
Whitman's people raised their guns, but they were already half-surrounded, and by people who had many more guns than them. All stood near or partially behind covers, and in a way that didn't block the line of fire.

Damien learned from his mistakes quickly after they were pointed at.

Martinez also stepped away from the line of fire and toward a nearby crate, although he didn't hide.

Tristan stood next to him casually, with hands in his pockets.

"What a surprise, Whitman! It looks like your worldview will bite you in the ass much sooner than you expected. Lay down whatever weapons you have and order your men to do the same. It's ten-to-one—you stand no chance."

Whitman was pale and wide-eyed.

"Hayes? What are you doing?!" He pointed at Martinez. "Why are you on the side of this traitor? The one who hated you more than had loyalty to his own organization!"

Tristan frowned.