The long-awaited reunion

Smoke and heat were coming from the other side of the door. Even without opening it, Tristan knew that his father's bedroom was burning.

He knew little about aerodynamics unless it was related to bullets. But he was smart enough to realize that when he opens this door, the resulting airflow will make fires explode out.

'The chances of someone being alive on the other side are approaching zero. But I have to see.'

With that thought, Tristan brandished his fire extinguisher.

The door opened on the outside, but instead of even checking if it was locked, Tristan smashed it with the heavy fire extinguisher like it was a battering ram.

The location of the strike was carefully calculated. The door frame was wooden, although the door itself was metal-reinforced; Tristan's blow was powerful enough to make the bolts holding hinges in the frame pop out, leaving the door without support.