Pill Business

Olivia found and harvested a few plants near the weir wood tree. These are especially helpful in building the mental power which is essential when using the power to shape wood and communicate with plants. Making the mental potion proved to be many times harder than the bone marrow cleansing potion. 

A week went by and she is now able to feel and communicate with trees in her vicinity. After a few more days she can control and shape all that is wood. It is like those with innate fire power when you are able to increase the level of heat.

With the wood power, a person is able to create pure wood. When wood is shaped to cover all the gaps on it's body making it smooth and shiny able to endure water without getting soaked inside.

As her strength increases she is able to make it very strong even thought more wood will be used to make a small wooden object the better the quality the thicker and heavier it will be.

There are no plastic bottles and spoons here like in her old world so she is working hard so that she can put her medicine on containers that can me sealed shut. There is the matter of using the wood as a weapon at a moments notice. When her mental power is abundant enough, she will be able to see a 360 degrees view of a distant location. 

As time goes by she will be able to hear conversations happening near a tree far away from her location. She is able to recognize special herbs like the large tree in the gods wood and the plants surrounding it. They are all surrounded by this glowing power. Knowing the history of this world, this is magic...probably. 


The renovations of the tower quickly turned into a rebuilding of the entire structure when she discovered a new paste that can be applied in construction. She had to cook it inside master Alfred's workshop for a few days and paid rent but the end justifies the means. This powder needs to be mixed with soil and water to be used, it still took a lot of work to make it from scratch.

This paste is the dream of all architects because it is used to make brinks from ordinary soil, the walls are then plastered with it so it will be smooth and easy to paint. These are nothing compared to it's most glaring advantage.

The bricks and walls made with it are fire resistance to an extent. There is still the version which comes out as a colorless paste that will turn any structure pasted with it into a fire resistant structure at an absolute level. 

This will help keep the people safe from spreading fire but this is the North when there is a fire just throw the snow. The fact that she will have a smelting workshop in the basement was something worrying but now that such an item that makes the entire building resistant to flames exist makes her breath easily. 

After instructing her two maids to clean out the basement on their own, she watched them wallow in self pity after seeing the mess in the tower basement they are supposed to be cleaning. The girls were very reluctant but Olivia scoffed and pointed at the job. "Get on with it." She can see they are probably wishing for her to fall to a comma again. 

Seeing no way to avoid it, they went to work and came out a few hours later looking very cold and covered in dust. "Stop sulking and go take a bath." Olivia didn't feel sorry for them.

These girls do nothing most of the time since they are her exclusive maids. Caitlyn is forbidden from ordering them. They have grown lazy over the last few months.

Olivia entered her father's office after knocking.

"I need someone who will make me a workshop." She sat down in front of him but Ned ignored her and continued signing his papers.

She watched as he wrote and signed not giving her the slightest bit of his attention. She put her chin on the desk and watched his hand writing seriously on a piece of parchment.

"How much are you going to pay for this endeavor? Where are you building it?" He finally asked her but she kept silent thinking about the exact price.

"I will listen to a professional about pricing. It will be built in the tower's basement. Did you know it has two floors?" She asked him.

"I know. Ask master Alfred do build it for you." She stood up after thanking him and left. After she went away he stopped his work and thought to himself.

"Her mood is ever changing. Like a tide, sometimes gentle but at times violent and unforgiving. Her experience might have caused a shift in her psyche." Ned thought silently.

"It may be necessary to pay extra attention to her from now on or she will one day do something drastic which she can not come back from." He found himself making plans and remembered to go monitor his children's education.

The glass houses have been constructed and good soil transported inside for the farmers to begin working. Caitlyn can see all this but she has no idea where her husband got the glasses or who is the person supplying it to him.

Her home is always flooded by river waters and planting is not easy. The people are suffering as a result, but how can she bring up the topic when her husband doesn't even make small talk with her anymore. Even the bedroom activities feel like he is just performing one of his duties.

She has cried and prayed for a solution but always comes short. "Ned..." She misses her husband very much but it seems he really lost all trust in her this time.

She can not even confide in anyone since her letters have been banned. If only that child was never born. Even now she doesn't understand what is so bad about throwing away a child born from sin.

"If only the Septa was still here to guide me." She felt lost without a cane to hold herself steady. Sometimes she finds herself questioning her faith which unacceptable. Her husband will come around after he sees her devotion to their family. She continued to hypnotize herself over and over again.

On the other side, Olivia is meeting with the master Blacksmith and they agreed to start as soon as all the materials are available. Instead of one boiler he will make several stoves and corresponding equipment for her to make as much as possible at the same time.

After the meeting she went back to her routine potion brewing. This time she has a few pills to make. She boils a combination of solutions and the outcome is a large lump of glistening clay like substance.

She has used wood to fashion pill shaper devices. All she has to do is pour some of the solution into the opening and the substance will travel to a tube at the end. It will release a rectangular shaped half a pinky sized pill into a basin if she pulls a gear of the side.

This is the item she uses when she makes pills that do not require spiritual energy to form. Her ability to shape wood allowed her to make the precise pill shaper without much problems.

