Buy My Ships

Olivia watched the numbers and knew if she kept this up she will have to compromise on the quality of her project. She needs money and she needs it as soon as possible.

She took out her diary with all the important people of Westeros and how to make money off of them. She remembered a few but the money is only once off and it may not happen.

The money from her 'foreign' general shop that sells soap, cold cabinets and cooking stoves is not large enough to complete her project. The income from brandy is also not much.

She remembered something, she could sell the normal tablet pill recipe. It has been almost two years now they must have tried all sort of methods to make the tablets and failed. It is the perfect time to sooth their worries.

At 13 she is taller than most her age, her hair long and curly looking like a shimmering lake in a night view. The previously flat chest now has perky small balls showing transition to woman hood.

She wears a black leather combat outfit with a flaming snow on the side designed with metal. Her outfit doesn't look cheap and hastly put together, it even has lace sprouting on the leather like vines on her arms and the other parts not covered by leather.

She looks tuff and elegant, the entire outfit is dark silver with the lace part blace. Her hair is braded on the sides. She walks on the streets on kings landing feeling like this place didn't change much.

The people are still starving on the streets, the rich are still corrupt and the city guards are still taking advantage of the people. The royals are still a bunch of clowns.

As she walks there is a group of people surrounding a man while he sings a beautiful melody. Even though the city is lìke this, there is something to desire about it. Especially now that the smell of shit is gone.

"You grew up." The man didn't finish speaking as her hand is already on his throat. Seeing who it is, she let go.

"You've got quite the grip for a little bird." The man said rubbing his throat.

"You are well Sandor Clegane. That is a relief." She amiled at the man.

"I heard you melted someone's flesh off their bones." He looked at her straight in the eyes.

"I was young back then, my temper was simply out of control." She said embarrassedly.

"Is it better now?" He asked.

She looked at him for a while then as if she has made a choice she shrugged. "It's worse actually."

"Good." He left her standing there again.

"Hey!" She shouted at him, he turned around and she threw a bottle to him. It has pills. She turned and left.

"Thank you." He mummers. The pills had taken away his terrible headache but having more certainty wont hurt.

" did you come inside here?" Grand Measter Pycell said with a bit of surprise on his tone.

"I see you haven't cracked my formulas. But you did manage to get a sample witch doesn't make me very happy." She lifted up a bottle in her hand.

"That is not yours so just return it." He shouted but she sneered and put it down.

"I am here to make an offer to the Citadel. I will give you the five common medicines formula for 10 million. Deposit it into my account then I will leave them to you."

"Ten million!" The man started stuttering.

"I will give you 10. 5 hundred thousand if you give me the formulas."

"I was giving the Citadel so they can maybe inspire someone to improve their research. If i give it to just you it will be 40 million."

"I have 14 million in the iron bank I will give you the paperwork to own all of it." The man became excited.

"Greed really is your color old Measter. I will make this deal with you but only because I am amused to see what you do." She laughed with mirth.

"If you sell your recipe to me you can not sell it to someone else nor can you keep selling the same medicine."

"That will cost you 10 million. The money I make from selling the medicine is nothing compared to the feeling of saving people." She said with a pretentious smile.

"That is too much." The man said.

"For you. But what about the entirety of the Citadel?" She blinked.

"Fine, I will put together the 4 million but I need time." The old man said.

"You have a week." She left.

There are rules that whatever findings you make as a member of the Citadel you are supposed to share it but if Pycelle is willing to fork out so much money then he is not planning of sharing it witch will weaken the institution's power.

Olivia never trusts an institution which has its hands on every house in the seven kingdom. For what she has planned, those grey rats need to lay low or be dealt with swiftly. Starting with Pycelle.

The old man really came through and Olivia's construction plans continued without problems for now. But she needs more money the rest of her plans which are newly formed.

For instance she and her team discovered a very useful aspect of the kiss of the sun. It has properties of the sun and can allow her to grow trees underground. Now she has already built a thousand miles of underground garden using the former slaves who were recently bought for farming. It is not enough space if she means to use the place as a home for many.

Luckily her power improved quite a beat. Previously she was able to ignite a life flame only after reaching foundation establishment realm. The flame is dark green in color and it doesn't burn with heat but life and healing properties.

When she was recruited as a junior apprentice she has both plant and fire spirit root which is why her master saw potential in her. Her fire spirit root turned our to only activate after she broke through to golden core.

Her master said that is what happens when your spirit root is too impure. She had to cleans and cultivate it for some time before it was ready.

But she could access her healing power because it is from her plant spirit root.

At low level she can light a small area with this flame allowing plants to grow stronger faster which is what she used to nurture her Master's spiritual herb garden in the past. Now she uses it to light the kiss of the sun and put it inside an ice crystal the effect is many time better.

