Purifying Flame

"I don't understand, you used to be fine with me going to Kingslanding to visit you but now you don't let me go out even from the castle. Husband, it has been years since I went out for a strall." Lysa complained but her husband didn't even look at her and played with the twins as if she is air.

This is another thing, she has been pregnant soon after giving birth one after another just like her 'perfect' older sister. And not for the man she loves but this old fart who doesn't even acknowledge her as lady Lysa anymore.

She is not even allowed to raise her own children in this dammed place. Currently she has given birth to another boy, luckily this time not twins. Just like last time, as soon as the child was born he was taken from her to be raised by a small army of wet nurses who were taken from loyal families.

Not just that, their entire life has been planned out already and she is no where on that schedule. To make the matters worse, she is not able to talk to Petr or Caitlyn in all this time and it is beginning to drive her crazy.

She is always on heavy medication to keep her tired and stable. She can feel that her husband hates her. Sometimes she wakes up to find him standing next to her bed watching her with eerie eyes.

She is very miserable in this place at least before she had hope that her lover would come and meet her but now she suspect that he is dead.

Meanwhile her sister is probably having the best marriage with a young man while she is being terrorized by an old man and made to make babies every time she heals.


"You are joking!" She smile happily clanking her glass with the woman in front of her.

"I'm afraid I am as serious as a heart attack. Not just that, the man lost the use of his three legs permanently but he is alive on the streets of Kingslanding begging for food." She said with cruel laughter in her eyes.

"Will you be this happy if I meet an unfortunate end too? Here we are sharing my best product laughing at one of your old friends." Olivia wiped the smile off her face and said with a serious expression.

"I won't laugh...out loud if it's you." She said seriously. A moment passed and the my both bursts out in laughter.

"In any case, how is the sister?" Olivia asked using their codes because they don't want others to know what they are talking about.

"Opening her legs for whoever looks her way. It's sad but true, ever since he left she has completely lost her way." The woman answered.

"Good. That is why I sent him away. As punishment for being unnecessary cruel. But I admit to have lost my temper that time. The first incident is not one of my proudest moments." She admitted.

"Don't worry yourself I have it on good authority they each had done horrible things to the small folks in the streets at one point or another. You were just to be another victim." The woman comforted.

"What of the old goat? Any plans to get revenge recently?" Olivia asked. This is about Tywin Lannister.

"Now that you mentioned this, sources say he has gone to the house of black." She reported with a serious tone.

"I hope he went there for me, at least that way I won't go after him for it but if he went there for someone I care about, then we might have a problem."

"The house refused because my contact said they called too high a price." She told Olivia.

"Leaving him broke was a good thing it seems." Olivia will now look for more ways to make her other enemies broke. The Reach too must be wiped clean of its excess funds before her city comes out to the world.

"How is grandpa these days?" This is Arryn.

"Swimming with the sharks, dangerously lose to the reverse scale of the sister."

"How close?"

"Close enough to get bitten. I give him a few months at best."

"I will mourn him." Olivia didn't care much if the old man dies but it may shift somethings. She will have to go and see her cheap father if it is like this.

"Anything you want from me?" Olivia asked as she is about to leave.

"Can you help Stannis Baratheon cure his daughter?" She asked with an unreadable expression.

It would seem there us more to the infamous courtesan than meet the eyes. This is out of Olivia's expectations.

"Grely scale?" Olivia pondered then decided to agree. She is also curious if she can do it.

"Do I have do it for free?" Olivia frowned.

"No. Charge them." Emma said and stood up leaving.

In the ship, Olivia is frowning thinking about all the things she heard today. The color of her flame is turning white which means she is at the power level of middle foundation establishment realm. Her flame can not only heal but also purify.

She can now isolate her flame and mental power. It means she can have a flame burning at home even if she is halfway across the world and she will be able to see whatever is happening around a place where she left a whiff of her mental power.

If she gives someone an object and it has her mental power attached to it, she can see whatever is happening in the area around that Item.

This is how she is marking her progress by using refrence to her last life. There is an abundance of her mental power all over her castle to see what her white snake Lola gets up to when she isn't around to stop her.

A day later she came out of the ship at dragon stone. She is walking in the middle flanked by Emyn and Caine. Emyn has dark skin and a handsome face with golden yellow eyes while Cain is tall and buff with big arms and a large sword.

The structure of Gradon stone is truly spectacular. She and her party go past the small folks town and entertained themselves as travelers before heading to the castle. Upon arrival she wanted to go into the caves and look for a dragom egg but she knows many others must have had the same idea. So the went straight to the castle while curious about Emma's relationship with Stannis.

"Who goes there?" They didn't even make it to the dragon pit before they were stopped by two patrols.

"I am Olivia Snow, your lord has been looking for me." She knows this through the Bree who told her but Olivia hadn't been interested in finding Stannis for anything even after hearing he wanted to cure his daughter.

But at the time her power hadn't upgraded to purifying flames yet.

The two man looked at her and gasped when they saw her gray purple eyes making her look exotic and mysterious. Her eyes turned this color when she took a blood awakening elixir after she developed it.

It changed her hair to a mix of black and white but she dyed it black again. The blend is too comical, all the hair on top is white while the hair underneath is black as night.

This is also why she didn't go to Winterfell because if Ned doesn't give her answers this time she will go crazy.

The men allowed her entry and she insisted the two she is with come inside. As soon as they entered the meeting place, Stannis stood up and greeted her with a good attitude.

Olivia returns the greeting "I am not completely confident I can cure her but I will do my best. If you may leave the room." She asked all of them except her two companions to leave because now what she is using is her soul flame of purification.

She doesn't want these people exclaiming or condemning her. She walked to the girl who is not too young to understand.

"close your eyes and big sister will try to make it all go away okay?" Whenever she converses with children her tone is usually very gentle.

