woman looks to Izzy and I smiles at us and grabs her partners arm and takes him to a shadowy area and drops to her knees and frees his cock.
Though I quickly return my attention to Izzy and start leaving a trail of hickies on her neck.
Within minutes Izzy and I both find our release, looking into Izzy's eyes as she catches her breath, I open a portal to my bedroom at June's.
Garmr perks his head up but at the sound of Izzy and I literally tearing each other's clothes off he makes a happy sound, and sends me his feelings of happiness, that I'm finally mating Izzy before getting up and going outside to rest on the terrace.