
The new Ghis is a religious place. Olivia has lived two lives and still believes there are few things as dangerous as a truly devout believer. She comes from a world of power but religious organizations still contended with her school for resources and won many time.

There is something clean about a man willing to die for what he considers sacred. It is beautiful and pure. She herself has been to the battlefield and saw the devastation caused by someone willing to consume exploding solution to take down as much of an enemy forces as possible.

"What was their slogan?"

Olivia tried to recall a distant memory. At the time she had just joined the immortality school and the most lucrative job she can find was to clean the battlefield. She puked the entire time because of how gruesome the scene was.

Now hiding in the shadows and watching the 'sons of the harpy' go through vigorous training. She understands where Amon's vigorous set of routines come from. But does this mean he is a son of the harpy himself?

She found a useful sapling that gave her a formula for a potion that allows both men and women to conceive easier. This is probably a sign that she is not a child anymore.

It is time to secure her entire future kingdom. The red waste lands is very large but Olivia's concern is the biggest three fire element ore mines stretching 200 miles from each other in an almost perfect triangle shape From the center of the red waste.

Olivia's newly finished castle is in the vicinity of the north most of three mines. Her wall was initially supposed to cover the three mines but there were not enough resources at the time so only one mine was covered.

Today is her lesson on earth magic. "I told you to let me lead the lesson, you are all temper and no patience Morph." Aeryn said as they watch Olivia turn the hard dry land into boiling lava.

"It's not her fault Aeryn fire comes easily to me." She tried to make the ground move but she ended up turning it into its most flexible form.

"Try shaping and then drying it. Perhaps instead of normal earth wall we can have solid lava walls." Aeryn said.

Olivia grimaced thinking this is going to take longer than she thought. Olivia decided to make more concrete powder and mix it in the solution when she gets the hang of it.

In the true north, Mance is gearing up for an attack on the wall. They do not have a choice but to try until they get through because they are not able to even hunt deep in the woods without encountering the dead. Olivia is spying on their preparations with interest so she can study Mance's most loyal and those easy to turn on him.

She also saw the lords of the south refusing to send help to the wall. The crown said Robb and Greyjoy as 'kings' should take care of it. Mean while the North is in hot water after Iron born's attacked and sacked Borrow town Bear island at the same time.

The attack was on a concentrated level and many died but the North was ready and met them at sea. The Iron born as natural pirates are good in sear warfare but the North was fighting to protect something. They had to hold the fort to ensure those filthy raiders do not make it to shore and disturb their people.

In the end four battles took place and the North cane out victorious mostly because their ships are not easily penetrated by weapons because of the obsidian wood, they are highly resistant to fire because of the colorless paste.

Their ships are equipped with good weapons of war so in the battle of attrition they always came out on top. Even Barbrey Dustin is impressed with the young wolf's prowess.

Olivia watched as the place she once called home became unfamiliar to her. The people are now different but the same. Her brother is growing more powerful with each battle but he is not happy, not even a little. If anything he seems discontented with everything.

A while later, Bran finally went back home escorted by her men, the remaining Stark soldiers and a few men of the nights watch. This is when he learned about the entire gruesome scene that would have taken place in the wedding.

Bran told him that he would have beheaded lord Karstark turning the Karhold against house Stark if he had married the foreign woman. Bran told him that his child and her mother are both in the Haunted city.

The king in the North became mad with rage after learning that his sister took away his pregnant woman without his permission and let him believe that she is dead. Without waiting for anything else he sailed to Hardhome where he saw the magnificent harbor that Olivia has build.

He is denied entry into the harbor because he has too many men with him. Anna and Faith met him by the docks and greeted him politely. Neither familiar nor distant.

"Greetings to the his grace the Winter king." They said and did a curtsey at the same time.

"Where is my sister! Olivia!" He didn't even glance at the two ladies and walked forward leaving his men behind.

"She is not in the city." Anna said as they walk alongside him.

"Your grace, she is not in the city your grace." Small John Umber said to Anna who just shrugs it off.

The Umbers are always in conflict with the wildlings so him being here makes his bloodlust sky rocket.

"What is she doing else where?" Robb frowned because Bran had told him that she is not in the city but he was not sure.

"It's not for me to say." Anna responded but Small John finally lost it.

"When the king asks you a question you answer it straightforwardly you wildling scum." His hand on the sword.

