Assassin x assassin

The caller was Pierce, and he was calling on Tristan Hayes's protected phone.

This was definitely important.

"Yes, Mr. Pierce?" Tristan asked, picking up the call.

While he talked, he still stared at himself shirtless in the mirror, tensing his various muscles.

He was still in a slight awe of his changed body.

"Hayes. I hope you had plenty of rest in the last few days, because I've got important information for you—and a job."

"Do you mean information about Cuatro Angulos? Do you know why one of them attacked me?"

"Yes. Do you know a person called Mark Pezroca?"

It took a moment to click.

Tristan rarely heard Mark's surname, since everybody called him just "Mark". But it did sound similar.

"Mark… Pezroca? Dark hair, tall, buff guy, right?"

"Yes. He also currently walks with crutches thanks to a bad knee break. I don't know if he had former ties with Cuatro Angulos, or convinced them with his pleas, but one of their leaders, Dagoberto Quixada, promised to help Mark restore justice. Mark wasn't tight-lipped about this story, either. He says that it's all for his formerly pretty former girlfriend."

Tristan could almost imagine Pierce smiling like a creep at this.

Meanwhile, Tristan himself wanted to punch a wall. Or better yet, Mark's face.

That asshole should've slunk away as soon as he got out of the hospital instead of trying to get revenge. He was really lucky until now that Tristan had other things to deal with, and had no attention to spare on even thinking about that trio.

"Mr. Pierce, do you know if Mark's subordinates, Evelyn and Ricky, are still in the city?"

"They left as soon as they could. You have left an impression, Hayes, but not on them all, it seems. This will be a lesson for you to leave no enemy alive. Speaking of—this is your next job."

Tristan shook his head, knowing that Pierce wouldn't see it.

He gave the trio some mercy, because they still were the people who took him in when he was at his lowest. Even if they had ulterior motives and weren't the best of people, they deserved a chance.

One chance.

Evelyn and Ricky used theirs right, but Mark was going to pay.

"What do you want me to do, Mr. Pierce?"

"Although the feud between you and Mark had involved Cuatro Angulos and King Lion Gang, it's really between you two, and always had been. If the two of you draw us into an actual full-out war, neither Cuatro Angulos leaders, nor Mr. Clavon, won't be happy. Not at all. So, Hayes, take out Mark yourself, so Quixada was forced to put down his weapons. Without giving him new reasons for revenge, of course. You already wounded one of his goons, but it was self-defense, basically. Justifiable."

Tristan smirked.

"I was just thinking about it, Mr. Pierce. So, I shouldn't attack anyone from Angulos? Better not be seen at all, I imagine."

"Exactly. You clearly have skill for that. Maybe you will become a full-time assassin, hm? Our organization will have a lot of use for one. So, clean up your mess, and do it efficiently."

"I will, Mr. Pierce."

"I've prepared information that will be useful for your mission. The link to a document where it's stored will be in an SMS. There seems to not be a lot of protection around the target, but be careful. Also, I can provide you a suitable weapon if you need it—free of charge this time. This includes guns, too. Just give me a call. But don't go near Good Lion Bar until I give you a clear—you can be watched."

Tristan huffed. He was sure that he'd notice another spying thug, but he let Pierce have his caution.

"Thank you for the help, Mr. Pierce. I will call you if I need something. Is that all?"

"Yes. Have a good time, Hayes."

Pierce ended the call. Tristan punched the wall next to the mirror, stopping his fist only millimeters away from the tile surface.

Now he had something to do while he waited to see if his song passed the Californian Young Star contest's preliminary round.

"You are so dead, Mark."


Same time, different place.

"That this man, Hayes, joined a large gang like the King Lion Gang, complicates matters. But retreating now, after he badly wounded one of my men? Show the lions that we are this scared of them? No, I can't let Mark and his friends stay unavenged after promising him this. But I can't provoke an all-out war with reckless actions either."

Quixada stood in his seat. He was a large man, and when he stood, his powerful aura filled the entire office like the sunlight from the window behind him.

However, if the man who stood on the other side of the office felt it, he didn't show it.

That man was tall and muscular, but lean, and dressed in urban camouflage military clothing. He carried himself relaxedly, yet like he was ready to attack at any moment.

"Mr. Ranger, trust your reputation as an assassin. They say that you were a former U.S. Army Ranger, and have the body count in the dozens. This is very impressive. I'm sure you will succeed in the mission."

The Army Rangers were an elite U.S. military special regiments, specialized in raids on hostile territories, captures and assassinations. Although less known than Navy Seals, the Army Rangers were just as formidable and deadly.

The assassin didn't react to Quixada's words, forcing the other man to continue.

"The money has already been wired to your bank account. Half in front, as you asked."

Quixada gestured at a bag lying next to him.

Ranger nodded again silently.

Quixada frowned, beginning to grow slightly annoyed with the assassin's extreme curtness. He barely spoke a word during their entire negotiation.

"Hayes laid low, but I've gathered some information on him and sent it to your personal email. Also, if you need weapons, I can provide, Mr. Ranger."

The assassin just shook his head. Quixada huffed.

"Well, then I wish you luck. Keep me informed on your progress, Mr. Ranger."

The assassin nodded and exited the room with sure steps.

For him, this was routine, and there was no need to expect anything too out of the ordinary.