Class Awakening

(Homeland Military is recruiting young people to join them on fighting... For more info call...)


(10 awakened are possibly dead after...)

All sorts of news kept appearing on the tv.

A young man with Black hair, black eyes, sharp nose, good jaw line is doing pull ups.


"Huhhh, pull ups done"

'It has been two months since I got transported to this world, at first I was confused and of course terrified specially when I learned that this world is full of beings that can kill me with just a flick of a finger but I slowly adjusted'

"So it's today that we awaken"

To awaken a person has to turn 18 and a stone called Mana stone.

Mana stone is now all around the market but with a high price because it can't only be used to awaken but also to make those awakened stronger.

For him buying mana stone early is a dream because he is broke.

Noah Finn, when he got transported here, he possessed a body of a 17 year old that is an orphan and is living with the money the government of Homeland is giving him for the sacrifice of his parents during a disaster.

Noah was a military personnel, and was deployed into many mission during his past life but an event during his last mission led to his death...

After Noah got ready he took a bus.

He cannot be absent today because schools give free mana stone when a batch has turned 18.

When he arrived, many of his classmates is already there and is having conversations enthusiastically

He found his seat and waited.

"Oh man I hope I get an A class, even B class is fine"

"Keep dreaming, it would be even lucky for us if we get a battle class"

"That's true, man I don't want to be a blacksmith, my old man... "

"Hey what... "

As they are having conversations slowly the classroom was filled and their teacher a middle age woman came in with a box.

"Okay, settle down... "

"...Today is an important day for you all, either you get a battle class or a auxiliary class"

"But keep in mind to awaken all of you the government spends a ton, so even if you awaken a bad class keep serving our country the Homeland to fight those wicked beings"


After a long talk about inspiring the youth to serve their country.

She went around the class to give each of them a mana stone.

"To awaken you just need to crush the mana stone and the miracle system should appear in a while"

Noah crushed the stone the moment she stopped talking.

After a while words slowly appeared in front of him.


[Ding congrats for getting SSS Military Mage]

'??? '

'What the hell, an SSS class'

'As far as I know there has never been a SSS class that is reported'

[Hello Noah Finn]


The internet and the teacher already taught them how to use the system.

[Name: Noah Finn

Class: Military Mage (SSS)

Level 1

Mana: 2,000

Strength: 10

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 200

Endurance:100 ]


The normal start of the stat of a person is 10.

For every 1 intelligence is 10 mana.

For every str and int is 10 damage.

'What's up with my stats?!'


[Attack change (SSS) (passive) - change attack into a desired gun and use mana as an ammo]

[Damage ×10] [attack range ×10] (applicable to you and your troops only)

[Side note: Say hello to my little friend]

[God of Battlefield (SSS) (passive) - You have high tolerance to all sorts of environment and is immune to explosions, morale is always at peak] -[you can select who benefits]

[Intelligence ×10] [endurance ×10] - [only applicable to you]

[Side note: What is fear?]

[Bullet shower (Growth) (active)(Level 1) - bullets rain down dealing 100% intelligence damage at a 10 m Circle] [consumption- 20 mana] [CD- 10 Sec]

[Side note: where did they come from? We'll never know]

[Troop summon (Growth) (active)(level 1)- can summon upto 5 troops of your choice, no duration either they die or you unsummon them] [100 mana][No cd]

[Side note: Troops roll out]

Only active skills are able to level up.

'Thats why my stats are so high, worthy of triple S class'

'Although my active skills might seem weak right now but with [Attack change] they are one hell of a skills, and they are growth skills!'

'I can't wait to try this skills out'

Then the classroom is filled with exclamation, excitement, and disappointment.

"Yeees, I got C-Class mage"

"Ey man Same, I got C-Class Brawler"

"...I'm done I got D-Class chef"

The teacher heard the commotion so "it seems all of you have awakened, now we'll have to confirm your class"

She went to the first student.

"Class? "

"...D-Class Alchemist" Said the student dejectedly.

"Use a skill to confirn your class"

The student created a round glass flask.

The teacher looked at it and joked "Hey you can still sell flask for a living" And chuckled. The student is even more down.



Many of them got auxiliary class and some got C or B Classes.

It's Noah's turn.


Noah didn't respond immediately and thought of the pros and cons about him revealing about his SSS.

'If I reveal that I have SSS lots of benefit will surely come to me but there's a saying "With great power comes great responsibility" '

'I will play safe it first and reveal it when the time comes'

The teacher urged "Class?"

"A-Class Gun Mage"

It became noisy.

"An A class"


"Shhhh settle down"

"Gun mage? "

"Show us a skill to prove it"

Noah thought about it and created a Deagle and shot it once.


Instead of a physical bullet coming out, a blue ball size of a bullet penetrated the ceiling.

The teacher smiled and wrote him down.


After him was just like the rest of the class some C-B but no A.

After they are done the teacher went up front and made another inspirational speech.

"Okay that's it class"

The students got up, some talked while some immediately went home.

Noah having no friends also immediately went home.

He just feels weird being friends with high schoolers.

While walking in the hallways he heard students talk about the S-Class awakened.

"I heard there are 2 S class awaken in our school this year"

"Yes it's the student president and the top student this year"

"Yes I hear the president Freyja got War God"

"That's a very suited class for her cause you know-"

He got interrupted.

"Cause what?"

Asked by a womans voice.

The person looked behind him and saw a woman with blond hair, brown eyes, sharp nose, and a tall figure staring down at him.

