1. Prologue

The sun was blazing in the sky. Although it is already September, the weather was still unusually sunny. Despite it being only around 9 o'clock in the morning, it was unbearably hot to citizen of Wanghai.

Looking at the distant road, towards the entrance of Wanghai City's No. 1 High School, a bicycle was slowly driving in.

The rider was a breathtakingly beautiful girl about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was wearing the uniform of Wanghai High School that looked a little rustic. But her long shiny flowing black hair which cascaded from her head down her waist line was making elegant nonetheless. Above all, her cute face with big eyes indubitably made her as adorable as a porcelain doll, if not more.

Under the veneer of her school dress hid an enchanting figure that rivaled top models of the era but never yielded to one. The girl had a bright smile on her face as her lissome lips continue talking to the person sitting on the back seat.

On the back seat of the bicycle, there sat a guy wearing a similar uniform as the girl. If this guy hadn't been wearing a men's uniform and had hair that was only about two or three centimeter longer, people would have checked twice rubbing their eyes to identify his gender.

His face can easily be called as cute and handsome but it didn't make him look bad. His charm didn't pale to the girl in front of him, but his face was a little more cold and a little aloof out of the two.

"Brother, do you think we will have any teacher change this time?" After entering the school gate, the girl slowed down the bicycle very slowly, turned around and asked the boy behind her.

The boy thought for a moment and said, "I don't think so. Haven't all the teachers in High School been with you for three years? What? Are you afraid that your teacher Yu will leave?" The boy laughed as he spoke.

When the girl heard her brother's words, she couldn't help but get angry.

The teacher Yu he was talking about was their class teacher in the first year of high school. She got along very well with the girl.

The girl sometimes didn't even go home after school, but lived with Teacher Yu in the teacher's dormitory. The boy often made fun of them questioning the questionable relation between her sister and the teacher. For this reason, the boy was often beaten to pulp by his sister, because she even abhorred the thought of that kind.

After losing her temper for a while, the girl saw that she was almost at the teaching building, so she said to the boy: "Brother, stand here and wait for me. I will park the bicycle and will come back in a minute. We will go to class together."

The boy nodded, jumped out of the bicycle, and looked up, only to see a few students dressed in a shabby way looking at him with evil intentions, and he couldn't help but turn away.

The boy's name is Ye Fei, and his nickname is Ye Yi, so he has the nickname of "barbarian". In terms of identity and background, he is probably the first prince in Wanghai City.

His father was an underground gangster in Wanghai City during his peak. Although the boss is gone now, the brothers on the same road still remember his kindness and are extremely polite to Ye Fei's family.

His mother runs a large company with assets no less than tens of billions. That is only if we speculate the minimum. The key point is he has two aunts, the first aunt is the mayor of Wanghai City, and the second aunt is the captain of the Wanghai District Special Force.

On the top of that, after his father died, his uncle became the boss of Wanghai City, and his maternal aunts are also a big shot in various field.

Although their relation with his mother is bit sensitive, they still loves their nephew very much.

Ye Fei's background is not a secret to the school. With such an identity, no one would dare to bully him.

However, Ye Fei is different from other princelings. He never asks his family for help, even if he is bullied. No matter how harsh it is, he would still be able to resist on his own, so gradually the less honest students in the school began to cause trouble for him.

"Hey, barbarian, you came early enough today. Why, you haven't seen us for the whole summer vacation. How many of our brothers have you missed?" A guy with purple hair among a few delinquent students said in a sinister tone, and brought someone over to pick up Ye Fei.

Fei Wei, the purple haired guy, stood in the middle and another guy with a shaved head said: "What? Your sister brought you here again? I said you are really useless, you can't even ride a bicycle, and you have to ask your sister to bring you with her?"

"Are you ready with today's and summer vacation protection fee?"

Ye Fei seemed to be used to this kind of thing, and his expression didn't change much.

He silently took out a few hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and handed them to the bald man, and said calmly: "You guys should go quickly. My sister went to put the bicycle in the shade. She will be here soon."


Those guys also saw Ye Fei's sister going to the shade just now. They took the money and didn't dare to say anything more and walked away in a hurry, because Ye Fei's sister Ye Yunqi is not as easy to bully as her brother.

Despite being a beauty among students, has very powerful body due to her being member of school taekwondo club and loves to fight against injustice.

Not a single bully could proclaim of not having been thrashed by her. Anyone who knows this sibling duo will doubt that their mother may have put the wrong gender in the twins when they were born?

Seeing a group of bullies leaving her brother from a distance, Ye Yunqi hurried over and asked:"Brother, they didn't trouble you, did they?"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "How could it be? As long as you are here, they wouldn't dare to pick a fight with me.

"Hmph, good good…if they dare I'll break all their bones." Ye Yunqi snorted proudly: "But when I see these bad students, I want to beat them up."

Ye Fei smiled slightly and said: "I still don't want it. In fact, they are quite pitiful. They have become like this, either because of the misfortune of the family or because of the influence of those bad movies. In fact, their nature is not very bad, once I saw one of them helping a disabled person."

"Moreover, they didn't have much malicious intention when bullying others at school. They just wanted to attract other people's attention and make people take them seriously.

"That's it." Ye Yunqi nodded thoughtfully: "Well, I just won't bully them in the future. By the way, brother, you have been exercising with our aunt during this holidays. I haven't had time to ask you, are you now more strong ?"

"It should be somewhat effective." Speaking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly: "My arm strength has improved a bit, and now I can even albeit barely lift a 30 kilogram barbell. I remember that before I went there, I couldn't lift it."

Thirty kilograms?

She could easily lift it up with one hand, Ye Yunqi said in her heart, but did not say so in her mouth. She knew that even though her brother looked like a good old man, he actually had a very strong self-esteem.

If she said anything, it may hurt his self esteem, then he will feel sad again, so she smiled and said: "Not bad, if you keep practicing like this, I won't be your match."

Ye Fei has been extremely smart since he was a child, so he could tell that his sister didn't mean what she said.

He smiled helplessly and walked towards the teaching building where classes are taken.

Looking at the back of her brother who was tall but frail, Ye Yunqi's heart was filled with sympathy and guilt for him.

Thinking about how she always bullied him in the past, she really wanted to beat herself up a few times.

She has such a change, it was because of a joke made by her mother during the summer vacation.

[Ye Yunqi's POV:]

At that time, I had not seen the brother for some time. Since I had been with him since childhood, I missed his presence a little so an usual urge to beat him arose in me.

I still remember vividly what my mother said that time. My mother said that brother was very weak and the reason for that was me. Because, he lost most of his nutrition when our mother was pregnant with us which was absorbed mostly by me.

[POV End]

It has to be said that the girls mind are sensitive, and she took her mother's words very seriously. She always felt sorry for her brother from that day and vowed to protect him for the rest of her life and prevent him from being wronged at all.

Their classroom was on the fourth floor of the teaching building. These steps, which were nothing in the eyes of ordinary people, became a problem for him.

He actually took a break In the middle before he could climb again. When he went up, Ye Yunqi followed him, but she was even more anxious than him, but she didn't go forward to help him, because she knew that her brother would definitely not like her help, rather he would appreciate her understanding.