Anna looked at the many guards and three separated from the group and came to her with fast movements. "Moss Anna, how may this one serve?" This guard is from Bravos.

"This gentleman is bothersome, return him to his ship and bring back another from the Southerners envoy with less hostility towards women." Anna said without changing her expression.

Robb finally turned to look at this woman who is so bold in his presence. Squinting his eyes he finally remembered her. "You are the maid girl next to Olivia 6 years ago. You have certainly grown bold over the years." He didn't stop the guards as they escorted the violently struggling Small John back to the ship.

"If a dog lives with its master long enough, it will naturally take after the master in behavior." Anna said making Robb smile involuntarily.

"Where is Talisa and my child?"

"She is in the main castle." They lead him through the harbor, over the concrete path and into the city. The all on its own is very large and made beautifully but the inside is just as grand.

"She would make something like this in the middle of a hostile forest wouldn't she?" She mused. While he was learning how to inherit something that was built by someone else his counterpart was building her own domain from ground up.

Seeing all this he realized he can not see the end of the city from where he stood. It is that big. But, it is not occupied. It is the middle of the day but only a few people can be seen here and there.

"Where is everyone?" He asked

"Working. Factor, fields and fighters. The rest are distributed in the castle workshops." This time he is answered by Faith.

"This is where she lives?" He asked when their path led to a large white castle. "No wonder she doesn't visit." He looked at the distant frozen pools and a large pool with kids swimming inside.

"Are you not worried they will get sick?"

"The water is surrounded by warm stone." This is not true, the water is cold but their bodies were conditioned by Olivia's medicine. She won't tell him that.

"What are they doing?" Robb pointed at the group sliding on the frozen lake.

"Their shoes are made with metallic under parts that allows them to run on the frozen ice. Many have broken their ankles and legs playing on that thing." Faith shook her head.

"Then why not stop them?"

"It trains excellent balance." What she doesn't say is that Olivia said to cure their broken legs if they fall. She found the main ingredient for that pill in abundance North of the wall.

Entering the castle he is taken to see his girlfriend and their child. Anna and Faith left them to speak in private but Olivia watched as Robb cried like a girl seeing the 'love of his life' it looks pathetic from where she stands.

"You shouldn't spy." Bran's voice sounded next to where her ghostly image is also standing. Olivia jumped in fright but when she saw who it is she slapped his head in anger. Her hand didn't touch him.

"How are you able to use your power so proficiently?" Her eyes narrowed when Bran avoided her eyes.

They went to the balcony because their voices can echo and Robb might hear them.

"I had to go to the three eyed raven a while ago. I am sorry. But there is more important things to worry about." Bran said but Olivia became mad.

"Are you kidding? What if something happened to you and Rickon? Your kingdom would see this as me thinning down your family tree." She tried to smack his head again.

"The night king is on the move, we need to convince the other kingdoms to join hands in this fight." Bran said sounding very calm but a touch of impatience in the depth of his eyes.

"Talk to your brother he is king now right? Why are you bothering me with such nonsense?" She waved him off. Olivia will have to fight the night king whether she like it or not but convincing others to do so seems a bit excessive it is her own home to defend.

"Your problem is ignorance. The night king has been amassing an army for 8 thousand years. Do you think this is enough for you to handle on your own?" Bran chides.

"The only way those people may unite is if they are all kneeling to one king. How many kings do they have now?" Olivia sneered.

"I have found someone who can unite them as the Targaryens did." Bran said with a confidence.

"Then what do you need me for?" Olivia blinked.

"It is you." When he saw her just blinking at him he clarified "The person to unite the kingdoms under one banner and rule the seven kingdoms is you. Olivia."

"Ptff Hahaha..." Olivia laughed like she has heard a very funny joke.

"I am serious, you have the right power, you are scary enough and you have the right name. Come to Winterfell and I will tell you who your parents are." Bran said with much patience.

"No. Find someone else little brother I will not waste my time with those people." She left the place and woke up back in the waste lands with a gloomy mood.

She decided to build her massive wall around two Kings landing size in area to avoid going home and forget about who her parents may be.

Like magic, her resolve to avoid her problems pushed her will and abilities and in a few months, more than half the work is done. She is not working alone but she is being made to do a lot of the spells and earth shaping to help her with the control of her power.

The weather is very bad in this place but this allows the land to be isolated which is why she chose it. Unlike most powerful people she likes to give her kingdom a personalized breath. When she brings people into this place they will have to follow its own set of rules instead of her accommodating their preexisting ones.

