23. Unexpected discovery

"No, I'm fine." Ye Fei stared at the towering place, wishing to let her be buried him for a while longer, but this was just a hope, and he was embarrassed to ask it.

"It's okay." Liu Yiru gently hugged Ye Fei again, but did not hold his head in her arms again. She smiled and said, "Then tell mom about your time in the army camp."

Seeing that his wish did not come true, Ye Fei was a little disappointed, but he was still very happy to be able to talk to his mother more, so he talked endlessly about what he saw and heard in the army.

He used to be a child who rarely went out, apart from going to school every day, and diving into the Internet, and his life is very monotonous.

However, these two months in the army have increased his knowledge a lot. It is not an exaggeration to say that this period is a period of transformation for him, so he said everything . Seeing how he was also very interested in talking and gesticulating, made Liu Yiru giggle.

It wasn't until nearly eleven o'clock in the night that Ye Fei finished telling all the interesting things that happened during that time.

Although what he said were all trivial things, Liu Yiru was still very happy to listen because she could see that her son was better than before. He is much more cheerful. How could she, a mother, not feel happy?

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Yiru touched Ye Fei's head lovingly and said with a smile: "Go to bed early. You have to go to school tomorrow and my mother has to go back."

"Mom, can you please stay? I want to sleep with you." Ye Fei could swear that he just wanted to stay with his mother for a while now, and he definitely didn't have any evil thoughts.

Looking at her son's longing eyes, a trace of guilt flashed in Liu Yiru's eyes. However, these were extraordinary times, so she could only harden her heart: "No, mom has some things to deal with when she gets home. Be good, go to bed early, mom promises you, when you go home at the weekend, your mother will hold you to sleep."

"Yeah, okay." Ye Fei could see from her eyes that she seemed to be worried about something, but he didn't say anything. He just comforted: "Mom, don't make yourself work too hard. Money and everything else are external things. Our family is most important and us being happy together."

"I know." Liu Yiru looked at her sensible son and secretly made up her mind to create a peaceful harbor for him no matter what.

After Liu Yiru left, Ye Fei quickly fell asleep. This time, he didn't dream again and slept very sweetly. When he woke up the next day, he felt refreshed all over and his usual feeling of powerlessness was alleviated.

After getting out of bed, Ye Fei took a shower and checked that it was still early. Then he went to the gym on the first floor and picked up the dumbbell that belonged to him to practice arm strength.

Liu Yiru made it specially for him and only he could do it. Yes, Ye Yunqi will never touch this thing because it is too light for her.

Lifting it slowly twice, Ye Fei was a little surprised, because he found that his strength had become a little stronger overnight. Although it was still a bit difficult to lift this small dumbbell, the progress was already very big, compared with what he had done in the army for two months.

Putting down the dumbbells, Ye Fei fell into deep thought. What made him suddenly stronger? Is it because of the extreme exercise in physical education class yesterday?

However, he quickly rejected this idea. When he was in the army, he also forced himself to do such extreme sports several times. However, the next day he did not feel this relaxed at all, but was extremely tired, let alone feel strong.

"Could it be?" Ye Fei muttered to himself and thought of a possibility. He hurriedly sat down and started running his technique given by the old man. Sure enough, he could clearly sense that there was a very weak warm energy flow in his body. There is a flow within the body that has never existed before.

Ye Fei was overjoyed. It seemed that his persistence had finally paid off, but what was a little strange was that it suddenly started to move, forgetting that he didn't feel anything when he practiced yesterday.

He continued practicing until Aunt Zhang asked him to eat. Ye Fei was disappointed to find that he had a sense of Qi in his body, but his own active practice had no effect at all. The air flow just moved slowly according to the route of the exercise, and his own urging to move it doesn't make it speed up even a little bit, let alone make it grow at all.

After leaving the fitness room disappointed, Ye Fei found that Ye Yunqi was already sitting in the living room eating, so he smiled and said: "Qiqi, why didn't you wait for me to eat ?"

"Hmph!" Ye Yunqi gave him a roll of her eyes, snorted and ignored him. This guy was so bad. Not only did he let herself drink his salty stuff, but he also caused her to be scolded by her mother. This is absolutely unforgivable!

Ye Fei also roughly guessed why she was angry, he chuckled, sat down next to her, looked at her with a smile, saw her little mouth that kept opening and closing because of eating, he couldn't help but think of what happened last night, hownit felt so good that he couldn't help but want to tease her.

Picking up a sausage, Ye Fei held it in his mouth, but did not eat it. He just held it for a while, took it out from his mouth, then took a small sip of milk, but did not swallow it. He kept it in his mouth and smiled at Ye Yunqi and said, "Qiqi, does it taste good?"

Ye Yunqi didn't want to pay attention to him, but after hearing his confused question, she couldn't help but look at him, and saw the white milk in his mouth. She immediately understood what he meant, and her face turned red with embarrassment, she raised her foot and kicked his calf hard.

"Ahh!" Ye Fei couldn't help but screamed. His sister had never hit him so hard before, but today he didn't feel much pain. It seemed that she was really angry. Ye Fei didn't dare to tease her anymore, so he had to eat his breakfast in silence. While eating, he was still thinking about his own skills.

After eating, Ye Yunqi took Ye Fei to school by bike as usual, but today she ignored him and didn't say anything regardless of what he said.

Ye Yunqi had already thought about it. Although she was scolded by her mother because of him, he really made her feel comfortable last night. If he was willing to apologize and say something nice, she would forgive him.

But she didn't expect that not only did he not apologize, and made her ashamed of herself was absolutely unforgivable, so she made up her mind and talked nothing to him today.

After teasing Ye Yunqi for a while, he didn't see her answering him. Ye Fei also felt a little bored and had to become silent. His mind turned to his sudden change today. What happened to stimulate that unlucky skill?

Until he arrived at school, Ye Fei didn't think of a reason, so he had to put it down temporarily, because there was a test waiting for him in front of him, and he had to climb upto the fourth floor. He had offended Ye Yunqi, and he didn't know if she would wait for him .