It's as if her plant power increases the lifespan and quality of the kiss of the sun making its effects on the crops many times than from before. A crop that would normally only be harvested twice a year will now be harvested five or even six times.

Olivia has been cutting down the iron wood trees and then using her flame to light the saplings so they will grow again. They have been able to build a few thousand ships and not just any ships but war ships with the weapons on board and everything.

She discovered an explosive reaction to kiss of the sun, wild fire powder and cold glass. It is one of the weapons she has mass produced and placed in a safe place for troubled times.

There is a tree in the summer isle called the golden heart which is very hard to grow and very effective against long range shooting as arrow heads. These trees are now growing in the several glass houses with many more kiss of the sun as a source of sunlight to facilitate their growth.

She now has a large amount of beer and will be selling it to the hot cities across the narrow seas. But first her matters must be in order. The funds have been dwindling so much from buying slaves, equipment for blacksmithing and many plumbing related materials.

It is time to speak to the gray rat. "Here is the documents. As agreed you can no longer sell the pills yourself." He said in haste.

"I won't sell it but I can still give it for free. Don't worry I'll be giving it to the North and my place. Everyone else will have to buy it from you." She gave him the detailed information and the precise formula.

Her crew is waiting for her by the docs on a fast ship. They are headed to Dorne next. The sand dogs are gonna want to talk to her.

"Good thing you came, Hoyr was about to start a fight." Bellamy her linguistics teacher told her in old tongue. Yeah even Olivia was delighted to learn that she knows the old tongue and now it is taught to her as much as valarian, Rhoyne and Dothraki language.

"I have obtained some coins for the road, we may sail at once. Much time has been wasted here." She boarded their fast ship and sailed for sunspear. The trip cut shot by the fast ship they are using.

"I take it plans didn't go as planned?" Dixon asked. She has several assistants who are able to supervise the medicinal baths and administer the potions to the soldiers of the new Castles. It is castles because several construction of 6 casteles has been completed.

The missing part now is the housing district under each castle. The haunted forest has been moved further inland and the haunted city was further enlarged a person still needs to go through the dangerous haunted forest to reach the city from the land and a massive wall stands between the city and the Shivering seas.

In the end only the white castle stands on a mountain then as on descends the mountain, vast farming lands have been open with straight traveling path to made in concrete for smooth traveling up and down the mountain.

Then on the lower part is 6 castles are built with a claster of well placed housing apartments each built in its own style. They are all beautiful and unique in their own right Olivia put each of her teachers in charge of each of the castles and accordingly in charge of a number of small folks in the housing district.

The design for the small city on the territory of each castle is exquisite and expensive which is why Olivia finds herself scrambling for coins. Only the Castles are finished while the apartments and the cities are not finished because of a need for materials bought across the narrow seas.

The reason for a business deal with the Dornish people is lack of fuds for the imported plumbing pipes. Oliva can make the pipes with the help of the iron ore in the vicinity but she wants to use it for weapons in the future.

"I say you are rusing your city's development now you have 6 empty castles but you still want to build apartments and villas for who exactly?" Hoyr asked scratching his head.

"For all my Northmen."

"The ones who say they don't kneel? Why did you make a throne room if you are not going to be a royalty?"

"I am royalty and they will kneel for me. Give it time and a little bit of desperation will kick in." She has been havesting iron wood more and more for her own ships which she has successfully made with the use of her power.

Ever since her power improved into igniting the soul flame she can shape the iron wood almost as easily as the regular wood. When she is not attending her lessons she is either producing a secret solution for an item such as her special concrete or the indestructible glass or as early as half a year ago building ships.

The warehouse is now separated into three the iron wood ships which belong to her city or the second best with almost all the weapons design as in her own fleet or the last fleet with minimal weaponry but if sold to the cities across the narrow seas will be considered to have all the weaponry they know.

As soon as she made 7 thousand of each, Olivia decided to see the Dornish rulers and see if she can strike a deal.

"You seem excited." Seun said.

"I am hoping to meet with princess Arianne Martell, I hear she is beautiful and bold." Olivia admitted.

"Is it about the deal? Do you worry she will reject you?" Ginyr asked. She is the most successful merchant in the Summer isle before she was betrayed to be sold as a bed slave in Lys.

"I am nervous they will refuse the price. They definitely want the ships."

"Then just leave if they prove to be stubborn. Tens of thousands are coming in from the general store anyways. Worse scenario we get delayed a few years." Bhullheart said.

"You are just saying that because you don't want to part with any of the ships." Olivia laughed at his sheepish expression.

"He is not wrong. Together we have 21 thousand ships in total but leader is giving them away." Seun said also in dejection.

"I can always make more ships but we need the money now." The docked and walked to an inn.

The heat outside is unbearable for those who live in the snowy storms like their group. Walking inside they stood out like sore thumbs.

