In a trap

'Where does that sound come from?' Tristan thought in alarm.

The clutter made it harder to distinguish the origins of it. There were at least half a dozen dynamics, all of them hidden from the direct eye.

Cutout already had a gun in one hand and a knife in another, but there was no one to attack.

"Cutout, this is a sound trap! Quickly, close your ears!" Tristan ordered.

His subordinate fumbled with his weapons to obey, but the sound from the dynamics rose in volume in response. It blasted Tristan and Cutout's ears, even through the palms they put over them.

"Pathetic! This won't work, Tristan Hayes. And you, 'Cutout'—is Hayes really such a good leader, you poor man? How often did he send you to take bullets in his stead? There will be another one soon. Lay down your weapons! Surrender! Give up! Leave alive!"