Even in the North she favors her former slaves citizens to the wildlings because they will obey her even subconsciously instead of those believing their way of life to be right. It is one of the reasons she is not forcing or pressuring them into joining her city.

Their number alone is enough to influence the flow of tradition and beliefs her people follow so she needs them beaten and broken before they can enter her home. It will be easier to shape them in this condition.

Olivia is making an exaggeratedly large wall around an exaggeratedly larger area because she wants to include the forest inside the wall. While the rest of the land will continue being a waste land, she wants to let them see that she is the one who has given them a paradise.

This will also make the invading armies suffer outside the wall. She has built 8 meters in height so far but she already wants to quit and go cool down in the North. "Quitting is for pussies." She chants every time she wakes up to start work.

The crazy part is that her magic doesn't give her any problems in fact she is able to control it better now. She made three large flowing water bathing pools with cooling stone to show appreciation for the work put into building her castle and the wall around it.

Her work on the new wall made her come to a new understanding of the conditions her people are working under. There is shade near the pool from two large and towering trees, a set of long chairs and small tables for them to lay down and enjoy themselves under the umbrellas.

They can braai meat and enjoy drinks in the nearby grilling stands. Sadly she hasn't been able to enjoy this place personally but she will. In the meantime she has added another 12 meters on her wall and a set of watch towers.

It has been a while, when she is done her dragons set fire to make the outside of the wall covered in black dragon glass. The black shine is a bit gloomy but a behemoth nonetheless.

While she was building this wall, her wall covering both gifts was also underway. Her plan to make it half the ice wall was a pipe dream. She understands that now. She told Arkar to make it 12 meters tall they will increase it in the future. Now what matters is the glass rune discs that are to be inserted during the construction.

She flew on Morpheus back to the North so she can start making her wooden indestructible armor for her solders. She hopes the magic runes she inscribed on the garden where the samplings of that tree will allow them to grow plentiful.

It was only one tree that the children of the forest gave her so Olivia had broken many branches and planted them, then she used her plant power although it required a lot since it is a special plant of profound magic properties.

Olivia used her power to grow many trees at once now that she has much more magic it didn't take long. This garden is where her heart trees from the summer isle is grown.

The heart trees make very good bows but they make stronger ships it's just hard to work with them which is why they can only make bows in the hands of others but Olivia can shape iron wood she can certainly shape a heart tree.

The garden has been filled with runes to draw in magic from outside so the magic trees grow well. In a few weeks she had Vince and Seun lead their people down there to cut down the soft trees using magic tools she had imbued with runes and the magic ore from the red waste.

This was all necessary because the trees are not usual. They are not sturdy because of their flexibility but they can not be cut by normal weapons. The children of the forest didn't have many ways to process them which is why they are not covered from head to toe with the stuff.

Vince looked at the busy crowd and walked to stand next to Seun. "Our Mistress has come up with something marvelous again." He said to his friend and colleague.

"It's a shame I can't turn this wood into boats like the last ones." Seun said laughing at the expression on the other man.

Olivia had to inscribe imbued runes for sharpness, durability and lightness on each tool that will be used to shape the soft wood into clothing. It is tiring to be the only mage in the city but her people are hardworking people.

There is the matter of the alchemy solution that will allow actually fabric to be glued together with the wood to make appealing clothing.

Olivia introduced smaller buttons and small metal zippers. When her outfit was made it is a beautiful body suit made with soft black leather, a white flame on the right thigh and arm. There is a long zipper on the side.

They put thin wood between the materials or on top just for the visual effects. Olivia drew a few simple designs for the cloths so as to not waste the materials.

The people of the city's clothing shops became enamored with the simple outfit that save fabric and still look good. They started designing clothes that do not have wasteful tails, enormous sleeves and collars. The buttons are simplified. Dye is not too expensive inside Haunted city which made the outfits in the city look different from those worn by people living in the harbor.

Women wear long pants and belts, boots and sandals whenever they come inside where it is very warm compared to the outside. They made warm outfits for going outside including wool hats that cover the head and ears, sox, gloves, long and short coats. The different styles makes it a marvel in a crowded market. These may not all be armor but they set the city apart from how people dress in other parts of Westeros.

Olivia is playing in the play room's fluffy matt, Rogo is chasing after Aeryn and trying to catch her while Aeryn is only using her four legs to run away. The small version of the two is very adorable especially after the last breakthrough.