The girl closed her eyes and Olivia sent in her flame. The girl didn't cry out in pain, the flame found the sinister energy and set it ablaze purifying it in seconds.

The entire process took a few moments and the stone on the girl's face became dust and fell off her face. The skin is ironed out by the flame and just to make sure, Olivia sent the flame all over her body making sure the curse didn't leave anything else inside.

Since it took too little time she told the girl to open her eyes. With the blood awakening elixir in her body, Olivia can feel the pitiful amount of her blood in the little girl. At this rate, she will find her mother without the help of Ned Stark.

"How do you feel?" She asked the girl. The girl touched her face and widened her eyes.

"My face is not heavy anymore." She touched her face and felt it smooth.

A while later Stannis walked in and rushed to hug his child in happiness at seeing her like this. "Thank you. Whatever you want If it is with in my power, I will grant it." The man has red eyes.

Seeing the happiness on his face she sighed and took out a healing pill but it is a pill with a bit of her flame, it will get rit of any sinister energy in the body as well as heal it.

"Give this to your wife and maybe you will have twin babies soon. For my payment, do you have any old dragon eggs here?" She asked nervous.

"I have two. I can see that you have some valarian blood, don't try to hatch them. Its a waste of time. I will give them to you for all you have done here for me."

He practically skipped out of the room not at all like he is loosing something worth tens of thousands of dragons coins. He brought back two stone eggs one grayish white and the other one black and charcoal.

"They used to say its the offspring of cannibal." Stannis is in a good mood all of a sudden.

"Thank you, Lord Stannis I must make haste." She gave the little girl a small wooden trinket.

"Why did you give her one of your treasured gifts Mistress?" Cain asked.

"She is related to me by blood and she is young. Who knows what will happen to that place in a near future?" Olivia said with worry.

"The items are to heal and protect you from any unclean energy since my flames purify. If you bleed on them, the flame stored inside will follow the blood and surround the owner until It runs out. Hopefully by that time I have arrived to help. But I can't teleport." She said with worry.

She used the flame to increase the number of trees in the vicinity of her kingdom. There is a location a few hundred miles after the end of the forest with humans. Her city is too deep into the forest for them to see the castle lights even the tall white castle is not visible because of the thick fog.

Currently her city has successfully built 12 housing districts with each having a castle to facilitate. When coming through the haunted forest into the large city gates the first thing you see is a buzzing capital city.

It has clean streets, concrete grounds and beautiful buildings where businesses is conducted. The city is very busy even though the population is not even a third of what it should be to fill the place.

The city is in the front after entering and it covers a large plot of land with high buildings and bright street lights. If one goes all the way behind the city there are high walls to separate the city from the fields where many crops are growing.

Then there are housing apartments separated i to 12 district two under the territory of one castle. These places has hundreds of apartment buildings with complete water and sewage systems.

Every building has a conservative tank which can be emptied with the powder bombs Olivia used in Kingslanding.

The ground is concrete with warm stone. The buildings all have the warm stone on the floors, the walls are now covered with the improved fire resistant colorless paste. Why that is? Because this world used to have dragons and the mysterious energy she is always seeing in plants has been gradually intensifying.

What worries her is the fact that in the lands she has chosen to build a home the mysterious energy in the snow is not colorful and radiant but gloomy and foul. The last time she saw something like this she was battling the dark creatures of a Necromancer.

"Are you going to hatch them?" Bullheart asked scrutinizing the stone like eggs. Olivia sent her flame to surround the eggs for a good 10 seconds nothing happened. Then...the flames melted into the eggs and it demanded more.

"Fire and blood huh?" She cut her hand and let her blood drop on the eggs but nothing happened and the flames kept getting absorbed. She gently puts the eggs inside a burning fire place.

One thing she didn't tell anyone is that her body doesn't get burned by regular flames anymore. This part of the bloodline entices her so she is taking the bloood awakening elixir again tonight afterwards she is going to check her account in the iron bank.

After buying all the required materials for the city, ghere was no further spending required as a result more than half the income from selling the ships remains inside the iron bank it has reached a few tens of millions. Olivia extended her general store to all the cities acros the narrow seas.

It turns out soap is very desirable especially for nobles who want thier thousands of slaves to wear clean clothes when serving them. They used to just use water and then throw the cloth away if the stains become too much but now the washing powder has improved many aspects.

The bathing soap is highly regarded in all walks of life. They used to fill their bodies with perfumes and body oils but now they can use the bar or liquid soap to wash their bodies.

There is a hefty levy in each city for protection fees and if there is a Dothraki attack, the shop must fork out some money. Currently there is a Horse lord Jhanan with 6 thousand Dothraki horse riders camping near the one of the cities in Myr with her store.

Normaly she would give coins to the city management for them to hire mercenaries but this time she took a group of 2000 of her trained soldiers who were previously bought from Myr and the slavers bay to go and fight as a form of training. Many of them came from the Lys barren islands where discarded slaves are abandoned.

They are healed from whatever problems they were previously discarded for and they are stronger than ever. She is hoping to train them this way. Now that the city is finished, it is important their guardians are all ready for whatever comes with the shrouded snow.

Another group has started mining the iron since it is with in the territory where they are very safe, farmers are planting and harvesting crops from the numerous glass houses and the massive underground garden which has been separated into segments.

The city is already semi independent now with a lot of food in stock. Olivia found that if she covers the wooden boxes she shapes personally with plenty of her plant power, it preserves the freshness of the food stored inside making it last for a very long time.

There are those who install weapons into the many ships already produced and many more. These soldiers had come to train while she goes and count her money which she worked so hard for.

There is also that matter of the Iron bank summoning her. It must be because she is an unknown variant. They probably want to take a measure of her.
