Retuning with a victory

In the bakery's basement was a spacious room, furnished with a couch on one side of it, and several cupboards on the other. The walls were painted hospital-green, but someone taped on them a bunch of assorted 80-x rock band posters and calendars with girls in bikinis.

The place had been built as a bomb shelter before the building above became a bakery and now served as a secure safehouse and stash for all things illegal.

The bakery owner was paid for his silence and for allowing gangsters in, unlike many others who had to pay the gangsters' protection fees themselves.

Leon Clavon was sitting on the couch, with his massive figure taking most of it. Two bodyguards of his stood quietly in a corner, tensing when Tristan entered the room.

When the rest of his group followed, the place quickly became cramped.