Their scales became deep in their respective colors and are now very hard. If Morpheus doesn't open her molten gold eyes in the dark, no one can tell she is there.

It has only been a few weeks since she finished carving runes on tools to help the seamstresses in their craft of the new type of armor for the army.

The work was annoying but she didn't come out afterwards and decided to finish the glass discs and have them buried on several noted places in the map. Now that she has her forest and city covered in the runes she will slowly expand outward to chip away places the night king can access.

The wall is almost finished but Olivia had to hire many Southerners because her own people were in the red waste. This gives her a very large fertile land that she can use to farm.

Olivia and her two companions have activated the purification runes on the entirety of the Haunted forest. Currently she having a meeting with the 20 commanders and her 8 guards to choose the right way of training.

"Did you say army of the dead?" Enym asked her again.

"They have commanders and a king. With the goal of ending all life as we know it, they plan to march south and increase their army." Olivia explained.

"And they live in the same lands as us?" Perzyo asked looking at Olivia.

"Yes. In the lands of ever winter further east of here. This task, you don't have to do it. You can take a step back, we all fear death and this is basically declaring war to the god of death himself. Or a version of him. I want to get a group of fast men to come with me to kill his army."

"Is this the night king we grew up hearing about?" Caine aske her.

"Yes. He has finally started moving again after 8 thousand years. He is ready, the wall is weak and he destroyed the race that built it."

"And you built a city here?" Hoyr being one of the most prominent generals in her army asked with an amused smile on his face.

"The North is my home. We have over 100 civilian ships you can take one and a few supplies to live well somewhere else. Haunted city is your home but it doesn't have to be. Your oath doesn't cover following me to battle demons and monsters." Olivia said in response.

"Do you mean it?" Amon asked suddenly and Olivia's heart shook. Amon is amongst the best of her guardians, that is why he is in charge of training the others. To loose someone so valuable at the start...

"Yes. I have already organized with the Yellow castle." The other council members chose respective colors for their castles and the information bank is yellow.

"I can walk out of here board a fancy ship with free supplies and you wouldn't stop me?" He tilted his head.

"You can leave, I won't like it but I am not your jailer." She looked him in the eyes and responded calmly.

"Then I...will stay. Like you said, this is my home. Besides, fighting comes easy to me." He smiled as the others released smiles and cheers of approval.

The other commanders are firmly staying to fight with their Mistress. This made Olivia smile in relief. These people are the pillars of her strength as a ruler she can not afford to loose a single one of them.

"The others are mostly trainees and have little attachments to this place. You freed them but they will leave the first chance they get. Perhaps it's best we don't give them this opportunity?" Amon asked Olivia. In response to the question, Olivia smirked. 

"This is the fight that may cost us our lives. We can not afford to give our backs to the people who will push us into the pit. Let them go. You tell them to go if they wish, they will not be allowed back in however." Access to the main city is not easy.

The occupants of the harbor yearn for the city that is close but seems so far away. Only those of excellent talent and people who are highly regarded by the higher ups of the city can move into the city from the harbor at some point. The city is vast, safe and most importantly the food there is better and plentiful because of the various processing factories that get materials from the glass houses within the city. 

Cheese, flour, rice, corn maize and many other processed food is cheaper and easy to access in the city because there is a council member responsible for the well being of each housing district. The harbor is capital city with everything regulated by what you do and how much you earn. Although it is not to the extent of having homeless people, life is not easy in the harbor.

It is a place Olivia constructed to make money from the rest of the known world by making a market for all the products made in her kingdom the haunted city. Currently even staying in the housing of the harbor is strictly controlled to avoid over crowding. Those who leave the city now will probably not have space when they wish to come back.

"I will talk to the guards of the city to be extra vigilant about things like theft or property damage during their time of departure. In 5 days I will be examining my real army. I will take 2000 to push back the walkers getting too far out of the ever winter lands." They understand this will be the first time they see it and may be overwhelmed. But Enym, Perzyo and Gin are the first to volunteer.

"Good. I'll see you in 5 days. Remember to bid those leaving farewell for me. I wish them good fortunes." She left them with this statement.

Apparently Bran and Rickon took their Reed friends and the Stark men to the weir wood tree where the three eyed raven is located. Many of the guards were injured on the way from fights with the free folk but they made it to their destination mostly safe.

