Battle brothers

The gunshots attracted attention even from those people who weren't watching Tristan until now.

They looked at him, then to where he had been aiming until a moment earlier. Gasps and whispers of confusion spread from a person to person.

"The copter…"

"Why is it moving like that?"

"Holy Mother of God… Is it going to crash?"

Through the lenses of the binoculars, Tristan saw that his shots had bent several tail rotor blades.

More importantly, he must've hit something in the rotor mechanism itself. Instead of rotating smoothly, the blades now were making several spins, only to stop with a sudden jerk, spin again, stop…

Like a stuck record.

The helicopter's pilot was pressing and jerking the controls with agitated movements, but it didn't seem to help much.

"Motherfucker! What a shot!" James screeched from the shotgun seat of his designated truck. "A copter explosion, like in a movie! Oh, hell yeah!"