Princess Of the North

Olivia and her men made a fairly visible plan. It is executed over the span of a few weeks while she goes to see how her friends are doing down south. She let the dragons stay to guard the city and the Harbor.

Olivia walked in to find Caitlyn Tully and Renly seated in a small table. There is a Breanna the tall lady knight protecting Renly. She took down the illusion on herself and everyone could see her.

"Who are you?" Renly left Caitlyn on the table by herself and ran behind Bree.

Renly stood up fast and crated distance while Bree pulled out her great sword. "State your business."

"Olivia Snow, at your service." She did a curtsey and sat down next to the angry Caitlyn. "Hello mother." She smiled like a flower when Caitlyn stood up to get away from her.

"Let me guess, you want to negotiate with this boy king to join Stannis and Robb will then join them to crush the Lannisters but he is refusing because he is a man child with a crown on his head?" She smiled when Caitlyn looked at Renly to see if he is angry.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in anger. But Olivia put her finger on her lips and made a shush sound.

"No one saw me come in, I could just kill Renly and his men will flock back towards the rightful heir of Storms end. If you make a sound giant lady he will die." Olivia said teasing the guard.

"Oh? Why don't you try me?" She looked to the door and wanted to make a sound but Olivia has already put up a barrier. She just watched as the woman screamed.

"I am sorry. I was joking about killing him. But I have to punish you for that." She sped to Bree and slapped her on the face making her see stars. Then she smacked her some more until she fell dizzy for a while.

"What are doing? Do you want to kill us both? They will think we are colluding." Caitlyn shouted in outrage.

Olivia turned to her when Bree fell down. Caitlyn Tully shut her mouth when she saw the look in those eyes.

"Now, sit!" She turned to Renly.

The guy sat down without any protest once he saw the situation.

"You will return your brother's army and remain his heir. He will rule only for a short while and then you will take over after that. Are we clear?" She asked him.

"I am the right..."

She slapped his face and opened his mouth throwing a pill inside. "That is poison. If you don't do what I say, you won't last the next two days. Are we clear? While you are under the influence of this pill, you won't be able to have sex with anyone."

She threw it there just so he can have something to prove that he had indeed been poisoned. Otherwise the only clue is when he dies.

"Are you mad?!" Caitlyn shouted in both outrage and fear.

"We tried it your way and it didn't work. Now we try it my way. My way will work because this one is inlove with himself more than he is inlove with the idea of being king. Am I wrong?" She asked Renly who just shook his head

"You are right." Renly said.

"This is not the way to do things." Caitlyn reasoned.

"I know, that's why I am doing it. The giant is awake." Olivia turned to look at Bree on the ground.

She felt a chill suddenly and stood up. "Something is coming, something dark. Blood magic? You, wake up and defend your king I shall keep my step mother alive instead."

She looked around and then opened the tent of the door, she saw a black shadow screeching to come inside.

"Right, I made a barrier." She released a sigh but now many can see it when they heard it scream. The knights only knowing to hack with swords tried to kill it but failed as it circled the tent.

"How long can you keep it away." Renly seems horrified.

"I am not going to stay here forever. There's a task entrusted to me by my king brother. Call your priests or something." She doesn't sound concerned.

The woman drew her sword and aimed it at Olivia. "Perhaps this is another one of your tricks to scare us into submission."

The others turned to look at her but Olivia scoffed in response.

"I have medicine and violence, I don't need shadow bending to bring people to do what I want. Besides, that thing is making such a loud noise, my idea was stealth. Blackmail the gay king and disappear. Not this. Look at the face, does it look like someone we know?" Olivia asked and they all turned to the thing and it does look like Stannis indeed.

Olivia smacked her head in annoyance. "It seems I over stepped, if I had spent an hour before coming here you would be dead and Stannis would have his army. But black magic... Southerners." She shook her head.

"We have a deal Miss Snow, you can't let that thing kill me, you have magic. Convince it you're stronger." Renly said with horror on his face.

"Well, if you die it will serve my purpose." She made a slightly helpless expression making Bree want to kill her.

"Besides this is just one time, what if your brother sends another one when I am gone?" Olivia sat down.

"But you can kill it now right?" Bree asked. Her stance firm even as her knees shake a bit.

Olivia made a thoughtful expression. "Mother, what do you say? You have always hated magic. Should I use magic to save this pompous idiot? He is just going to die some other way anyways." She blinked.

"If your magic is not evil, then it should be used to do good."

"But he is not a good man. He is after his brother's crown, he's gay, I mean...what does your seven say about such people? Aren't they like bastards and thieves?" Olivia sounds very concerned but her words are very annoying.

"He might be sinful but our house need him and his brother to weaken the Lannisters enough for us to deal a decisive blow." She accidentally said too much.

