39. Dual Cultivation

"Dual cultivation?" Ye Ningshuang opened her mouth in surprise.

Although she had never practiced any martial arts, she had watched TV, movies, novels, etc., and she also knew that the Liu family had an ancestral internal energy method, so she still believed in this somewhat vague word.

She also knew that this kind of martial arts required doing that kind of thing to improve the ability. She couldn't help but feel secretly happy. After what happened yesterday, she felt that she could no longer live without Ye Fei.

Although it might not be good to tell this to others, since they had already had their first time, she didn't care more. What's more, the feeling was really good. As long as they were careful not to tell this to others, they could still maintain this kind of relationship in the future.

Originally, Ye Ningshuang felt guilty towards Ye Fei, after all, he was only an eighteen teen-year-old boy. But after knowing that he had a dual cultivation technique, she found a good excuse for herself, that is, she wanted to help her nephew practice martial arts well.

In this way, she felt at ease about this unethical relationship. Thinking of this, she said shyly, "Then, can I help you practice the martial art technique in the future?"

Ye Fei also naturally wanted it very much, and he nodded in agreement and said, "I also want to become more powerful as soon as possible, so that it will be easier to overcome the crisis in the family."

"Family crisis?" Ye Ningshuang asked in confusion, "What are you talking about? How come I don't know what crisis is?"

Ye Fei repeated his speculation to her again, just to borrow her experience.

Ye Ningshuang pondered for a moment and said, "Your speculation is very reasonable. It seems that someone really wants to target the Liu family. After this busy period, I will have to have a good talk with your mother. How come she didn't tell me about such a big thing?"

The tone of her voice was like an older sister blaming a disobedient younger sister.

Ye Fei's get startled by her tone. Aren't the aunts at odds with my mother? Why does Ye Ningshuang seem to care about the Liu family?

Now that he has the closest relationship with Ye Ningshuang, Ye Fei can ask directly: "Aunt, don't you have conflicts with my mother? Then why are you so concerned about the Liu family?"

Ye Ningshuang sighed and said, "My sisters and I only have personal grudges with your mother. The cooperation between the Liu and Ye families is still very close. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are interdependent. How can I not care about the affairs of the Liu family?"

"Then what kind of conflict do you have with my mother and the others? Why haven't you had any contact with each other for so many years?" The purpose of Ye Fei's visit this time was to resolve the conflict between them. Now that things have come to this, he hurriedly seized the opportunity to ask.

Ye Ningshuang sighed again and said helplessly: "Forget it, it's all old memories, I don't want to mention it anymore."

"Since it's all in the past, why don't you just let it go and shake hands and make peace? You don't know that your disagreement over the years has made Qiqi, my elder sister, my second sister, and my third sister feel very uncomfortable."

Ye Ningshuang said, "We also want to make peace with them. Your mother has approached us several times in the past few years, but your second aunt Ningxue just can't get over it. Your third aunt (Liu Fengyi)and I have also advised her many times, but it didn't work at all."

"Second aunt?" Ye Fei was stunned. He didn't expect that the root of the conflict between the aunts and his mother was his first and second aunt, Ye Ningxue.

He just didn't know what happened, so he asked, "How could my aunt Ningxue have a conflict with my mother?"

Ye Ningshuang did not answer him this time, but said: "This matter concerns your second aunt's reputation. We have already agreed not to tell anyone."

After she said that, Ye Fei became even more curious. He hugged Ye Ningshuang waist and said softly, "Good Shuang'er, just tell me. I'll see if there is any way to resolve it. You also hope that we can all live in harmony, right?"

Ye Ningshuang couldn't help but feel intoxicated when she heard Ye Fei call her Shuang'er. Ever since she pretended that her parents were dead, no one had called her by that name. Now that this little guy called her by that name, she actually felt loved. This feeling was different from the love from her parents, but it made her even more intoxicated.

She nodded and said, "Okay, but don't tell anyone, and don't mention it in front of your second aunt."

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded vigorously. The most urgent task now was to clarify what happened in the past. As for how to resolve it, that would be a matter for the future.

Ye Ningshuang calmed down and said, "That was when we were still very young. At that time, your second aunt Ningxue and your eldest aunt Fengyi studied in the same university. They had a very good relationship. In fact, the cooperation between our Liu and Ye families was made closer because of them. But then something happened that made them enemies. To be more precise, it was your Ningxue who hated your aunt Fengyi."

"What's the matter?" Ye Fei asked when he saw Ye Ningshuang stopped talking here.

Ye Ningshuang sighed and continued, "At that time, your aunt's Ningxue and Fengyi were both outstanding girls. They were known as the two campus beauties in school and had many suitors. However, they were both very proud people and didn't like any of those men until later, when a very outstanding man broke into their lives.

At that time, they were the president and vice president of the school student union respectively, and that boy was a member under them, and also assisted your second aunt in her work.

Gradually, your second aunt developed feelings for that boy, but after she boldly confessed her feelings, that boy said that he liked your eldest aunt Fengyi .

Your second aunt Ningxue was very disappointed at the time, but their relationship was the closest at the time, so your aunt Ningxue had to let go of this relationship and help that boy pursue your eldest aunt." Having said this, Ye Ningshuang stopped again.

Ye Fei felt a little helpless. Emotional matters were really the hardest to explain. However, this wouldn't cause a rift between the second aunt Ningxue and the eldest aunt Liu Fengyi, so he asked, "What happened next? Did that boy get together with my eldest aunt?"

Ye Ningshuang sighed, "If they were together, your second aunt wouldn't hate your aunt Fengyi so much. Later, with the help of your second aunt, the boy confessed his love to your aunt Fengyi, but your aunt rejected him outright.

At that time, your second aunt Ningxue thought that your aunt rejected the boy because of her, so she kept trying to persuade your aunt Fengyi. Later, she found out that your first aunt Fengyi really didn't like the boy. This made your second aunt determined to pursue the boy again, but here we got a piece of news that the boy actually committed suicide because of Fengyi rejection."


Guys so far no golden ticket!!

I know there was info dump in this chap.....but it was necessary for world and characters development. And there is still not a single golden ticket for the novel. Guys we need to make this novel big so share it and support it!