Chapter 4: Kidnapped

The menacing figure stepped out of the SUV, his eyes fixed on Kate and Sarah. He was tall and muscular, with a scar above his left eyebrow.

"Get in the car," he growled, gesturing to the SUV.

Kate and Sarah exchanged a terrified glance. They knew they had to act fast.

Kate tried to reach for her gun, but the man was too quick. He grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back.

Sarah tried to run, but he caught her too, dragging her back to the SUV.

As they were thrown into the vehicle, Kate saw their chance slipping away. They were being kidnapped, and she had no idea where they were going.

The SUV sped away from the warehouse, leaving Kate and Sarah trapped and helpless.

Kate tried to think clearly, but her mind was racing. She knew they had to escape, but how?

She looked over at Sarah, who was shaking with fear.

"We'll get out of this," Kate whispered, trying to reassure her.

But Sarah just shook her head. "We're in too deep, Kate. We'll never make it out alive."

Kate's determination kicked in. She was not going to give up.

As the SUV drove through the city, Kate looked for any opportunity to escape. She noticed that the windows were locked, but the door handles were not.

She waited until the SUV slowed down at a traffic light, then made her move.

With a surge of adrenaline, Kate grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. She and Sarah tumbled out onto the pavement, rolling to avoid injury.

They scrambled to their feet, looking around frantically for a place to hide.

That's when Kate saw it - a small alleyway between two buildings.

"Come on!" Kate yelled, grabbing Sarah's hand.

They sprinted into the alleyway, the SUV screeching to a halt behind them.

They had escaped, but Kate knew it was only temporary. The organization would not give up easily.