The color of this pill is yellow with a shine that make it seem like it is full of fine glitter but it is more mysterious than that. This is the visible color of the energies Olivia always see surrounding the special plants of this world. 

She made three more pills this way. One blue, one pink and one brown. The pills are put inside a small wooden pill bottle she made to serve as a container and decided to find herself a new business partner to help increase her savings.

The pills will be her money baby in this world. Amongst the recipe she learned over the weeks three stood out.

It is the boiling fairy pill (pink), which makes a woman feel heavenly in bed. The effect last for two days.

the Skin treatment pill (brown) irons out wrinkles, the skin looks beautiful and feels soft to the touch. This pill will work but the person will revert back after two weeks.

Lastly the one that she knows all women of age will want, the blue pill. It is a pill that gets rid of menstruation for three months. During this time pregnancy is impossible.

There is a place were all three pills will be of significant value, this is where she is going. The yellow pill fills the body with a natural heat dispelling any cold even if a person were to fall in an ice cold lake. This only lasts for 12 hours.

The pills turn solid like hardened candy so it is easy to store them together without them getting waisted. She took a small sample and make her way to the place.

Because of the potion she drank recently her young body is growing well. She had been very scrawny before but now after taking meals regularly she is filling in nicely.

After using her maids clothes and covering her face she went towards her first outside client. This place is tricky but since she is now strong there should be no problem with her going there.

Olivia stood in front of the brothel wearing a rob that covers her body but it doesn't make her look bad because of the clear growing body underneath.

"Little girl what do you want in a place like this?" A tall man with bright blue eyes brown hair and beard asked her when he opened the door.

"I am looking for the owner." She said with her a young voice. The man thought she is probably another new product here to sell herself for some coins to either feed her family or get medicine.

He didn't dare delay and soon she is allowed entry. A fat woman with an ugly mole on the chin tried to scrutinize her but came out empty so she rudely reached for the mask trying to pull it off her face.

But Olivia dodged her hand and then pushed her against the wall having her bounce and fall on the floor with a groan. Olivia looked to a corner and sneered. "Come out I am here for business." She said with clear annoyance in his tone.

"Are you here to sell something? I am sorry about that, I have to be careful. Many people are looking for me." She saw that even though Olivia seemed young she is very strong, there is no need to hide.

"I have a product which can make a woman feel intensely pleasurable during the.... relations, do you want it? This is the North where people prioritize food over things like this, your customers are the guards working for nobles. This will get them to spend all their money here." She threw a small wooden bottle with one pink shiny pill inside.

"That one is for free. The next pill will cost you 50 silver coins." The other woman is still confused when Olivia gives her another one.

This one will allow a woman to avoid menstruation for three months during which she won't be able to get pregnant. There is no free sample for this one. It is 10 silver coins per pill."

"I don't believe something like that exists. Here are ten silver coins give me that pill you just mentioned now. Does it work immediately even if a person is bleeding?" She asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Olivia sold her first pill. The woman rang a small bell and whispered into the ears of the servant that came inside. She turned to see another pill bottle.

"This one is to make the skin younger and firmer while felling soft to the touch. The hair becomes lustrous and very long. It has no free samples either, the effects last for two weeks. This one costs 20 silver coins. There are no side effects for any of the pills." Olivia explained.

The woman looked hesitant but bought the last pill making Olivia earn on her sales trip. "I will come back in three days." Olivia left the woman stunned. There are several other brothels but she chose this one because it is closer and she doesn't want to walk too far.

She took a suspicious route and disappeared just when a man tried to follow her. He was probably instructed by the hostess. She returned home and collected her mental and physical strengthening potion herbs.

Her days are always busy. The third day she went to the brothel carrying a lot of stock.

"Welcome." This time she is not attacked by the large woman "Call me Emma, what do I call you? I have a feeling we are going to be working together for a long time to come." She smiled a radiant smile.

"The pills were all tested and they work just like you said. Now lets talk business. I have three other establishments some further in the south so I will be making a large order and hoping you will come back soon." Olivia discusses and sold many pills but this is also the first time she saw paper money.

The same day in the evening she sat in front of her father who is bewildered at the sudden iron bank notes in front of him. "Where did you get this?"

Olivia grimaced "I would rather not say. It was a business deal I didn't steal it or anything like that." She tried shrugging off the question but Ned became even more suspicious.

"I'm gonna have to insist you share the details." Olivia became increasingly uncomfortable.

"I just need you ...."

"Olivia!" He said sternly.

"Fine, but remember you asked me." She took out the three pills and explained what they do. "I sold them to the brothel whose owner happens to own several other brothels in the seven kingdoms so she bought a lot." Olivia explained.

"Business with a brothel at your age? Have you completely lost your mind?"

"I thought about places that make money in the North and by my calculations the brothels should be doing pretty good even in the harsh winter." She answered calmly.

"I need to know if they are fakes or real since I have never actually seen them before." She pointed at the money.

"They are not fake. This is a lot of silver notes." He said.

"Enough to build my workshop?"

"I was joking when I said the 7 thousand gold coins won't be enough. The workshop needs three hundred at most. I just didn't want you to spend lavishly." He admitted.

Olivia hearing this stood up a left the room before she lost her temper.