When Anna saw this she sent 15 armed guards to follow them and only come back after the kids made it to Winterfell safely. This took months with Bran training in the old tree then when he came out he was told to go south Instead.

"Someone is at the door wishing to have a word." Anna and Faith came in with an unreadable expression on their faces.

Olivia didn't bother asking who it is because they didn't tell her so she can be curious about it. Going to meet her visitor, she saw Emma her first outside business partner looking a bit haggard. When Emma saw Olivia, she ran to her and threw herself on the younger girl as if she saw her savior. 

"What is wrong?" Olivia took her to her small dining area with comfortable furniture and let her seat in a couch opposite her own. Olivia remembers she is dealing with a seductress who uses her looks to get what she wants from people. 

"I am moving here how, I can not stay in Kings landing and hope to survive." Olivia squinted her eyes when she heard her say this. 

"You don't strike me as a quitter." She gave one of the girls tending to her a look, the girl went to get tea for them.

"It's Cersei Lannister and her brother Tyrion, they are fighting for whatever Lannister resources remains and the Tyrells insisted Tyrion be put on the council which made things worse." The beautiful Emma rolled her gorgeous eyes. 

"You have a relationship with Tyrion?" Olivia raised an eyebrow. Emma blushed and looked away.

"Tell me you at least left with all the other girls." A while and the maid from earlier came back with tea and cookies.

"I have 23 working girls with me. Some died while others ran away in the chaos." She put her hand around the warm cup of tea.

"Why come to me?" Olivia doesn't see the need to seek her out. 

"I have been in the harbor for a while now but I can not get a place no matter how hard I try. I even offered to pay a lot of gold."

"Money won't buy you everything here like in the south, do you still wish to be in the same business?" Olivia knows Bree is still renovating for the same business in the haunted city but not the harbor. 

"I can run an inn or two but my passion is really in the business of passion." She smirked.

"Are your girls happy to be in the business of 'passion' as you put it?" Olivia asked incredulously

"The ones forced to do it ran away, so now I am with those who are even urging me to open another place."

"This place is really beautiful. I can't believe it all belongs to you." She said in slight awe. When she was finally able to enter the city she was stunned by the size, beauty of the multi colored castles and the different styles of apartments and villas. This place seems like a dream.

"The people are all so strong looking." She lowered her voice as if to gossip. "...and pretty." Olivia laughed at her hungry expression.

"Come on." Olivia stood up and took out a set of keys from somewhere then took Emma to a carriage on standby for use, they are headed to the harbor, there is a concrete pathway from the city to the harbor that has warm stone to dissolve the snow.

"I love the carriage design." Emma said in appreciation.

"Good, because I made it." It has an obsidian wood design with a large white flame on the sides. The furnishings are simple but comfortable.

Olivia entered the harbor and she has to admit to herself that it is moving towards a crowded direction. Not at all like the haunted city which always feels like it's operating at less than half the capacity.

She went towards the empty rentals which are all three stories with an installed warm stone, strong glass and water system. They can be decorated according to the requirements of the business. Moving past them towards the four story buildings, she gave Emma keys to one of them.

"Tomorrow go to Anna in the main office and tell her I sent you she should help you buy the appropriate furniture and decorations. A warning, we had a similar business inside the city before until the host tried kidnapping and forcing some overly pretty former Lys slaves. We found her head in the Haunted forest, it seems the animals didn't like the make up on her face and left it untouched. Good luck old friend." Olivia left Emma to her own device.

"Flesh business, why don't all humans find a mate?" Aeryn appeared inside the carriage. They had been under glamour to hide from Emma.

"Because humans are greedy. They want to touch many others they don't keep to themselves." Olivia said.

"But if they are greedy, shouldn't they keep these partners for themselves?" Morpheus also appears on the opposite couch.

"They are not strong or wealthy enough to keep them from being coveted by others."

"I see. Humans are pitiful then." Morph said.

"Certainly." Olivia agreed. The conversation is stopped when they all turned to a direction at the same time as if they can feel an energy in that direction. Olivia and the two left towards the weapons warehouse and filled it with different types of weapons. 

"That direction.." Olivia said but didn't finish. They know what is in that direction although far from the haunted city, that is where Mance and his people are camping. Olivia knows they will likely be wiped out if attacked by the walkers without the proper weapons. It seems the night king is getting closer than ever.

When they got there, the wildling fighters are standing outside the camp holding normal weapons watching a small army with two commanding whites approaching. Strong winds started blowing making everyone tremble.
