An impostor

'I still have 13002 Pop-star Points to spend,' Tristan thought.

He knew where to already.

The first 5000 went to the Acting skill, raising it to the Ascendant rank—the limit.

He felt like he would need it for the meeting ahead. To pretend to be in control despite everything.

As for the rest of his points, Tristan saved them for now. He was going to ascend his charisma eventually—but first he needed a stash of Criminal Points to balance this ascension out.

He wasn't sure which skill correlated with the fearsomeness attribute, but Tristan would find out, eventually.

For now, he just enjoyed the rush of the new knowledge in his head and thought about what he was going to do and say when he met his parents next.

There was a lot to think about.

Tristan needed ammunition—good ammunition.

In the past, he thought his successes would be such ammunition, but he had become smarter since then.