Training Part 2

"Hey Jaimee"

Jaimee came out of his room and greeted Noah.

"Oh hey, are you done hunting?"

"Yeah, by the way do you know how to butcher a whole boar?"

"Sure do, leave it to me"

"Ah and also those kids should also return soon too"

"You're at the same age, why do you call them kids?"

"...force of habit, anyway I'm gonna go take a shower, that boar should be butchered once I get out"

"Sure thing"

As Noah walked away Jaimee stared at his back and thought.

'Gun Mage, that's truly an interesting class, but it being an A-Class is suspicious'

Jaimee saw everything they did, he just said he wanted to sleep to see how they will do.

'I planned to use the werewolf as a training graduation event but oh well, I guess that's gone'

'But who would have thought 4 E-Rankers are able to take down a level 10 boss without any experience'

'But from the looks of it, Noah alone should have been able to kill it'

Jaimee went outside and saw the boar with a huge hole on its head.

'That's caused by a sniper, scary' He said smiling.

Then he started with his job.

After a while, Zenith returned, his clothes are shredded and made him look like a homeless person, with his body full of scars.

Jaimee looked at him "Oh man that's a good look HAHAHA"

Zenith looked at the boar "I couldn't bring any prey..."

"It's fineee, we have this big boy right here" Pointing at the boar, as he kept slicing it open.

"Well then I will leave you to it, I will go inside first"

Jaimee nodded, with understanding.

And soon after Freyja returned while giving Vinera piggyback.

Although they went put with an armor, they returned with just some shards of it remaining.

"Oh hey you two"

Freyja is dead tired so she just bowed and went inside.


Noah came out already changed.

"Hey Jaimee, you done?"

"Almost, meats just need last cleaning"

"Okay I will help"


"...and we are done"

"Oh man that's a lot of meat"

"I can't handle cooking this much...Let's do barbecue"

"Yeahh that's fun HAHAHAHA"

Jaime went inside "Hey guys we'll be having barbecue, so come out if you have rested enough or you won't get to taste any meat cause we'll be eating all of it"

Noah and Jaimee picked a good place, and started to setup.

"Hey, why do you actually want to train us?"

Noah asked suspiciously.

"It's simple, cause you 4 are the best batch of student in a while"

"And the frontline is at a bad state, monster are slowly gaining back their momentum, and we don't have enough people to push them back"

"So I and other principals from other schools decided to why not train those talented new awakened to get them ready faster so we have a new strong addition to us"

"Does that answer your suspicion?"


As they are talking Freyja, Zenith, and Vinera came out and joined them.

"It's still early but we won't be able to finish all this meat if we don't start now do we?"


While they wait for the meat to cook Jaimee proposed an idea.

"Since we still don't know each other why don't we introduce ourselves?"

"I will start"

"As you already know, I'm Jaimee Jackson an S-Class awakener, with an S-Class Enhancer"

"That's from me, who's next?"

Freyja stood up "I'm next"

"I am Freyja Hildebrand, From the Hildebrand family, I posses an S-Class War God"

"Nice one Freyja!, okay next!"

"I AM ehem, I am Vinera Fort, an A-Class Protector"

"That's a very suitable class for your build, nice, okay next"

Noah and Zenith looked at each other.

'I guess I'm next'

"Well I'm Noah Finn, an A-Class Gun Mage"

As Noah sat down Zenith stood up.

"My name is Zenith I came from the household of Rai, I have a S-Class Thunder Monarch"

"Perfect, Noah are those meat cooked?"


"Okay, anyone got questions?"

"I've been wondering, What are the classes for awakeners"

"Nice question, I've also been wanting to tell you all about it, SO... "

There are known Classes for awakeners them Being E, D, C, B, A, S, And SS.

"Known" Because they haven't discovered Triple SSS Class yet.

So levels and classes are together.

Level 1-10 is E.

11-20 is D.

21-40 is C.

41-60 is B.

61-100 is A.

101-150 is S.

"Right now all your levels are between 1-10 so your ranks are E, was my explanation clear?"

"Yes, and what is your current level?"

"Oh it's 130"

"Is that all?" Jaimee picked up a meat and raised it.

"Let's start eating's still raw...let's wait for a bit"

Their dinner went on.


[Name: Noah Finn

Class: Military Mage (SSS)

Level 3 (0/300)

Mana: 2,200

Strength: 12

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 220

Endurance:120 ]

[Free stat: 8]

Every level gives 1 to every stat and give 4 free stat.