"Uh, N-Nothing president..."

She snorted and walked away followed by a woman.

The person sigh and continued "anyway the top student got Thunder Monarch"

Noah thought 'Man nothing will interrupt gossip huh'

The person saw Noah and said "Hey I heard that person also awakened A-Class Gun Mage"

"Really? Man how sharp is your hearing, and where are you hearing all of this"

"Well I have B-Class eavesdropping, hehe"

"No wonder..."

'Thats a B class?!' Thought Noah.


'I guess high school life is done'

The moment they awaken they already finished their high school and the next would be if they choose to go to the Awakened School or Go straight into battle or dungeons.

'Although I have an SSS class but going straight into the battlefield is a suicide that's already a proven point, but I don't have funds to go to the Awakened School...'

Just as he was walking slowly and thinking.

A person from the principal office is watching him.

He looked at his palm with a wound on it being treated by an assistant.

The assistant asked "what happened sir?"

"Nothing, I blocked a bullet thats all"

'An S class awakened being hurt by a bullet?' The assistant heard it and didn't ask further.

He looked at the table and saw Noah's file

'Noah Finn huh, A-Class, interesting...'

'To be able to hurt an S class awakened, although my endurance is low'

Then he looked at the hole on the floor.

He smiled 'Its indeed interesting'



Noah went home, he lives in a single bed single bathroom place so there's not much to do, he turned on the tv.

(North Homeland High School awakened 2 genius with S-Class the principal being Jaimee Jackson...)

(South Homeland High School...)

(East Homeland...)


Noah is playing with his phone and then someone called.

Noah - Hello? This is Noah Finn.

Person -Oh hello Noah, I am Jaimee Jackson.

Noah - Jaimee Jackson the S-Class?

Jaimee - oh young people still knows me?

Noah - why wouldn't I on the papers you're a hero.

Jaimee - On the papers...HAHAHA yes that's me, anyway I called you today to ask if you're interested on the training I'm planning Noah - um, is it free?

Jaimee - you are indeed interesting, yes of course it's free HAHAHA, so are you interested.

Noah thought about it, 'Well it's free so it's hard to refuse, and he is considered a hero so he is not a dangerous person with a suspicious motives'

Noah - Yes Sir, when is it?

Jaimee - Well that was easy I thought I had to beg you to come, HAHAHAHA, I plan to start tomorrow, just go to school tomorrow I will pick all of you up.

Noah - Okay, thank you sir.

Jaimee - you're welcome, HAHAHHAH-

Then hung up.

'This person likes to laugh' he said smiling.


Noah always wakes up at 5 for his workout, it has become a habit since previous life.

As usual he took a bath then ate.

He arrived at the school gate at 7, there's no school so he and those that Jaimee invited waited at the gate.

There is him, The president Freyja with the S-Class War God, then her follower Vinera with an A-Class Protector, and the top student Zenith with the S-Class Thunder Monarch.

When Noah appeared Vinera came forward first, "Hey who are you?!"

She has Blue hair, blue eyes, and a muscular build.

(AN: Which which is not a sight to see on a woman, is my opinion, idk about y'all)

"I'm Noah"

It seems that with such simple answer Vinera got even more worked up.

"What I mean is, What are you doing here!"

"Well Sir Jaimee invited me"

"You? You also have S class? Why didn't I know? "

"Because I don't"

"Then how are you here?"

Noah just ignored her after that question, and stood at his place to wait.

Vinera didn't like that Noah ignored her so she wanted to fight but she heard a voice.

"Enough Vinera"

Freyja was not dumb like Vinera so she stopped her.

Freyja walk to Noah "Hey, sorry about her she is always like that"

"It's fine, kids are usually like that"

Vinera heard it and glared at him.

" huh" Freyja looked at him and said "That is funny"

Noah looked at both of them 'what's wrong with what I said?'

But he just smiled

Freyja returned to her place with Vinera.

During the commotion Zenith, A handsome guy, with white hair, black eyes, wearing glasses, with fit athletic build. Just minded his own business and waited.

After about 30min or so Jaimee arrived.

He smiled wide "oh hey everybody you're all here"

"I seem to forgot to tell all of you that the training would take a month, but that didn't seem important because all of you seemed to bring enough clothes, HAHAHA"

"My vehicle is small so one has come up front"

They looked at his vehicle and it's huge, it's just that he is so big that the drivers seat has to reach all the back and his elbows are outside the window.

They all thought 'that's an intelligence class?'

'No one wants the front, we shy?' Noah thought

"Okay I will just pick, Noah you come up front"

No one objected, but Vinera seemed dejected.

"Just place your belongings in the trunk and we'll get going"

After a while all our things are inside.

"And off we go!"


"Okay, I know you have questions so go on"

Noah went first "Why do you want to train us Sir?"

"To get you ready for the entrance exam at the awakened school of course"

'I don't even know If I can afford awakened school...'

"...and to train you to fight monsters"

Hearing his answer all of them got excited except Noah

'Man, this training is gonna be hell'

"Sir Jaimee, where are we going to train" asked Zenith.

"A special place I created for training, all of you are gonna love it, HAHAHAHA"

'Yup, it's definitely hell'

Then Vinera asked the important question that all 4 of them has to listen to for 3 hours until they arrived at the place.

"How do you train to have muscles like that Sir"

"I'm glad you asked, you see..."

All 3 of them glared at Vinera for asking such question, Noah through the mirror.