"The first man must have been very desperate to settle in a place as hot as this." Bellamy complained in old tongue.

"Pale strangers, good day." A Dornish woman said as sion as they stepped in an inn.

"Does it mean she is not greeting the rest of us without pale skin?" Bellamy asked.

Olivia turned to the Dornish girl no older than 15 even though her eyes never left the silent Enym who has olive skin and golden eyes. He is 1'8 tall with a perfectly sculpted body without any blemishes.

Of course he looks perfect now because of Olivia's healing pills all his slave branding and abuse scars are gone. When the first ship of old veterans were sent to buy soldiers in Myr they encountered a slavers ship going to deliver slaves and took all aboard to the Haunted city.

The ship was apparently from lys going to throw away discarded slaves to the barren Islands where they were expected to die. But All 400 are now as beautiful as ever before. They are healthy and have been training to be soldiers or workers.

"You are not from the seven kingdoms. Let me introduce to you the area." She said moving closer to Enym who looked to Olivia for approval.

"If you want to go with the lady it is up to you. But wait until we have found a place to rest first." Olivia spoke in his tongue making him nod in agreement.

Today they are not going to work right away it is good to unwind a little.

"Miss, may we get accommodations for our group? Single rooms for everyone." Ginyr didn't ask about this from Olivia because who knows what each person may want to do in their own room?

When they settled and had food, they decided the spices in this place is harsh but they did get seeds in the outside market to plant them back home.

Enym is using his old skills to make the Dornish girl squirm in his room all night surprising the team who didn't know the quiet man was so skilled. The next day they left the inn and headed for sunspear where they met house Martel prince Doran.

Oberyn Martel is training when a report about the girl he was looking for showing up on his door step. It turns out house Martel has been looking for the Northern Snow ever since they found out she can make miraculous medicine.

Olivia is surprised when she and her party are sent straight to meet the ruler of Dorne and his family. The meeting hasn't started when prince Oberyn entered with three of his daughters and his wife. The group had met one of the daughters because she is the one who was squirming all night in Emyn's room. Tyene Sand.

"We meet again." She said winking at the stoic Emyn. This one is a heart breaker.

"As I was saying, my father heard about your miracle medication and we have been trying to get hold of you for over a year." The charming Arianne said to Olivia who turned to see the man in question.

"I have a healing pill but that is the last part of your father's treatment. The spinal fluid has been flooded with a paralysis poison while the back and knees are all corroded by some sort for rustic substance. How do you even weaponize rust?" She widen her eyes turning to the stunned Arianne.

"You can diagnose someone from a distance without touching them?" She asked incredulously.

"I can touch him if you want but there's no need unless I begin accupancha." Olivia said.

"What does that do?" The prince finally believes this girl can cure him no one knows the specifics of his poison besides his brother and daughter.

"It is used to remove toxins through the pores of the body but it is taxing of mental power so maybe something else like the cleansing? But it will take longer which I don't mind but this is not why I came to sunspear." Olivia thought out loud while everyone gives her space to make up her mind.

"If I may, why then did you come?" Oberyn Martel asked.

"Umm..." Olivia turns to her teacher. "The situation has changed, do I continue or start a new deal?" She asked but Bellamy said "Go with your gut."

"I came to sell you guys ships. Fast ships, a cruise ship that can carry a few thousands and war ships. Totaling at 7 thousand. Do you want them?" She blinked at the sudden silence in the room.

"Did you say 7 thousand ships?" Princess Arianne Martell asked incredulously.

"With bravos war weaponry fully equipped. What do you say? Lets talk price?" She asked the prince in the wheel chair.

"According to my understanding the North doesn't have a fleet too. Why sell it to us instead of them?"

"I need some funds and no offense to my father but he's not going to afford it. You guys on the other hand have been doing well for yourselves so what do you say?" She asked.

"We will need to consider it clearly. In the meantime can you help my father?" Princess Arianne Martell asked.

"Look, I am going to be honest here. I enjoy making medicine but curing people doesn't interest me all that much how about I write down things to be done with the cleansing process and when I am sure there is no poison or the other thing..." She stood up abruptly and walked towards the prince.

The room became tense, Oberyn took a step forward but is stopped by his brother who stopped him with a glance. Olivia easily opened the high quality material of the pants the prince is wearing.

Olivia knelt in front of the prince and opened a small bottle and took a cotton ball from another pocket and wet the cotton with whatever is in the bottle a d started rubbing one knee.

Then a while later the area turned pale but a dark shadow looms in the knee showing that there is something inside. She sighed. "It has been there for too long I will have to do the cleansing myself." She really seem dejected at this time even the Martels are slightly sorry for her.

"Now about the ships." She closed the exposed sadness and tried to move on.