Free stat are the stats you can put to a stat you want.

'8 free stats, I'll save them up for now'

"Okay it's getting late and we already ran out of meat so we'll pack up and go sleep"


As usual Noah wakes up at 5 and does his normal routine.

"Wakey wakey everyone"

Everyone came out of their room.

"Okay so as I've said we'll run in the morning"

"For extra motivation, the first one to reach the house first for the entire month gets a gift from me"

"Okay let's start"


"HAHAHAHA as expected Noah is the first place for today too"

"Okay rest up, go catch something for us to eat after you have rested, but go catch one as soon as possible because I'm hungry"


At noon Jaimee called them over.

"We'll do some easy drills, first is your footwork, second is teamwork"

"Follow me"


Jaimee took them to a place with a huge field filled with a bunch or footmarks.

"This will be out footwork zone, you see the footmarks?"


"You will have to follow each footmark with precision, It has 52 footmark so a single mistake gets a punishment and starts over"

"You don't have know how to do it yet so I will show you"

Bang bang bang bang

Jaimee is so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up.

"And that's how to you do it"

"Noah you try it first since you're first place this morning"



First and second step was good but he made an error at the third.

"Again!" Then smacked Noah's leg with magic.

'Ah f*** that hurts'



The three saw it and thanked god for not being first, but realized they will be next.

All of them lay of the floor, their legs swollen.

"All right HAHAHA, rest up teamwork is next"

"The rule for this is, You won't be able to use skills, anyone who breaks this rule is punished, the punishment is a beating on the body"

"Everyone is okay with that? Of course you are, okay let's start"

Jaimee went inside the forest and pulled a monster.

"This is a level 1 monster, kill it as teammates, "teammates""

"Okay start"


"Oh yes Noah?"

"By skills you mean active skills?"


Noah created a gun "This is my passive skill is it allowed?"

"Yes, I mean your Class is Gun Mage so you will be useless without your guns, okay start,

Noah deactivated the gun and looked at the 3.

"Vinera help me get the monster's attention"

"Got it"

"Zenith and Noah, you stay behind and hit the monster"

'Good leadership' Jaimee.

[Wild boar Level 1]

[2000 HP]

Vinera used the skill [Taunt]

Then magic flew and hit her body.


Although it hurts it doesn't deal any damage, how does that work?

"Remember, No skill"

Vinera and Freyja is not giving the monster any space and so did they to Zenith and Noah.

Because of the potential of them hitting Vinera or Freyja, neither of them attacked.


"Great work for killing it but...that is not teamwork"

"Yes Vinera and Freyja work well together but you also have to think about your other teammates, because of both of you not giving space you didn't only restrict your enemy but also your allies"

"You see being at the front for receiving the monsters attention is so that the long range damage dealers can deal a huge amount of damage without being interrupted"

"But both of you failed that task, you have teammates so don't act alone"

"That is the very rule in the frontline, you have a teammate so don't act alone, unless of course you are strong to be able to resist a huge amount of monsters by yourself"

"And we are done with the drills today, let's go backto the house, our guest already arrived"


"Oh hey Jaimee, how are you"

They went inside and saw a beautiful woman with Green hair, small figure wearing glasses.

"I'm good I'm good"

"So everyone this is Emily Clark an A Ranker, the healer I talked to you about"

"Oh look at this poor things, swollen all over, you overdid it Jaimee"

"AHAHA did I?"

Emily casted [Recovery], all their bruise and scars instantly Dissapeared.

'That feels good...'

"Okay rest up, it's sparring time next"

"Well Emily make yourself at home, I will call you once we have a problem"


"Noah you come first"

"Rule is the same No skill use, you just have to keep up, no punishment I will just hit harder and harder the more you use skill"


Noah immediately created an Ak-47 and sprayed Jaimee.

"Nice energy, that's it"

Jaimee created a shield and enhanced it with (Shield enhancement), But still it could only take about 40 bullets from Noah.

'Woah those are some heavy bullets, good offense let's see the defense'

Jaimee released a fireball and enhanced it.

Noah wa sable to dodge but only the first time, the second ine hit him head on.

'Ooooh Defense is none existent'

'Emily can you come over?'

That is their whole schedule everyday for the next month.


"And still Noah is always the first place again"

"I guess a gift for him only HAHAHA"

"We won't do anything today anymore, this run is our last, because later each of you will fight a level 10 normal monster, of course same rules no skills"

"Let's enjoy our stay here until afternoon shall we?"