Hacker man

50 hours until the party.

'Step one—the access point,' Tristan thought, opening the club's website. 'This won't be easy… What software are they even using to track their guest list?'

It had to be something easily accessible for all employees checking and editing it. There were a dozen of possible applications that a quick search brought up for Tristan, and until he knew which one was used by the Urban Mirage Club, he won't even know what to hack.

There were a lot of methods of getting this information, but most of them required time Tristan lacked.

'Alright, let's start with a quick social check.'

For the next two hours, Tristan went through the social pages related to the Urban Mirage Club, finding names and places of its employees and looking at their pages.

If not for his observation skill, he'd take ten times as much time to do the same amount of work. As it was, he only needed a glance or two at a page to find all the key details.