"Our house? I am a bastard remember?" She said blinking. Teasing this old woman is fun.

"But Robb asked you to help."

"Not with this. He trusted you to handle this. Maybeyou should pray at a time like this, your seven might performa miracle." Olivia let a certain part of the barrier weaken and the people inside can now hear the screeches from the thing.

"Just do it will you? Save him, save us. Please." She broke so easily? How boring.

"Fine. But this is a one time arrangement. You better see your brother and let him know of your decision before the shadow bender who made that recover and make another one. I won't be here to save you at that time." She opened the barrier and the thing slithered inside.

She lit white flames and covered Renly. The thing ignored the flames and attacked Renly but it recoiled back with a painful screech, some of its shadow burnt off.

Olivia made another barrier around it and then lit the flames incinerating it to black smoke that soon disappeared. Everyone is now coming closer to see what happens, Olivia disappeared from there.

Caitlyn wonders if she is not responsible for this thing herself, it just sounds like something she would do.

"Let's go and see my brother."

The Baratheon brothers talked. Stannis refused to admit what he did but people saw the red woman and understood so they feared him at this time. He has enough army to attack Kingslanding.

Hearing the deal between the brothers, the Tyrells decided to stay out of this deal until it benefited them. Stannis asked them to give him some men but they are clear on what they want and Stannis can not offer it.


It is a wedding between Sansa and prince Tommen. The old Lion decided when she bled that she can not be the queen because he is planning on letting the brothers kill each other and then have Renly assassinated if he survives. After that he will offer what the roses have always wanted. Their blood on the throne.

Caitlyn has to admit to herself that Olivia's manipulation worked because when she goes back to Robb, she has good news to report which is better than what she was going to report before Olivia appeared.

The wedding was rushed but there is enough food and drinks. It is a dangerous time to have a wedding when people are hungry and violent but he needs a baby inside the belly of a Stark as soon as possible.

The scene is silent and a priest is reciting some words when a sudden sound of something heavy dropping on the ground souded all over the hall. When civilians saw the scene of hundreds of armored soldiers lying on the ground lifeless, they screamed in fear and the hall became chaotic.

The men wearing black armor with silver flames on the front and sides stood near the dead bodies with gleaming black blades on their hands. People didn't come near them in fear of being cut down.

In the front of the croud, the Lannister family is now surrounded by the men wearing the same armor. Their helmets are worn all the way in, the front part it made with indestructible glass.

Each helmet was meticulously crafted by the blacksmith and the weapons designer. It's something new. They used the fire proof paste to glue together the metal and glass since it is very sticky when still wet.

The entire helmet is black with thick leather on the neck to allow the head inside and protect the neck area. There is also a mechanism on the side to take it off fast but onlt the one wearing it knows where to press. It is an expensive piece of equipment.

Olivia has been smuggling thousands of soldiers into the city at night through the tunnels. The earliest to come has already spent 7 days inside kings landing.

She ran her nails on an armor making a loud noise having everyone close their ears. She looked around and saw that her men followed all of her orders to the letter. All the armored soldiers are incapacitated inside the church while those outside are being fighting her army as well.

"The gates have been opened for the rest to come inside, Mistress." One of her guardians reported.

"I see that everyone is here. So lets begin. Tywin, old friend. How have you've been? Good? Thats good. I have been handed a burdensome task of returning the princess of the North to the North." Olivia walked towards Sansa under Tywin Lannister's burning gaze.

"Are you ready to go home?" She asked Sansa who seems dazed.

Jeffrey and the queen have been silenced. Olivia turned to the old Lion and smiled. "How did you like my present in the Western lands? Will you be able to build another one?" The furry in those eyes became very intense.

"I see you have finally stopped playing hide and seek. Are you telling me you came out of that frozed waste land just to bring her back?" He is buying time, for what though? No one knows.

"Walk with me." Olivia gestured for the others to take the rest of the Lannisters hostage and they went outside. When they came outside the stems to the Septa are littered with corpses of the Lannister army.

She is not surprised, her people fight dirty and they are forged with her medicine. They are faster and stronger than most. "Am I your prisoner now?" Tywin found the situation very humiliating.

"Don't worry I am only using you until we make it to the ship. I still don't see the rest of your army it would be annoying to be stopped before entering the ships." Just as she finished talking, a large ship that seems to fast for its size came to view just as they make it to the harbor.

"You will regret this action."

"Probably but I have already taken payment so I have to do my part." She smiled.

"You have such guts, why is your brother still the king in the north and not you?"

"I am not a Stark."

"Yes, you are a Targaryen. Who is your mother?" He doesn't sound like a prisoner at all. Olivia didn't bind him like the rest of their family and just let him be after they searched and took away all his weapons.

"I guess I'll never know."
